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Evan POV
Classes were over for the day. Well for me that is I don't know about the rest of the guys. I headed back to our house and only David was here. "Hey man what's up?"

He looked up for a second "oh hey Evan" then look back down at his phone with a frown on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Have you seen Lui? We were supposed to meet up after class."

I shook my head "no I haven't. Maybe something happened and the professor had to end class late or Lui just had to something really quick." He nodded but didn't look at me. I moved next to him on the couch and put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey I'm sure Lui is fine. You know how he gets when you worry about too much."

David sighed "yeah you're right. I'm going to go take a walk. Let me know if Lui comes back."

I nodded "I will." I got up from the couch pressing the code for room before setting my bag and plopped on my bed. I manage to rest my eyes for a few minutes before I heard the door opening. I didn't bother opening my eyes because I knew it was Jonathan. I groaned when I felt a huge amount of weight plopped on top of me "did you gain weight?"

He slapped me in the chest "asshole" he mumbled.

I chuckled "I'm just kidding babe" I wrap my arms around him "how were classes?"

He shrugged "they were alright nothing special."

I nodded "yeah same. Have you seen Lui? David was worried about him."

He quickly sat up "yeah Lui and I have our last class together. I told him I had to go pick up something from my class. He didn't come back?" I shook my head. "Have you tried calling him" he began taking out his phone.

"David tried calling him already. His phone probably died" I sat wrapping my arms around his waist "hey the day isn't over yet. I'm sure he's okay."

He sighed "yeah you're probably right. I...I just don't need this kind of drama in the beginning of the year" he leaned in my embrace.

"I know" I kissed his forehead.

Time Skip to Later
"It's been 5 fucking hours! Where the hell is he" David exclaimed.

"Should we call security" Craig asked.

"No it wouldn't help if hasn't been a full day yet" Tyler argued.

"Jon you were the last one to see him. Did he seem different or nervous" David asked.

He shook his head "no he seemed fine to me. It looked like he was heading back here."

Ring Ring

I took out my phone "it's Lui!" I put it on speaker "Lui, where are you?"

"Hello Evan."

"Who is this? Where's Lui?"

"Don't worry Lui is fine as long as you follow the rules."

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" The TV flickered on and on the screen, Lui was tied to chair, blinded and gagged.

"Lui" David cried out.

"Now that I have all of you guys attention let's discuss the rules."

"What do you want from us" Craig trembled.

"I want to know if love is real or not."

"And how does this sick game solve your problems" Tyler exclaimed.

"That's where you guys come in. I know you're dating Craig, and I know Evan is dating Jonathan. So my experiment is test if you guys really love each other or not."

"How do you suppose we do that" I asked.

The voice on the phone chuckled "switch."

"What?!" We all exclaimed.

"Switch. Tyler will be dating Jonathan and Evan will be dating Craig. If you guys pass, I'll let Lui go."

"And if we don't" Tyler growled.

"Well then I get decided whether Lui stays here with me."

"You're crazy if you think we're actually going to do this" Tyler yelled. There was a loud noise coming from the TV and we all look to see and Lui muffled screams and body was shaking.

"Lui no! Stop it" David screamed.

"Alright enough we'll do it" I exclaimed. The guys looked at me like I was crazy.

The voice chuckled again "then it's settled. Oh I'll be watching you, so the sooner you guys start the experiment, the faster I'll let Lui go" the call ended.

"Evan what the fuck?!"

"What Tyler? What was I supposed do huh? The guy was torturing Lui! I'm not going to sit there and let it happened."

"But did you really have to give into the guy's plan! Who knows he's actually going to let Lui go if we do this!"

"You got better idea then? Clearly, he's watching us. He probably got cameras all over this place. He turned our TV on from wherever he is. This is no time mess around when we have nothing on this guy to begin with!" Tyler groaned and sighed before he dat back down.

"Do you really have to go through this" Jonathan asked.

I sighed "I don't think we have a choice."

"When do we start" Craig asked.

"We should start tomorrow. There's no telling how long this experiment is going to last. It's late we should try to get some rest." We all went to our rooms. I took a quick shower before putting on a t-shirt and sweats. Jonathan was already in bed by the time I got out of the shower. I got under the covers and he immediately turn around resting his head on my chest.

"I knew something bad was going to happen. Why can't we just have one normal year."

I sighed "I don't know. Life is fucking complicated."

"Do you think we'll pass?"

I furrowed my eyebrows "what do you mean?"

"I mean not about us, but I'm worried about Craig and Tyler."


"Craig came to me yesterday and he was worried about his relationship with Tyler because they haven't had sex yet. I told him not worry. If Tyler really does love him, he wouldn't mind waiting right?"

"Yeah you're right, but I am worried about Tyler. Sometimes he can get out of control when something is bothering and as stubborn as he is, he wouldn't really say what's on his mind" I sighed and tighten my grip around him "promise you'll let if he gets out of hand. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm really going to have to start dating Tyler am I?"

I heavily sighed "I'm really sorry Jon."

"I know it's not your fault. I would have done the same thing."

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