Not him, please

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Harry's POV:

I can feel myself waking up. I hear the beeping of the machine, I assume it's my heart beat. I groan. Ughhhh my freaking head. Damn, did I bang myself on the wall or what? I don't want to open my eyes right now. Niall even here? I start to breath heavily, I also hear the beeping increase. Shoot. I put my hand on my forehead and groan in pain. I need to sit up, I do so. I slowly open my eyes and close them quickly, it's too bright, my eyes haven't adjusted yet. The stupid cord thingy in my arm is freaking disturbing, I want to pull it out. I don't know what the hell freaking happened to me but I suddenly got up, opened my eyes and started breathing hard.

"HELP!" I yelled. Then Niall caught my eye, he was passed out on the recliner. He didn't wake up.
I looked at the clock, it was 7:40pm. I was sitting up on the bed. I look at my arm, they are both injected. With my shaky hands I carefully take the tape off, then both needles.
"Arghh!" Damn it hurts. It never did when I ripped it off, maybe I'm bruised inside. The machine started making a long beep, like the one when someone just goes and doesn't stop. Shoot. I can't turn it off. I push some buttons but nothing happened, whatever.
My feet touch the ground and I stand up. I take 2 steps and almost fall. I felt woozy.
Am I drunk? Or drugged? I don't know, I just tried to balanced myself as I walked over to Niall. Holding on to the edge of the bed and other stuff, I stop when I'm next to Niall.
"Niall, Niall" I shake him gently, leaning against the wall to stay standing.
He didn't move, what the hell.
"Niall!" I say louder.
Damn, what do I do? I'm kinda hungry....I should go get some food. I walked in my hospital gown to the door. My heart beat increased rapidly when I opened the door, and even more when I closed it. There I was, all woozy and drugged. Where is the cafeteria anyway? I look around the hallway to see the directions. My vision blurs for a bit.
I spot the elevator, I need to avoid floor 2. Ok Harry, I say to myself, you can do I can't, I'm scared as hell. I push the button for the elevator....I quickly look both ways, no least I thought there was no one.
"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" I mumble to myself, like if that's gonna make the elevator come faster.
I stare at the glowing numbers, it went from 5 to 4 and now 3. Ding! went the door, where's the toast? I laughed at my joke. Good, no one is in the elevator except for me.
I press the number 1. I watch the door close. Suddenly, I feel extreme anger. Then I get mad for being mad because I don't know why I'm mad. I feel the rush of blood throughout my whole body, and it hurt when it reached my arms. It's hot, I'm sweating. My head still hurts, damn it. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I even at the hospital. I wanna punch people right now.

The elevator stopped at the 2nd floor.
My heart dropped, "no no no!!" I back away from the door and go into the corner, my hands grip the railing, when I grip, I got pain where they injected me. I'm scared as hell, god Niall, I should have tried harder to wake you up. "I said floor 1" I whined with a baby face. The door started to open, I closed my eyes and turned my head to the right.
I show weakness, at this point it's hard for me to stay strong.
The door fully opened, I heard talking and footsteps. It's a girl voice, I can tell she's far from the elector but is close.
"Ya! I'll talk to you later on, I'm going to grab some food" it was a guy, the one in the elevator.
"Ok, I'll be waiting" the girl said, my eyes shot open quickly. Sarah.
I turn my head to look at the guy, the door was closing. He waved at the girl, who was Sarah. I watched the door close, I was hella scared. The last thing I saw before the door closed was..........Sarah. She was walking away, phew! She didn't see me but still, I'm scared.

The elevator continued to go down, the guy looked at me "hey, are you ok?"
"Why?" I ask with no emotion or face expressions
"You look pale, is your doctor with you?" He's a hospital patient too.
My breathing got bad, I sounded like a dog.
"Dude, are you ok?" He walked close to me and I flinched
"Stop, don't hurt me" I said scared to death
He put both hands in the air "alright, but you need help man, your arms are bleeding"
I look down at my arms, shoot.
"I wish the best for you" I say as I let go of the railing and make my way out the elevator, he follows me. I hear him repeat what I said "wish the best for you" I got scared a bit, I thought he was saying it to me, but no. "Where are the signs?" I whisper to myself as I observe the walls. Footsteps ring in my hear, it's coming closer. "Hey" I hear from behind me, it's Sarah's guy.
I don't turn around but he catches up to me. "What's your name?" Sounds like he wants to be friends, I humph, like that's gonna freaking happen. 
"Ben" I laugh at the name I just said, ha Ben.
"I'm Steven, nice to meet you" he puts his hand out to shake, I can see it from the bottom of my eyes as I stare straight ahead. Instead, I turn to my left, so I don't see him, I also don't want him to study my face...just in case I come up to be talked about to Sarah.
"Alright" he says and moves his hand away.
"What do you want?" I ask kinda angry, damn this guy....leave me alone.
"Whoa, I'm just here to join you"
I stop and so does he "who sent you!?" I ask looking like I want to fight, putting my chest in the air. Then I think twice about what I said, damn...if he talks to Sarah he's gonna be like 'oh this guy asked me who sent me to him' then she's gonna ask questions.
He backs away a bit looking scared, but in reality...I was scared, more than him.
"No one bro, chill"
"Don't tell me to chill!" I yell with anger as I walk closer to him and he backs away "you want me to chill?! I am freaking chill mate! God!" I'm angry and we are both scared. I'm not brave, I must admit's even hard to act like I am. I let my anger take over, that's how I'm "brave".
He has no words, I leave. Thank god, I lost him. Now...where is that cafeteria?
I walk around the corner and suddenly I feel chills down my spine. It feels weird.
My vision blurs again, maybe I need food in my system. No, it's getting worse, now I'm Woozy. I lean against the wall for a bit, the hallway is empty. My headache gets worse, a tear falls down my cheek, the pain is too much. I close my eyes and fall to the ground, I was the same like at the house, when Niall was with me. I'm laying down on the ground, eyes closed, loose body, I'm awake but my eyes won't budge. I feel my breathing slow down. Damn, am I going to die? It feels stronger than last time. My body gave up on me, I'm weak as hell.
"Help!" I thought I was screaming at the top of my lungs but, I was whispering.
I can't even talk! Dammit!
I laid there for less than a minute, it felt like half an hour.

