Who is the Guy?

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Third POV

It's been an hour since Tyler and Jonathan left, and Evan, David, and Craig were getting worried. "Where are they? They should be back by now" Craig said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Evan shook his head and sighed "I don't know. I tried calling but none of them picked up." He bit his lip.

David clenched his jaw "maybe they found the place and were discovered by him. It wouldn't be a surprise considering how careful this guy is."

"So we need to go save them!"

"No it's too risky. There's no point in going when we would could wind in the same predicament." Evan sighed. "We need to come up with a plan. David see if you can find more information from his sister. Make sure you let her know that she could be held responsible if any one of dies."

David nodded firmly "I'll call tomorrow and try to work something out."

"What if we check out the place during the day like during the busy hours" Craig asked.

Evan thought for moment "we could but....there also the risk we still might get caught and stuck in a place where no one outside can hear us." Craig sighed but nodded in agreement. "All we can do is rely on this guy's sister and hope we can come up with some sort of plan before it's too late."

Back at the hideout, Jonathan is just starting to wake up. He slowly blink his eyes open to see total darkness. He squinted his eyes as he feels a throbbing sensation in his head. He slowly adjusted his body to sit up as he slightly pressed his hand on his forehead. With his other hand, he feels the surface around him and comes in contact with a wall. The wall feels rough, bumpy, and cold at the touch. It sends shivers down Jonathan's spine. He slowly stands up hugging the wall and begins the walk in search for a light switch or a door. A few seconds later, he stumbled as he almost tripped over something. He kneels down to find what he ran into to come across something solid with something sort fabric. He moves his hands over all the object and it touches something soft. He freeze as he realized it was a body. He let out of a shaky breath as he tries to search for a pulse. He was relieved the person was still alive. "Hey" he whispered as he begins to shake the person awake. After a few attempts, the person groaned as Jonathan feels the person shift under him. "Hey are you okay?"

There was a brief pause "Jonathan?"

Jonathan's eyes widened as he recognize the voice "Tyler?"

Tyler groaned again "What happened?"

Jonathan shook his head "I don't know. I just woke up here myself. Do you remember anything?"

"I.....I remember we were checking out the place where this guy could be and....then someone came up behind you and I tried calling out to you....that's about it."

Jonathan sighed "we must have gotten caught by him. Come on, we need to find a way out of here. Can you stand?"

"I think so" Tyler said as he begin to slowly rise up hearing a crack or two every time he move his body.

"Alright see if you can find a light switch or a door." They begin to move along the walls and trying not to stumble in the darkness.

A few minutes later, Tyler's hand ran across an unusual shape. "Hey I think I found something." Tyler pressed what felt like a button before a bright light flashed causing Jonathan and Tyler to squint and cover their eyes for a second. Jonathan looked around the room to see the room wasn't too big and the walls were gray, and the material was made of concrete. No furniture. Just an empty room. His eyes shifted towards Tyler who staring at the white door wondering if it was locked or not. Jonathan's eyes widened as he saw blood on near the bottom of his shirt.

"Tyler you're hurt!" He move towards Tyler his eyes full of worry.

Tyler looked down at his shirt "I'm fine. It's just a scratch, see." He lifted up his shirt to reveal a 'scratch' but it was deep. At least it wasn't bleeding, but that could be either a good or bad thing.

"A scratch my ass! We need to get out of here." He quickly moved towards the door. He jiggled the knob. Locked. Of course. Breaking down the door would cause too much noise. Jonathan sighed.

Footsteps could be heard for a distance. They both froze as they heard the footsteps coming closer. They quickly scrambled further into the room before they heard a click, and the door slammed opened.

"Well well well . Look like you guys are awake " he smirked.

Jonathan's eyes widened "you?!"

Hey guys I know I said this many times that I am sorry that I haven't been updating as frequent. Even though it's summer I have no real excuse except that I'm lazy and lack of inspiration. I'm not even sure if people are still really reading this story anymore, but I do hope for the best. Anyways I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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