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Jonathan POV
We're actually received good news for once. David got in contact with this guy's sister. She was furious when she heard what happened, but she wouldn't give us his name. She does keep in contact with this guy, so she knows his schedule. We know when he's watching on all of hidden cameras in the house. He doesn't have  too many helpers as his sister said he doesn't like working with others. Meaning we have time to figure how to get Lui back. Things have sort of calm down between everyone but there was still lingering tension. "Guys it's 7" David exclaimed making his way downstairs. We all over moved to the living room and sat down.

"So what do we know" Evan asked.

"There might be a couple of places where this guy could be hiding out, but I'm not sure. This guy is really good at what he does it's no surprised he hasn't got caught yet" David said.

"What are the locations?" David took out a map that had red and black marks.

"So his sister told me to look for any weird signals or frequencies in the area. There were a lot I found but only a couple had certain patterns that match up with this guy's schedule. The main possibilities are Daniel's Shack, the Café Diner, and Joe's Hardware Store. Most likely this guy is underground somewhere."

"So should we split and check out the place after hours" Craig asked.

"Not exactly, the only option for two or three of us to go to one place while the rest of us stay here just in case."

"Alright, when should we start looking?"

"Tomorrow would be best, but I should warn you guys if any of us find the place just get back here immediately. It's not safe just to barge in unarmed."

"Alright sounds like a plan. Let's just hope it works" Evan said as he clapped his hands together.

Time Skip to Tomorrow Night

"Alright, so how are we doing this" Evan asked.

"I can take the first shift" Tyler suggested.

"Okay great I'll go with you."

"Actually, I think Jon should go with him" David said.

"No it's too dangerous" Evan dismissed.

"I know, but we don't have much time off the radar. It would be better if Tyler and Jon go so it's seems like they went out."


I put my hand on Evan's shoulder "Evan it's fine."

"Jon no I'm not letting you do this. I can't protect you."

"I'm going to be fine. We're just going to check the place out, and we're come right back."

Evan clenched his jaw "fine just be careful okay?"

I smiled "I will" and gave a quick kiss before heading out the door with Tyler close behind. "Which place are we going to again?"

"David said the Café Diner matches up with the schedule the most." I nodded. He sighed "Listen Jon, I never apologize for what I did that night. I'm sorry."

I raised eyebrows "Tyler Wilde knows how to be sincere?" He groaned. I laughed and shake my head "I'm kidding man. Don't worry about it. Everyone isn't perfect."

"Yeah well no one is fucked up like me."

I stopped "hey come on I'm sure you had a good reason to not say anything. Yeah you didn't handle the situation well, but with the shit we're going through right now I don't blame you. We're all not in our right minds at the moment."

Tyler let a shaky breath "the look on Craig's face. I just....I can't forgive myself for what I did."

"Did you tell him?" He nodded. "Then give me some time. Craig and I have friends for a long time, and I know he really cares about you. Once this all of this is over, you guys should sit down and talk it out."

He nodded "yeah thanks."

"Come on we don't have much time." We continue walking towards the diner. It's after 10, so it should be closed. We walked around the back and pressed our faces against the glass. "See anything?"

"No it's too dark. Hold on I think I have a flashlight on my key chain." There was loud crashing sound that made us jump.

"What was that" I whispered.

He shook his head "I don't know." He started heading towards the direction where the noise came from, but I stopped him.

"It's probably nothing. Come on we need to be quick." He nodded before shining the light against the window. Something black and quick went by before I could get a good look at it. "Did you see that?"

"See what?.......Jonathan!" Before I could reacted, I felt a sharp pain shooting through my head. My vision started to get blurry before everything went black.

Hey guys I'm back. Sorry for the delay. School was crazy for me, and now it's finally over. I've been away for so long I need to get back into the flow of my stories. So yes I'll be updating again since I nothing better to do for the summer lol. Anyways I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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