"Are you ok?!" I hear Steven talking, great.
Of course I don't say anything, but I want help....this shiz is scary.
He sits me up with his filthy hands, and screams for help once he realized that my body was loose. Damn boi, you be screaming in my ear. I can hear people talking quickly and walking fast, I assume it's a doctor or two, I get scared. Suddenly my mind starts not working right, it doesn't feel normal. The last thing I heard was "you're not alone, you're gonna be..." As they picked me up, it echoed in my head before I fainted...'you're not alone'....Sarah's with me, even if I'm miles away, she's with me.

Niall's POV:

I groan as my back aches, still sitting on the chair. I fell asleep. I'm now conscious, I'm awake. My heart stops, my eyes shot open. The long beep of the machine rang in my ears.
"Harry?!" I get up but my head spins so I calm down.
My breathing is hard, my heart breaks, my body shakes, I cry. I want to fall to the ground and cry. I shakily walk to the end of the bed, stare at the messy blankets, the straight line on the screen _______________
"No" I whisper holing on to the bed railing. I need to look for him.
Quickly I dash out of the room and run, looking at each corner.
"Harry! HARRY!" I have a feeling, they already put him in the black bag and taken him to the from of dead bodies. They killed him. THEY KILLED HIM.
My cheek flushed with red, I wanted to drop dead too, the pain is too much.
My eyes catches the elevator, thee people are walking in.
"Wait!" I yell and an older lady turns around "hold the door for me!!" I run with tears.
"Thank you" I say as I get in. I feel the stare of all the people in there. They would take Harry to the first floor, I need to look for a receptionist. I shake both hands like if they are wet and I want them to get dry, that's not gonna make time go quick.
"Are you ok?" And old lady asks me
I look at her with sad, hurt eyes. I force my voice to speak, it's shaky "My brother might be dead, or he is" I answer
"Aw, I'm sorry for your loss, if not then I hope he gets better" she smiled at me and it was cute, a cute old lady smile.
"Thanks" I say

Finally, what seemed like years....the elevator stopped on the first floor. I dash out of it once it opened and apologized to the people for running into them.
I found the receptionist, I ran and I slammed both hands on the counter, she jumped a little "I need information of Harry Styles, he was on the third floor...I think he's dead"
She gave me a blank stare and said "is he a patient?" She asked typing on her computer
"Of course he is god dammit!!" She's getting on my nerves.
Her eyes google around the computer screen
"Um, he should be on the third room -"
"I'M NOT ASKING FOR HIS ROOM!! WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND OF I THINK HES DEAD!!!" I get peoples attention, I can feel that my face is red.
I lower my voice and control my breathing, "Harry styles, is a patient his room, he was gone....and the beeping on the machine said he's dead.....I need to know where he is" my voice cracked
"I just heard they took a curly headed guy, over to the lab....if that's him....go down this hallway, turn left two times then go straight, then turn right at the senior hang'll see a sign" she pointed the directions out
"Thank you" I gasp as I quickly run to the hallway on my right.
"Harry Harry Harry!" I swerve like a car as my speed increases.
"Lab lab lab!" I say to myself searching for the sign.
"Ow!" I accidentally stepped on a patients foot
"Sorry!" I yelled but didn't have time to look at her face.

I see it, the sing that says lab. I hear the door slam as I open it. There he is, on the stretcher, not in a bag, but the needles are back in his arms.
"Harry!" I run to him and rest my hands on the railing.
The oxygen mask is on his face, he's alive. I slip a smile but not really.
The beeping is, his heart beat.
I gently shake him "Harry! Are you ok? It's me Niall....don't worry, I'm here by your side, I promise"

"Hey! You need to get put of here" the doctor walks in, he's tall.
"No, I can' need to understand that I need to be here"
He walked next to me and I stared at him "I'm sorry, no visitors in this place" he gestured me to leave. Dammit, I don't have to listen to people...why? Just to respect them? Call me....Niall the bad boy. (Niall the church boy more like)
"No, I'm not going to leave, I have the right to be here, if he was awake...he'd tell you...he wants me here. I ain't moving" I cross my arms

"Ok" he says "take a seat, make yourself at home" he sounded sarcastic but he wasn't
"Thank you"
I sat down, he left and I stared at Harry, "you shouldn't be like this" I tell him.

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