Is he ok?

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Less then ten minutes have passed and Harry is still with his eyes closed. I keep staring at him. His head falls back easily, his whole body was loose. I wasn't sure how to tell Zayn, Louis and the girls.... Including Liam. I don't want them to freak out. So I decided to go down stairs and tell them myself. Carefully I lay down Harry's head on the bed and I watch his loose arms fall. His head turned to the left. Once more I checked his pulse to see if he was still alive. For a second I didn't feel it and I felt terrible but then I felt it. I sighed and looked at him once more then, I made my way down stairs.
Liam and Monique were sitting together and Alize was sitting with Louis and Zayn.
Monique saw me and she could tell something was wrong by the look on my face. She stopped eating her slice of pizza and Liam looked at me. I guess I looked scared because Monique started looking scared too.
"What's wrong?" She asked so softly. Alize, Louis and Zayn stopped talking and looked at me. I was breathing hard and forced some words "um, Harry isn't feeling I called the ambulance to take him"
"What?!" Alize stood up.
"Oh my what's wrong with him?" Monique asked covering her mouth because she was eating. "He has a fever I think but he's sleeping right now" I didn't want them to know how he was actually acting. "What hospital did you call?" Liam asked.
"I'm going to go back upstairs, you guys stay down here and wait for the ambulance to come" I walked back upstairs trying not to show that I was in a hurry.
I heard them talking about it and once I got to the top of the stairs I ran to Harry's room and quickly but quietly I closed the door and locked it. I looked up at the ceiling blocking the door, catching my breath. Then I looked at the bed and Harry wasn't there.
I gasped and walked over to his bed. The first thing I thought was that he's alive.
Once I walked closer to to his bed I saw his hair and his fingers on the ground. He fell off of the bed and stayed there. Quickly I sit him up and his eyes were slowly opening but they never did. I knew he was awake because he was starting to breath heavier. His lips parted and he was moving them like if he was trying to speak. They didn't move a lot because he was weak. "Harry, are you ok?"
Slowly he moved his head side to side saying no. "You can hear me...the ambulance is on it's way, it should be here any second now, are you hurt?" Again he slowly moved his head side to side. I looked up at the door because I thought I heard them say the ambulance was here. Harry nodded his head yes but I looked away and by the time I turned back to look at him I didn't realize what he said. His lips were turning purple.

"NIALL! THE AMBULANCE IS HERE!!" Monique yelled.
Harry's eyes closed again and his lips were parted.
"Ok Harry, your going to get help, bare with me" he was heavy so I decided to call Liam to help me pick him up. Of course Alize and Monique came up stairs too.
"You got his head?" I asked Liam
"Yea, just hold his legs really tight"
"Oh no! Is he really that's sick?" Alize was worried
"Oh my god Harry" Monique said as she moved aside to let Liam and I pass by and walk down stairs. Zayn said "holy......." As he saw us carrying Harry.
"Damn, what's wrong?" Louis asked.
"He's not feeling well at all" I said to louis.

Monique let the ambulance people come in. They brought in the stretcher and helped us lay Harry on it. They strapped him in.
"Can I go with him?" Alize asked
"No, I'll go with whoever is going" I told her
"Why can't I go?" She asked
"Because I was there with him when he felt sick....what are you going to tell the doctors? that you love him?" I was a bit rude but she didn't look like she was taking this seriously.
She didn't say a word. Monique walked over to Liam and asked if he was going to the hospital. He said yes and they were going to go together. They all looked from the front of the house Harry being placed in the ambulance. I looked at them and jumped on.
The doors closed and we started on our way.

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