Day One

552 22 15

Jonathan POV
First day of my second year at college. I am so glad I can live in a house instead of a dorm. I couldn't stand living in a dorm last year. I swear no one in my dorm ever heard of peace and quiet. I convinced my friends to live in same house, so I wouldn't have to worry about any assholes. Luckily we all got in. I wonder which of the guys I'm going to share a room with. I parked my car in the parking lot next to the house and grabbed my stuff. I scan my ID card and set my stuff down. "Hey Jon."

"Hey Craig how was your summer?" I smiled.

"It was great surprisingly."

I smirked "got to spend some quality with Tyler I'm assuming."

"Uh yeah you say that" he rubbed the back of neck "oh yeah you're room is over here." We walked down the hall and my room was the first door on the left.

"Thanks. Where's your room?"

"I'm upstairs third door on the right." I nodded as I enter the code and setting my bags down.

"Any of the other guys here yet?"

"Lui was the first one here, but he stepped out to go pick up David."

"Who's your roommate?"

"Tyler" he mumbled.

I laughed "oh god I hope the walls are sound proof."

"We aren't even at that step yet."

I stopped unpacking and looked at him "really?"

"Oh don't give me that have you and Evan done yet?"

"Craig I think you're the only virgin in the house."

"What? No that's-" he sighed.

"I don't know about Lui and David."

"Yeah I bet they aren't. God I feel like an asshole."

"Hey don't beat yourself about it. You like to take things slow. I get it. I'm sure Tyler understand."

He sighed again "yeah maybe."

"Have you guys talked about it?"

"No not really. We've those heat in moments, but I always push him away."

"You should talk to him. Tell him how you feel."

"Yeah you're right.....does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?"

"You know" he looked down at the floor, but I still see a faint blush on his cheeks.

"What makes you think I'm bottom?" He gave me stern look. I laughed "Craig, I'm not talking about this with you. You'll found out when you're ready. Why don't you go check if Tyler had arrived yet."

Time Skip after the guys arrived

"First day of sophomore year" Lui sighed "at least we don't have to do that stupid orientation thing."

"It wasn't that bad" David said.

"David you slept through almost every event we had during orientation" Tyler argued.

"I had an 10 hour flight here. What do you want from me?"

"Anyways classes doesn't start until tomorrow what should we do now" Evan said.

"Play video games of course" I smiled.

"Gta!!!" Lui squeaked causing everyone to laughed. Then we all got from the couch and headed to rooms to set up our stuff.

"We're here for an important meeting" David said.

"Hurry up let's do this fucking heist already" Tyler said.

"Alright let's do this boys" Evan said in a deep voice.

"Wait a minute why does Vanoss get more money than us" I argued while Lui started laughing.

"Fix the prices you prick" Craig yelled.

"Alright calm down" Evan laughed.

"Evan you increase your earnings or someone's else" Lui announced.

"Okay I'll accept this earning" David said before looking down at his phone for a minute. Then Evan took the opportunity to change David's earnings to 0% before David causing us to laugh. "Wait what happened? I looking at my phone. Tell me what happened. What's so funny? Tell me the joke."

"Nah you wouldn't like it" Evan said.

"No I'd like it."

"Just ready the fuck up" Tyler said in between breaths.

(After the heist is over)
"Yeah we did bitches" Tyler cheered along with the rest of us.

"Wait what! It says zero" David exclaimed as we laughed "oh hey I got some money from supporting you guys. See I still got some money. Fuck you guys."

??? POV
"Boss, should we make a move now?"

I shook my head "no we wait until tomorrow. Most of them will be in class, so they won't miss a thing. How's the room coming?"

"It's almost done, sir."

"Well get busy. I want it done by tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes, sir."

I looked back the screen watching him closely "I can't wait to see you. We're going to have so much fun like we used" I smiled.

Hey guys I'm surprised this story won. I was kind hoping the newer one would get more attention but oh well. Anyways I hope you guys will enjoy this story and I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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