She was here

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Harry's P.O.V

I was on my phone. I didn't want to do anything else. For a second I thought I heard someone knock on the door. I looked through my feed and then I heard it again. I turned around and looked at the door. Niall wouldn't knock if it was his house.  I don't think the boys would come and visit. Suddenly, I forgot where Niall went.
Oh no. I'm starting to panic. Why did he leave me? I just realized I'm alone. While I was concentrating on my thoughts, the door knocked again, but this time they tried to open the door. I got scared. I didn't want to check who it was. So I ran upstairs trying to be as quiet as I can. At that moment I wasn't thinking right. I didn't call the police or alert Niall. I was just thinking why would Niall leave me. Where did he go?
I went into a room, I think it was a guest room or something. I headed for the closet and hid beyond the clothes. I cried a little, it was scary. Just as soon as I controlled my breathing, I heard the front door either open or close. Either way, someone was in the house. I closed my eyes. I could feel my heart rise up to my throat. I focused on how quiet it was. I didn't hear a sound. Then suddenly, the door shuts. The door to the room I'm in. I didn't close it. Is someone in or out? My heart jumped and so did I. I closed my eyes tighter hoping that everything will be ok. Just then, I heard footsteps, in the room. I wanted to cry. I was so scared. Yes, I'm a wimp ok. No, I can't protect myself. At this moment I'm weak, because I know who it is.

It's Sarah.

She finally came after me. And I'm not saying finally the good way. How do I know this? Because, I can feel it. A long time ago she said "I will do whatever it takes, and nothing can stop me from getting you." I still remember the look in her eyes. The reason why I broke up with her was because one day she took it too far. We were out in town just walking around. At that time, she was already super annoying. I've been dealing with it for weeks. That day she pushed my limits. As we walked, I looked at this fan that was waving and shouting my name from across the street. I waved and smiled. I told her
"Let's go say hi for a little bit." I gestured her to come with me. She said "I'd rather die Harry."
I got so confused "why?" I asked.
"Because I'm so damn annoyed of your dirty little fans, they always stop us."
That hurt me, she can't say that about my fans. "You said what?"
"You heard me, they are nothing but attention seekers. They just want to get with you, they don't actually love you." She gave me an attitude. I looked at the pretty girl across the street that was still waving. I mouthed "hold on." and she nodded.
I pulled Sarah aside and said "Look, I'm gonna tell you the truth. You are so freaking annoying. I've been waiting for you to shut your little mouth up about my fans! All this past month you have been calling them names, insulting them, and wishing them dead! I'm the one that wishes that you disappeared. I know you are capable of many things, but I will do anything to defend my girls. So either you shut up and change your damn attitude or leave right know and we are done!"

She tried to act all hurt and stuff "Harry I.......I'm sorry. Please." She touched my right arm and I felt nothing.
"Sorry? Don't think sorry is going to fix my heart because you insulted someone I love!"

"Oh, so you've been seeing her? You cheated on me?"
"No, but I know for damn sure she isn't stuck up as you are. Wanna call my girls names? Then come after me first."

"Ok, it's fine. But Harry styles, I'm gonna ruin your life."
"You already have just by being here."
"Well then, I'll be moving on.....oh and one more thing. If you ever fall in love with anyone other than me, I'll hold you hostage and you will work for me forever. And don't think that I'll never find out, I'm watching you Harry 24/7."
"We're done." I walked away from her and knew, what she had said was true. I knew what she was capable of and I knew that she works for a company that kidnaps people and make them crazy. She told me once because she trusted me. I almost died that same day, I got poison in my food. Because, right after I broke up with her...I walked over to the fan. Her name was missy by the way. I took her out to eat because she waited for weeks to find me around town. We talked and I made her laugh many times which was awesome. I took her to Sarah's parents restaurant, so Sarah can see that I took my beloved fan out to eat. We ordered our food and I totally forgot about the argument that we had. I thought Sarah was just going to ignore me and move on. But I was wrong. After, I went home. I was already feeling woozy on the way there. Niall came to pick me up because I couldn't make it walking. I threw up in his car a lot of times. Then he took me to the ER because I looked sick. Then, the doctors told me I've been poisoned. They called like the poison control. I honestly felt like I was dying. I couldn't breath correctly. Once I got better, I started to think more clearly. I figured out that it was Sarah who poisoned me. I felt it in my gut. I wanted to sue them, but I need proof I was sick. So I went to the ER and asked for the papers from my visit. They said that I never came. I yelled at them and ordered for the doctor that attended me to come out so I can speak with him. When he came out he told me straight in the eye "I don't remember you being here, maybe you've mistaken me for an other doctor." I got fed up with everything and went home. Then Sarah sent me a kik message at 2 o'clock in the morning. It woke me up. I opened it and it was the bomb message that explodes in a few seconds. I clicked it and it said "are you alive?" Then it exploded. Right then and there she sent another one witch said "don't dare to tell on me". The next one said "I payed for them to stay quiet."
I shut my phone off and sat up on my bed. I could hear my name being called. Was I going crazy? I had enough guts back then and I walked to my window. I saw Sarah and missy. My heart dropped. Sarah had missy tied up with duct tape on her mouth. And she had a knife against her neck. I opened the window and shouted "let her go! She didn't do nothing to you."
"Keep up the good work styles." She whistled and three guys out of no where came and took missy. They were approaching a white van. Missy struggled to get out of those men's arms, it broke my heart to pieces. I yelled to missy and told her everything was going to be ok. Then Sarah said "don't follow us, don't leave your room until morning. And if you ever tell anyone about this, I will do that same to your band mates." She smiled and walked away to the van. What do I do I thought. At that time, I would have put all my band mates at risk, but at the same time I needed to save missy, she depended on me. Till this day I've been traumatized. I never told anyone expect Niall, I mean he only knows about the part where Sarah threatened me and other stuff. I didn't tell him about missy because she was too special to tell.  I told him not to tell anybody because I didn't want them to get kidnapped or killed. Guilty is what I call myself. I could have saved her. And there's not one day where I don't think and pray for her. I miss Missy.
All that thinking made me forget that I was hiding. So I stayed listening and heard the door close or open from down stairs. I was dumb enough to get out of my hiding place. Once I did the door was closed.
No one was in the room expect for me, I mean not that I know of. I slowly open the bedroom door and peep my head through the corner. It was clear. So I tip toed down stairs and every second of it scared me. My goal is to save missy and not get my friends hurt.

