Hoping for a cure

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"Harry!" I shouted
I then saw the 'need help' button. I was about to push it but then I heard "no"
I stopped and look at Harry, his eyes were a bit open. The beeping was slowing down. "Were you having a nightmare?" I asked him but then I just realized he was awake. Shoot! I need help but I don't want the doctors here right now. My heart started beating fast, I knew I was able to control him but I didn't want him to get hurt.
He opened his mouth to speak "please tell me I'm safe" he spoke so quietly and weak.
My heart hurt, I don't wanna see my band mate like this....he's more like my brother.
I choose the right words to speak "you're safe" I felt like that's the only thing he wanted me to say, I didn't want to add more or else he wouldn't focus really on what I said.
"Niall" he spoke so soft as I leaned in closer to him "I'm scared". I saw a tear fall on his right cheek. My eyes started getting watery "I know, I am too"
"I want you with me wherever I go, please?" He asked me. I thought about what he said. I understand why he would want to be with me, I love him like a brother and he loves the same back. Him and I were there when Sarah threatened him, he trusts me with his secrets and he tells me everything. Him and I are closer, we have a different bond with each other than we do with the other boys. Right now, he needs me and he feels like I can protect him. I took a deep breath, laid my hand on his forearm, and looked at him...he was looking straight forward "I will, I'll be there with you, don't worry"
I could hear his heat beat increase because of the machine, so I asked him "how are you feeling?"
Looking at the wall ego his eyes barely open, he responded in his weak raspy voice "I'm a bit ok.......right now......but I.......I'm scared"
"Harry, you have us. You have the fans, you have the girls, Zayn, Louis, and Liam. I'll be here with you, to support you"
"I don't want to get them into this" he said sounding a bit more awake
"Who?" I was confused
"The fans, and the girls" he exhaled
I didn't say anything because I understand what he wants, I just didn't know what to tell him.
"Well, what are we going to tell them? If we keep them away they will know something is wrong"
He took about one minute to respond softly "I'm sleepy" his eyes closed slowly. I didn't know how to react, was he dying? Was he falling asleep? Did he faint? Should I scream at him?. There he was again, asleep. This time his heart beat slowed down. Before he woke up I noticed that his heart beat increased rapidly.
"Harry" I shook him gently but he just wiggled. "So you are asleep" I said as I took a seat next to the bed. "Harry, I just wish she never told you that......." Sarah threatened Harry that she will keep him hostage if he ever falls in love again, not only did she threatened him, she said 'all your band mates'. Harry doesn't want that for us, he knows she has the power to do it. "Fight Harry, you just gotta fight through it, you know we can get an army and attack her and what not" I smiled a bit because of the idea, it was cool. I looked at him but he was asleep, his mouth open a little and his head was looking straight up at the ceiling. I sighed. "Harry" I said louder,testing him if he would wake up. No response. Great.


1 hour has passed. I didn't leave the room with him. The boys and the girls didn't even come to visit. I didn't even bother to go check if they were still there, Harry needs me...even if he doesn't know I'm here. I get startled as I hear the door click open. Quickly I turn to look, it's the doctor. Her name was Griss, I read her name tag.
The door shuts and I looked at Harry, I was expecting him to wake up by the sound of the door, he didn't. She stared at me, I knew something was wrong. I stood up and walked close to her.
I inhaled before I spoke "what's the problem doctor?" I asked eagerly.
She looked at her clipboard, turned some pages, then gave me her attention.
"I'm sorry" she started off
"No, please don't say that" I felt like crying, my heart broke. I was stressed to know what the problem was, I know it's bad. I felt my cheeks getting hot, I looked at my hands....they were red.
Griss continued "we found something, and it isn't what you want to hear" she gestured me to take a seat, I followed her orders. She pulled the chair close to the window and sat in front of me. I sighed and I started shaking. She noticed and gave me a tip.
"I know how you feel, just loosen your body and breath. Relax your muscles, clear your mind and prepare yourself for what's to come"
I did what she said, I closed my eyes and loosened my body, I breathed.
I nodded yes and opened my eyes.
She started and my stomach dropped "the results are in, we found out that this is rare, it's so rare that we don't have a name to call what the disease is"
I cut her off "he has a disease?!" I got angry but realized I didn't have to get angry
"He has this condition where, when he gets scared....a chemical from his brain shoots into his body. That chemical could have been cause by server trauma. Studies show that we can all get that, but since it's so rare...only 4 people, counting him, have that problem. The people who have that problem have the chemical stronger than us, we don't have that, but it can be triggered. The symptoms of the disease are..." She lifted up her paper as I watched in shock, she read the list "feeling woozy, extreme stress, nervousness, sweating...even in cold temperatures, vomiting, red eyes, breathing rapidly, out of breath, shaking of the body, gets paranoid easily, extreme aggression, strong headaches, breathing stops for a second, fainting, falling into a deep sleep, hard to wake up, easily startled"
"Damn" I cut her off again
"Weak, has difficultly sleeping...once it gets worse...they pass out. There could be more" she handed me the list "if you see any new symptoms, call us immediately...it could be fatal"
I looked up from the list and stared at her "damn, I can't believe this, is there more information? A cure? How long is he going to be like this?"
She sighed "here is more bad news"
"Oh lord"
"He's in critical condition, right now...the chemical in his brain is strong.....it's so strong that his body gets weak, he can easily pass out at anytime if he rests for a while. What's wrong about that is, he can wake up being aggressive...it can escalate quickly after each nap or sleep he takes. We don't know how long it will take for him to calm down, and there is a possibility that he will be like this for a long time, we haven't found the right medicine since there are only 4 people who have that same disease. Another problem is....when he sleeps, or passes out....there is a strong chance he won't wake up"
My jaw dropped, I turned to look at Harry. I'm scared for him. The sound of his heart beat makes me happy, but knowing it could stop, worries me.
I turned to look at her, sitting on the edge of my chair with my legs apart. "What about the cure?" I could tell by the research and information that there isn't a cure.
"I apologize, we haven't found any"
"So what can I do to help?"
"Pay attention to his actions, his thoughts and feelings, those are very important, make him feel safe and avoid that bad chemical to shoot into his body if he's scared"
"How can I avoid that?"
"Try to avoid the simple things that can scare him, I recommend that you stay with him when he wakes up because he will be very aggressive each time"
"If he wakes up" I added
"......yes, at night check on him if you can, check his breathing"
I was confused "so, he's coming home to us?"
"Yes, he'll stay here for two days...then he'll be able to go home"
"This is serious! Why aren't you guys taking this seriously?! He could die!!" I yelled but regretted it.
"I understand, the bill is already expensive, I don't know if you will be able to pay it all"
I had a blank face. Seriously. "Do you know who I am?" I asked
"Oh I'm sorry, what's your name?"
"Niall, horan"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Griss"
"Yea, I know who you are" 
"I'm Niall from one direction. I'm famous"
The expression on her face looked like she faked being surprised "oh really?! That's interesting, so you can pay"
"Yea I can, I'll take care of him"
"That will be great, we will check on him frequently, he may not want to eat but that's ok" she got up and I didn't too. I wanted to thank her for letting me know, but all she gave me was bad news...so I didn't say anything.
Suddenly we heard some metal cling. We both looked at Harry, he was awake. He ripped off the needle from his arm, it was dangling from the bed. He was bleeding.
I looked at him and he looked at me, his eyes were red, his breathing was out of control, his nose flared. Shoot.

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