Chapter 5

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Amy's P.O.V

"Oh no Ashton, she's crying what do we do ?!" Said a blonde one.

They all turned to a guy who I guess is Ashton.

He stuttered and then tried walking over to me.

" don't come near me " I tried to scream but it came out like a hiss but it was still pretty intimidating.

"Nice going Ashton" said one with blue hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-"

"Why am I here, why did you kidnap me of all people? Why? Just please let me leave"

They all stared at me in shock

The hot- I mean, the guy I scared earlier said..

" well first of all: we did not kidnap you. Second: how do you not know us?
Third: are you ok ?"

Then I replied..

"Well sassy pants, first of all: then why am I here
Second: could you be anymore selfish?
Third: yeah I'm great! No I'm not, I don't know who you are, I don't know where I am, I look terrible and I'm hurt, I just want a phone and for you all to leave me and let me go"

They all looked at me in disbelief.

The Ashton reached into his pocket and was handing me a phone when blondie stopped him. I gave him a death glare.

" what if she calls the police" said blonde boy. As Ashton was about to answer, I did.

" I won't I promise, I just need to ring my friend Tara, you can even listen from outside, please" I pleaded.

They couldn't say no to that, handed me the phone and left. Then I realised I still didn't have a clue what on earth was going on.

I dialled Tara's number because obviously I knew it off by heart.

After 4 rings she finally picked up.

" Tara, tara ? It's Amy"

She was silent

"Major Tara this is Major Amy calling, are you there pikachu? It's jellyfish"

"AMY IT IS YOU" she screams form the other end. I explained the situation to her and when she asked me where I was, I realised I didn't I know but I told her I would text it to her asap. That's when the phone died and I started crying again and the boys came back into the room.

You see Tara had been my best friend ever since I left the orphanage.

Then I asked the boys

"Where am I?"

They all looked at each other and then blue haired boy said slowly..

" em maybe east LA"

What? I lived in California.

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