Chapter 19 (Perfect)

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It has been a week since Harry has talked to me about his feelings.

I never talked to the rest of the guys since then. They we're confused, but I had no choice.

Zayn was having a movie get together at his flat and asked if the girls and I would like to come.

There was one person whom I was afraid to see that would be there, but I chose to go otherwise.

Perrie was excited about the movie. She could finally talk to Zayn.

I was currently at home getting ready. I was already dressed, so I would avoid being late.

I had on some skinny jeans and a blue shirt with attached necklaces.

It was 4:15 and Zayn told us to be there by five so I had lots of time to chill.

I decided to watch some TV to decrease time.

Perrie was going to pick me and the other girls up, so I constantly looked out the window in case she was there.

When I heard honking, I was sure it was Perrie. I looked out the window but the car was unrecognizable.

Maybe she got a new car I thought, but she would have told me.

I began walking outside in the sunny weather taking another glance at the car.

Sooner or later, a boy with curly hair, a white shirt, skinny jeans and a pair of shades got out.

It was Harry. I look at him in confusion, wondering why he stopped by.

He made his way towards me, shutting the door of his shiny car.

"Hey Jade, Perrie told Zayn she was probably going to be running late, so he asked me to pick you up." He said once he reached me.

I glanced at my watch. 4:20. He sure was early.

"Oh, well thanks for picking me up. It's pretty early, why don't you come inside?" I asked him. He looked shocked and my words but smiled. I was shocked at my words too, but I had a show to watch.

I walked back towards the front door, Harry following me.

Once we entered, I made space on the couch for him.

"You have a nice home." Harry complimented, smiling.

"Thanks. I could say the same to you. You have a nice car." I responded, smiling as well.

"Thank you, Jade." He smiled.

I sat on the couch next to Harry and continued watching my favorite TV show.

"You like Scooby Doo too?" Harry exclaimed.

"Yes, I love it. I re-watched the same episodes about 36 times each." I gushed. we both started laughing and continued watching the show.

This continued for about fifteen minutes. Us watching the show in silence, until Harry broke the silence.

"Jade?" He called.


"I'm very sorry about last week. I should'nt have done what I did. You can talk to anyone. I don't want you to feel as if you can't talk to any of the guys anymore because of me. The guys have been worried sick since you haven't been talking to them and it's all my fault. That's why Zayn decided to schedule this movie get together. So the guys could finally be able to talk to you. I'm sorry." Harry apologized, looking down.

I lifted his chin with my finger.

"Harry, it's okay. Don't feel bad. I shouldn't have ignored you. From now on, I'm gonna make sure we can spend quality time together as much as everyone else." I said smiling at him.

He smiled at me, showing his beautiful white teeth. This was the first time I really noticed his smile.

I looked at the time and it was 4:53.

"We better get going. Don't wanna be late." I said, smiling at Harry.

Perfect (A Jarry Stirlwall Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now