I actually don't know what I'm doing, I'm moving without a plan. Will I defend myself? Who knows. I got down to the last step and saw the door was closed. I carefully peeped in the kitchen and no one was there. I was alone again. I knew it. Was someone actually here or what? I walked over to the door and it was locked. I turned around sighed. Then I started to feel sweaty and woozy. I need to sit down so I just walked over to the couch. Before I did, something caught my eye on the fridge. It was a picture and Niall doesn't have a pictures on his fridge. As I approached it, my heart stopped. I stared at it and instantly started crying. It was a picture of missy, she was sitting on a chair tied up with two guys behind her. They had guns pointing to her. I picked it up and held it close to me. Someone was in here that knew about her, and that's Sarah.
Sarah was in the house. Sarah was in the house! I got frightened, but I knew she left. Just the thought was scary. I looked at the picture again and on the back it said "remember this girl? Well, she's dead. Goodbye missy. :)"

I put my hand down and stared at the the fridge. I looked back at the front of the picture and noticed some words scratched onto the picture which said "keep up the good work Styles"

What did this mean?
I'm not so sure but I'm not feeling well. I can feel this rush of blood throughout my whole body. Dang it! this is bad.....I'm....

Niall's P.O.V

I got out of the car. I got a bunch of different ice creams for Harold. I have rocky road, chocolate chip, cookies and cream, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cotton candy, rocky road...oh wait...I already said that. Also I got a liter of root beer to make some floats.
I feel like tonight's gonna be a food night. I bought ice cream and I feel like it would make Harry happy after going through his situation. I do feel bad because I know he doesn't want to have the talk. I headed to the door. It was locked so, I unlocked it like a normal person would. When I opened the door I yelled "Harry! I'm home!" Closing the door behind me, I thought about the ice creams melting, so I hurried. As I walked to the kitchen I noticed Harry on the floor. Not again!
I dropped the bag of precious ice cream. I ran quickly to him.
"Harry Harry!" He looked dead. I picked up his head and payed it on my lap. "Harry? Are you ok? Wake up! Please!" He was sweaty and hot. This is the same thing that happened last time. He was breathing very slowly. I checked his pulse and it was slower than his breathing. "No no no! C'mon Harold. I don't want to take you back to the hospital." I moved his hair out of his face. I felt guilty that I left him alone, if I couldn't prevent least I'd be there with him. "Wake up! Please!" I begged him but he seemed to be unconscious. I don't know what to do at times like this.

Then I just remembered, he might not wake up. Ever. And if he does, he's going to be very violent. I thought he was better. I hate myself right now. I wiped his cheeks because it looked like he had tears. As I did, I noticed something near his hand. I grabbed it and it was a picture of a girl. I read it and observed.
"Sarah was here...." I whispered scaring myself. "This means, she's coming soon. Who's missy?" He put the photo away and got up to carry Harry. Harry was very heavy. So basically I had to kinda drag him, at least to the couch. Once I did manage to get him there, I laid him down and made him comfortable. His head fell to the right because his body was loose. I checked his pulse again, nothing.

BaileyGray7 please pleas go read her book Vacation. It's a true story and the best one yet!!! Also why not give her a follow, comment or vote?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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