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We got home. Niall opened my door because I wouldn't budge.
"C'mon Harry, it's alright." I looked into his blue eyes. They told me he cares.
I didn't talk to him. I felt like I was going to get caught if I left the car. I need to realize that I'm safe, but that's hard to do.
"I'll get some pizza..." Niall said smiling at me.
I was hungry, so that offer was hard to turn down. I sighed and looked down. Putting my right leg out first, I got out of the car. I felt this rush of blood once Niall closed the door. That was my only safety, now I'm open to the world.
Niall started walking to his house. I watched. No matter how much my brain told my legs to walk, I didn't. Niall turned around and saw me. He looked side to side, I did to.
"Harry, if you'll get in faster." He motioned me to walk to him. I did so.
He was right. I felt safer knowing that I'll be inside his home. I was worried about the doctors. Would they call the police?

Niall stopped at his door and looked at me "we need to talk, but first....change into my look like a grandma." He chuckled and turned back around to unlock the door.

Niall let me get in first, and he got in second. The clicking of the door getting locked was a beautiful sound.
"I'll call the pizza place, you can go find what're clothes you want." Niall got his phone out and I headed to his room. In Niall's house, he had two rooms. One on the first floor and one on the second. Rich people these days smh.

I've been feeling a bit jittery. I walked into Niall's room and I heard him order from the living room, which he had turned the tv on.
Not thinking about anything else, I looked for something nice to wear, and trust was hard to find.
"Shirts shirts shirts." I said closing and opening the dresser looking for a shirt.
Oh, this one looks nice. It was white, so I just assumed it was a white T-shirt.
I unfolded it and held it so I can observe it.
I burst out laughing. It was a picture of Niall's guitar and it said 'I love me guitar.....' I read it in his accent.
Who gets a shirt like this? Oh lord........
Then I thought for a bit. He makes total sense, I can't blame him. I would make a shirt that had a picture of my favorite boots and say 'I love me boots....'.
I laughed just by thinking about it but sounded like a good idea.

Enough, I was getting distracted. I put the shirt back in it's place and found a black shirt instead. I searched for another caption and picture but this time, it didn't have one.
I took off my gowned which left me in my boxers.
"Dang it! I don't think Niall is my size." His pants don't look like they will fit me.
That sucks. I still look for something to put on. Luckily I found my pair of jeans I left. I remembered that the boys and I came over to Niall's and we got in the pool. Zayn was in charge of the snacks, he didn't want to get in. Niall told me he tossed the dirty close in the washing machine. I smelt the pants, they were clean. I slid them on and quickly picked up the gown from the ground.
"This, is going in the trash." I said walking down the hallway.
Niall must have heard me and said "What's going in the trash? It better not be my food collection!"
I turned the corner and saw him getting up from the couch.
"You have a food collection?" I asked looking puzzled.
" wasn't what I......was...talking about." He got caught "you should throw that gown away though...." He pointed the the gown in my hand.
"Sure, by the way...nice love me guitar shirt." I said and laughed.
"Thanks! I should get you one!" He sat back down and I went into the kitchen.
I looked for some snacks. Nothing. I went to sit with Niall. Right away he turned the TV off. I looked at him "What's your problem bro?" I said. Niall set the remote down and turned to the side to face me. He sighed.

"Look, I have to talk to you....about something important." He looked at me with sad eyes, and I got scared.
"What?........"I said scared.
"I know you not ready to talk about this right now, but it's best for you to know now...." He paused and I sat correctly.
"It's about Sarah isn't it?" I said calmly.
"Yeah, that's the thing we need to discuss."

I looked down and felt my heart race. I don't want to talk about.
"No, I just left the freaking hospital......I don't want to talk about it." I raised my voice.

"I know, but its better to talk about it you can prepare your mind for the early future."

"No, please I don't want to......please."

"I'm not going to listen to you, just please hear what I have to say....this is important."

Niall's P.O.V

I looked at his eyes, they got watery.
"I know you are hurting, I'm here for you." I let him suck in what I just told him and then continued.
"Harry....I hate to say this but, Sarah is gonna kidnap you no matter what. No matter if you run away or hide underground. She's going to get you. I know you know too. But I have a plan." I paused, he was still looking down. He was trying to hide his face because he let some tears fall. "We can help you. Let me say this. I'll tell the rest of the gang, your problem. We will prepare you for that day when you get kidnapped. We will have a plan to get you out. Me, Zayn, Harry, Liam, Louis, Monique and Alize.....will have a plan and help you to escape. All of us will plan a day where we discuss your situation......we will also but each one of us to a specific job. When you get will know what to do because we will tell you. While you are in there, the rest of us will be working hard to keep our plan together and help you escape. I know we can do this, but you gotta understand that you will get kidnapped and you have no way out of it. But please keep in mind that we are all in this together. We are here to help, don't think that we are just going to let you be kidnapped.....ok? It's hard I know."

I stared at him. I knew he was thinking about it. He never looked back at me. I felt his pain. I hope the way I put was convincing. I hope.
He answered a couple minutes later, and all he said was "ok." He said it softly and so quietly. I saw him get up and leave. Then I heard a door close. He went into one the rooms. I thought he was alright so I just got up and went to the kitchen to get ready for the pizza. Then when I stopped making noise....I heard him crying.

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