The Truth

256 14 7

Evan POV
It's a fucking Saturday and we have nothing to do. I mean there were parties going on, but none of us were in the mood to go. We weren't even sure of this guy having spies to keep an eye on us whenever we leave the house. "I'm so bored" Craig whined plopping on the recliner. Jonathan was laying on the couch sleeping, and Tyler was on his phone.

"We already played some games" I sighed.

"We could go out" he suggested.

"I don't think we'll have much fun knowing we're probably being watched." He groaned. I felt my phone vibrated. It was a message from David. I tried not to look surprised just in case this guy watching us right.

D: We need to talk and the bring the guys. Meet me in the park. Don't worry about being followed.

I tucked my phone in my pocket before I cleared my throat "well instead of going partying. We could take a walk in the park it could give some relief."

"Yeah I guess that would be okay" Mini shrugged.


"What? Oh yeah that's fine."

"Which park are we going to" Mini asked.

"Uh I think the one the one near the campus." He nodded before there was a loud snore. I shook my head smiling. "You guys go get ready. I'll get Jon." After Tyler and Craig left, I got up and sat next to Jon. "Jon" I whispered and shook him little. He groaned and rolled over. I sighed before I thought of an idea. I slowly pulled the blanket around poking around his body.

"Stop" he whined. I smiled sneakily before I went all out. "No! AH HAH HAH HAH Evan stop! HAH HAH HAH Okay! I'll get up!" I stopped letting him take a breath. "You're a dick" he breathe out.

I smiled and kissed his forehead "yeah yeah love you too." He sat up before pulling me in for a hug.

"I miss you. It's not same at night."

"I know baby I miss you too. We're going to get through this okay?" He nodded. "Come on, let's get ready."

After we all finished getting ready, we got in Tyler's truck and arrived at the park. I sent a quick text to David letting him know we're on our way. "Let's walk over here" I announced. We walked a few steps to see David sitting under a tree.

"David" Mini questioned. He looked up from his phone and gave a small smile. He didn't look so well from the last we saw him. He has bags under his eyes, look like he lost a few pounds, and is kind of pale.

"You look like shit" Tyler said. I elbowed him in side.

"Well I've had better days" he said getting up "come on."

We went felt like we were walking for miles. "Where are we going" Tyler asked.

"Somewhere he can't track us" I answered for him. Once we arrived at the destination, there was a tiny house that many people probably don't know about.

"David what is this place" Mini asked.

"Lui and I come here every time we needed to get away from the world."

"So what's this about" Tyler asked.

He sighed "you guys should sit down." We sat around the table in front of us. He took a deep breath before he started "the guy that kidnapped Lui is his ex-"

"Of course it fucking is" Tyler scoffed. I glared at him letting him to shut up.

"I don't know his name, but I've seen him. He was abusive to Lui, and Lui came to me when it got really bad, but I don't want to talk about that. This guy knows all of us because he's an amazing hacker. He always spied on Lui and his conversations. He found out about Lui and I, so we came up a plan to trap him. It worked. He got arrested, and we moved. We haven't heard from him in years until now" he looked at towards at the end.

"What the game? Why is toying with us" Jon asked.

"He loves Lui, and his own sick way, but obviously Lui doesn't love him. The point of the game is to prove love exist, but it's just a game. There's has nothing to with letting Lui go. He's not going to not matter if you guys success or not."

I heavily sighed "fuck. There has to be to track him down."

"There might be. I've been touch with a couple of people in old neighborhood who know of him, but I'm still waiting for a response."

"When did you last talk to them?"

"Yesterday. It should a couple of days before I get something. They know how urgent the matter is." I nodded.

"So now what" Mini asked.

"We just lay low for now" he sighed.

Hey guys so confirmed this guy is Lui's ex. Any guesses on who? Sorry this chapter is short. Mid-semester break is happening now, so I'll be able to work on my stories more often now. Anyways I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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