Liam said

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Once I felt free, I ran out of the room and I heard Monique run after me. My eyes were on the door and I didn't look anywhere else.
"security!" I heard someone yell so I told Monique "C'mon! SAVE ME!" suddenly we hear a lot of people running and shouting, I also hear Niall's voice.....So I turned around and saw him running faster than the doctors. I looked forward again and ran as fast as I could, but I felt like I had a trap ahead.
"Get him!" said a doctor to a guy who was in front of me. He tried to knock me down but I guess I was running hella fast.
My life was on the line, that's why I'm running.
Finally, I see the door. BUT, I was right....There was a trap. A line of people came out of nowhere and stood in front of the door.
"MOVE!!" I looked to my right and it was Niall that had said move. He was on my side, and I thought he betrayed me.
"We will get through them, don't worry" he ran faster and Monique caught up to me.
Suddenly I saw some security guards coming from both my left and right side.
I cursed under my breath, and I think Monique saw them too.
"We will make it" she said not losing her focus.

"I don't feel so good" I told her, as we got super close to the line of people, all I see was black. I stopped running and felt myself fall on the floor. Then I hear footsteps running to me, I assume it was Monique.
"Harry!" She shook me but I closed my eyes. Her hands were so soft compared to the big hands of the doctors. I also felt those rough hands touch me and Monique was saying "He doesn't belong here! This is he reason why he is sick! Don't touch him" a smile slipped out but I got serious again. I fell right in front the peoples feet, I have a plan. "He's sweating! Give him some air!" Monique shouted, it's like she knows I have a plan. I heard the people move aside, and I can imagine it in my head. Suddenly I was right, the doors of the hospital opened and I felt the breeze of air. Monique held my hand and I squeezed it, then I felt her stare.
"We need to take him in now!" That was my stupid doctor.
"Let's stand him up, I'll get his arms" Monique said. I hear all the people talk about me.
My body was loose because I did that on purpose. Once I stood up I opened my eyes a bit like if I was going to wake up again, I felt so evil to trick them. I saw the front desk, so the doors are behind me. This is my chance to run.
"No, I'll handle him, someone go get a stretcher!" Monique said. Then I felt her tell me "It's ok Harry, you are going to get help...." She paused a bit "Niall has the car ready, we just run and jump in" she whispered as low as she could.
My head was very loose, but my heart pounded.....will I make it?
"On three..........1" my heart pounded after every number "2...........3"
My eyes shot open and I saw the doctors running with the stretcher. I quickly turn around and run out of the door. The people screamed and shout, and I ran for my life.
I felt the line of people running after me, it's a good thing that Niall left the door open. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, that black ranger rover was my escape.
Sirens, shouting, and gun shots is all I hear, I really that dangerous? I don't even know what I am capable I understand them. Finally, I jumped through the car and told Niall "Floor it!" Tears fell like a waterfall, I didn't want my escape to fail. Monique then got in and closed the door. I closed my eyes with my hands and cried. I wasn't ashamed that Monique and Niall could hear me, this was something to cry for...and they understood me. The engine roars loudly and we take off. I fill my mind with thoughts, and before I know it...I hear Niall say "Harry're free"
I slowly look up my vision is blurry so I squint my eyes. "Thank you guys" my voice was still sounding as if I was crying....which I was.
I'm in the back seat with Monique on my left.
"We are always here for you" Monique smiled at me and I smiled back.

Niall turned on the radio for some music, but what a coincidence.....I was on the radio.

"The runaway hospital patient is now in the worlds hands, We tried our best to capture him but he faked his sickness...beware because there is a dangerous guy on the loose"

Niall bursted out laughing and I just looked at him.
"why is that so funny?" Monique asked him

"Because I recorded that, you didn't know?!" he kept laughing, and I was serious with no emotion.
"Oh my god Niall, you're so stupid"
"Look my phone is connected to the Aux cord" he showed us and I said "you're stupid Nialler, where are you taking me?"

"I don't know....want to go home?"
"I'm scared to go home........Alize is there"
"we can leave......ill buy a ticket home"
"NO!" Niall shouted.......the car was quiet "we'll do something about it, Wanna stay at my house?" he asked and I quickly agreed.
"Ok, I'll take you there, I can stay if you want'' He turned to right and was heading to our house.
"please" I sounded desperate.
"Ok, but let me drop Monique off" I saw him look in the mirror and he winked at Monique, he likes her. By the corner of my eye I can tell that Monique was blushing, but I thought that her and Liam were going to be together.


We finally dropped her off and she gave me a huge hug before she left. I took a small glance at the house, I got the chills. I didn't want to go into the drivers seat, I felt exposed that way. I told Niall I don't want to talk until we get home.
All my thoughts were going crazy. I felt like I was getting out of control. Out of no where I'd get panic attacks...but I wouldn't tell Niall. I know those are dangerous, but I stayed quiet.
I'm being haunted. Sarah is haunting me. I feel like she knows I left. Did she even know I was a patient? I wouldn't be surprised if she knew. She's crazy. She's so obsessed with me. There was many reasons why I had to dump her.

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