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Third POV

Jonathan's eyes widen. "You?!"

The guy walks inside and smirks. "It's nice to see you again, Jonathan. Did you miss you?"

Tyler's eyebrows furrow. "You know this guy," he says to Jonathan.

"I-I," Jonathan stutters and takes two steps back.

"I'm surprised you haven't told your friends about your past...well I'm sure you already told Evan but not by choice I assume." He smirks. "Maybe if you behave I'll let you strip for me again."

Jonathan's eyes widen and lets out a shaky breath before Tyler steps in front of him. "You're going to have to get through me first." His voice is stern with a look of determination on his face.

He smirks. "Tyler. How's your little problem? I heard you've been having some problems lately with your medication."

Jonathan frowns. He knows Tyler has some sort of condition from what Craig told him, but he never told him what the condition was. This asshole is really fucked up in the head to messing with someone's medication. Tyler's eyes widen for a second before he frowns and grits his teeth. "You sick fuck!"

He laughs and puts his right hand in his pocket. "You got to what you need to do for the people you love." Tyler steps forward. "Ah." He pulls out a gun and points it at Tyler. "Take one more step and a bullet is going right through your kneecap." He smiles a bit. Tyler hesitates to make his move, but in end he remains in place. He doesn't want Jonathan get hurt or worse in his care. He believes Evan will never forgive him. The guy smirks before he snaps his fingers. Two big guys emerge inside of the room. One grabbing Jonathan and the other grabbing Tyler. They both struggle out of the grasp, Tyler looking more successful than Jonathan until the guy points the gun at Jonathan's head. Tyler freezes. "I wouldn't keep struggling if I were you." He nods to the two guys, and the guys drag Jonathan and Tyler down the hall while him following behind. The walls are made concrete while the floor is tiled. They walk until they reach a dark blue door. He pulls out a key from his pocket and unlocks the door. He goes inside first as Jonathan and Tyler are dragged behind him. In one of the corners of the room, they can hear sniffling. Jonathan and Tyler turn to the noise and their eyes widen.

"Lui!" Jonathan exclaims. Lui is sitting on a old matteress with his hands and feet chain to the wall. His hair is messy with some bruises and cuts on his face and arms.

Lui looks up and begins to tear up again not happy to see his friends there. "Guys." He looks over at him. "Please you promise not to hurt them."

He smiles. "I know and I haven't well not entirely. As long as they do as I say, there shouldn't be a problem."

"Please, Marcel you have what you want just let them go," he begs.

"No! I want to them to know what's it like to feel the same pain I felt when you left me," Marcel growls. He signals the guys holding Jonathan and Tyler. The guy holding Tyler brings over to a chair and sits him down. He ties his hands behind his back, and his feet are tie as well with black wires. The guy holding Jonathan brings him closer to Marcel.

"Marcel! Please you don't have this!" Lui cries out pulling against his chains.

Marcel smiles as he runs his hand across Jonathan's face. Jonathan turns away and shudders. "Did you guys know that Jonny boy here was a stripper? I was one of his regular customers. I met him a couple of days after that day." He grabs Jonathan's face and turns it into his direction. "The way his body move always excited me. Almost as much as you do Lui." He smirks. "I wouldn't mind having a threesome." Marcel leans closer to Jonathan's face as Jonathan close his eyes.

"That's enough!" Tyler argues. Marcel sighs and lets go of Jonathan's face. Jonathan opens his mouth a couple of times to flex out his jaw. Marcel walks over the Tyler and squats in front of him.

"You're really starting to piss me off. I could kill you right now if I want to, but I made a promise. And I don't like to break promises." Tyler spits in Marcel's face as Marcel closes his eyes. Marcel sighs again before he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a handkerchief to wipe his face. "You really shouldn't have done that." Before Tyler could retort, there's a searing pain shooting through his body. He clenches his teeth and groans as he tries not to scream. "Try something like that again, and I'll do a whole lot worse." Marcel gets up and signals the guy holding Jonathan. He brings him closer to Lui as he chains him in the same way. "Well I think we've had enough excitement for one day. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He smiles. The two guys walk out of the room with Marcel behind them. Jonathan, Lui and Tyler hear the door slam and lock before they hear footsteps fading away.

"I'm sorry I dragged you guys into this. I thought I could get away, but..." Lui trails off.

"No Lui, it's not your fault. None of this is your fault. We're your friends. We help each other no matter what. We're going to get you out of here okay? I'm sure Evan, Craig and David have a plan to get us all out here and stop Marcel," Jonathan says.

Lui sighs before wiping his eyes the chains clacking as he moves. "I hope you're right."

Hey guys I know it's been awhile since I've updated this story, and I can guarantee everyone that's it's not abandoned. It's just I've been busy with life and college stuff. I will admit that I have been lazy sometimes but just know I am planning to complete this as long as my other stories. Thank you guys for all your support. Anyways, I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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