Secrets Secrets

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Evan POV
I woke up to my phone buzzing. I felt around my nightstand until I grabbed it to see I got a message from him. I hesitated before reading it.

Tyler got really got drunk last night. Why don't you ask him what happened?

I furrowed my eyebrows 'what's that suppose to mean?' I heard a groan next to me "what time is it?"

"It's 10 after 1." He nodded before he yawned. He put his glasses on before sitting up.

"What happened?"

I looked at him before looking back at my phone "Tyler got drunk last night and clearly something happened."

"What do you mean?"

"When we got back, Jon looked scared, but he just told me it was just a nightmare."

"Well before we jump to conclusions let's talk to them. This guy is trying everything in the book to tear us apart."

I nodded "yeah I know. Let's get ready."

Once we finished, we went into the living room where David sitting watching TV. "Hey guys."

"Hey, how long have you been up" Craig asked.

"About an hour. Jon was down here sleeping on the couch though."

"Where is he now" I asked.

"I think he's getting ready." We heard a groan as we turned around see Tyler stumbling downstairs holding his head. He went into the kitchen without saying a word. He took an aspirin before he noticed us.


"What happened last night" I blurted out.

He shrugged "I don't really remember. I remembered going to the bar and coming back home but everything else is a blur." A minute later Jonathan came down stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

"Uh did I miss something?"

"Jon what happened last night?"


"Jon" I said firmly.

"Nothing happened!"

"Why were sleeping on the couch?" He remained quiet.

"What's going on" David asked.

"I received message from him that something happened when Tyler came home drunk last night." Jonathan's eyes widened. Then it hit me. I clenched my jaw before looking over at Tyler "you didn't."

"Didn't what?"

"You touched him didn't you?!"


I pushed him against the wall "you stupid motherfucker! How could you be so fucking reckless?!"

"Evan stop! He didn't mean it!"

"How far did he get" I gritted my teeth and looked at Jonathan.

"Not far" his eyes full of guilt.

I looked back at Tyler "all you had was to come clean! How many times do we have to tell you we wouldn't care about it? But no if you just had to be a bitch and let things get this point."

Tyler got out of grip and pushed me away "You don't know what it's like to this! To constantly think about all of time! It's so fucking frustrating! Why do you think I always try to isolate myself?! I don't want people to get hurt! I'm not normal! I'm just a FREAK! Why can't you just accepted it?"

"Because you're best friend! We've been through everything together. You think I'm just going to sit around and do nothing. We help each other that what friends do!"

"Whatever" he stormed out the front door.

"Tyler" I called out but he didn't listen. I groaned in frustration.

"Evan" Jonathan said quietly. I turned to him, and I calmed down a little when I saw his face.

"Guys can you give us a minute?" Mini and David went into their rooms leaving Jon and I alone.


"Why didn't you say anything? Why did you lie?"

He looked down at his hands "I-I was scared. I knew you were go to freak out, so I didn't say anything. I-I didn't want anymore tension between any of us. We're already falling apart."

I heavily sighed and walked over to him pulling him in for a hug "Jon you can't keep these from me. I know we're not in the best place right now but that's no excuse for Tyler's reckless behavior. Knowing I wasn't there to protect could have been worse."

"But it didn't. I'm okay really" he mumbled in my neck. I tightened grip around him not wanting to let go. It's been awhile since we've been this close. I miss his warmth, waking up to him in my arms, and those cute private smiles only meant for me. The moment was ruined when my phone buzzed again. I groaned and reluctantly pull away from Jonathan.

What he said maybe true, but did he enjoy it? He must be used it by now.

I furrowed my eyebrows 'what? Used to it? Has this happened before?' "Evan?" I looked up at him "what is it?"

I shook my hand "it's nothing. Don't worry about it."


"I have to go find Tyler. I'll be back okay?" He looked like he wanted to protest but he just nodded. I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door.

Hey guys oooh things are getting steamy now. Tyler's secret is about to be revealed soon. Did Jonathan actually enjoy what Tyler did? And what did the guy mean about him being used it? Who knows?....Well I do. Anyways I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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