Chapter 18 (Perfect)

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I didn't give Harry a chance to speak to Jade at lunch and I felt bad. But, it wasn't really my fault that I wanted to talk to her all day.

I wanted to hang out with her this weekend but Niall had already asked.


I walked around the school building looking for Harry. I wanted to apologize for ignoring him the whole day.

We had a free period, so everyone was either outside or roaming the halls.

I went outside and spotted Harry sitting alone by a bush.

I ran over to him and sat next to him. He looked at me in pity.

"Now you've decided to talk to me? Aren't you busy looking for Louis?" He asked me, hatred evident in his voice. I was quite taken aback.

"I was actually looking for you. But if you don't want me here then..." I started, until Harry interrupted me.

"No, no! I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated." Harry said, more calm.

"What happened." I asked, softly.

"You." He replied. I stared at him in confusion before he continued.

"You talk to everyone but me. You even talk to Niall and he's the one that started all of this!" He shouted in a low voice, so only I could hear.

I could tell he was mad just by his heavy breathing. I had no idea I had this is effect on him.

I suddenly understood him. He was right. He wanted us to be friends again after our first incident. All I've been doing was ignored him.

"Its like you accepted my apology and now you disappeared." Said Harry.

"I worked really hard writing and coming up with that apology and now you still won't talk to me. I tried harder than the guys but you'd rather talk to the one who made our weekend end bad." He continued, making me feel bad.

He began to get up and walk away. I reached out my hand and stopped him.

"Please stay. I-" I started speaking but he interrupted me.

"Whats the point anymore. I give up." He said running away before I could stop him.
I just stood there like a lost puppy.

He never treated me this way, but I guess I deserved it. I wish I got another chance to know him more, but I guess this was it.

I walked back into the school, slouching.

Maybe I should just ignore all the boys. Harry clearly doesn't like me conversing with his friends.

I continued walking, trying to find Jesy, Leigh and Perrie.

Unfortunately, when I found them, they we're talking to the boys, including Harry.

I decided I would just go somewhere else around the school. Before I could leave, I heard the girls call my name.

"Jade!" The girls yelled. I made my way over to them. Harry just stared at me blankly, before turning his attention elsewhere.

I don't know why, but I felt sad and confused. I didn't known I hurt him so badly.

We barely knew each other for a month and already had problems.

I didn't try to engage in a conversation with the boys or him. I just talked to the girls.

He would stare at me with no expression every minute or so, but looked away when I caught him.

I just wish things went back to normal. When all I knew we're the girls. Me and the girls rarely had any drama. Sure we has some disagreements, but other than that, we always got along.

I never liked having any bad blood with people. Whenever, I did, I would rather try to figure it all out, then stay mad forever. I wish we could all just be friends.

The guys would try to engage in a conversation with me here and there, but I would try my best to ignore them, only giving a simple reply.

They gave up after a while.

I decided to walk to the bathroom to get myself away from all this confusion.

I turned around and noticed the girls we're following me.

"Jade, where are you going?" Perrie asked me.

"Just to the restroom." I responded, looking down.

"Are you okay? You haven't said a word the whole time we we're talking to the boys." Leigh said, worriedly.

"I'm okay." I lied.

"Tell us the truth." Jesy acknowledged.

"I had a disagreement with Harry. He said I've been ignoring him. He didn't like the idea that I have accepted Niall's apology after what he did. I decided not to talk to any of them so I wouldn't have any more complications with Harry." I stated, my eyes getting watery.

I never had problems with boys. I usually just ignored them. I was always the shy girl. I never liked having to face issues with people.

"I just want everything to go back to normal. But, it's hard because when you guys want to talk to them, I won't be able to talk to you-" I stuttered.

"Were gonna confront Harry. You don't deserve this. He should be this mad to cause you to stop talking to them." Perrie said, angrily.

"No, it's okay Perrie. That will only make things worse." I told her. She shook her head.

"No, he deserves to know how you feel. Didn't you guys hang out last week?" Leigh-Anne asked me.

"Yeah, but that didn't end well." I told them the story of what happened.

They looked at me shocked.

"He said that? But it was Niall? Why would Niall tell him what to say?" Perrie asked me.

"He was probably nervous." Jesy suggested.

"Well that wasn't his fault I guess. Other than that he needs to chill." Leigh said making us laugh.

The girls always made me feel better when I was down. I was so lucky to have them.

"How about we forget about boys. Lets have a girly day." Leigh suggested.

"Yeah, but can we talk to at least one one them?" Perrie asked.

"No. We have to forget about them. If we talk to one of them we're talking to all of them. They're always together" Said Leigh.

"But I need to talk to Zayn." Perrie whined.

"Zayn?" Jesy questioned.

"Yeah he's very sweet. He makes me laugh 24/7." Perrie gushed.

We smiled at her.

"Okay, but only Zayn. Plus we're not gonna forget about them forever. Only today." Leigh told us.

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