Trust Issues

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Evan POV
I've been looking all over town for Tyler, the dumb ass. I finally found him where David took us. He sitting inside staring at the window. "Tyler?"

He was silent for a moment "I'm sorry. I know I keep fucking things up. I didn't remember anything from last night until you said something. I swear it didn't mean anything. It was just....." he sighed "you know. Fuck, Craig. I.....I don't even know what to tell him. I didn't want to fucking hurt him." He finally turned towards me "now do you see why I don't like being in a relationship. There's always a chance of them getting hurt because of me.......You know what's funny? I fucking fell in love with him. I was going to tell him over the summer but knowing me, he deserves someone better."

"Tyler, no don't say that. Fuck, I wish you could finally get a grip of fucking reality. You have a problem. So what? Everyone has problems, but they don't have to define us if we don't let them. I'm sure Craig feels the same way about you, but how things are right need to talk him, and I mean tell him everything. He fucking blames himself because of the way you've been acting. Jonathan and I keep telling him it's not his fault. I know for sure it's not his fault. It's not anyone fault, but if you do love him, and if he loves you, then the problem shouldn't matter." He clenched his jaw and looked away without saying anything. I was going to say more, but I think I've already said enough. I went back to the house hoping I finally knocked some sense into him. When I came back, I heard David's voice calling out for Craig. "What happened?"

"Craig locked himself in the room. I can hear him crying in there, but he won't let me in."

I sighed "alright, let me talk try. Where's Jon?"

"He's in his room sleeping." I nodded before David went back to his room. I put the code on the door before opening the door. Craig was sitting on the bed in the fetal position, and his body was shaking. I moved slowly next to him and sat on the bed.

"Craig?" He looked up at me. His eyes were red and his face was stained with tears. I didn't know where to begin because it really wasn't my place to say anything. Tyler should be the one here talking to him.

"I-I thought he was the one, you know" ge let out a harsh laugh. "Jon would always tell me how Tyler would look at me like I was only one in his world." His lip started trembling "I always knew it was too good to be true."

"No, Craig. He loves you. He really does. It's just.....he has this problem that causes him to act differently. He's afraid to tell you no matter how many times I tell him it shouldn't matter. He still didn't say anything....Maybe I finally got him this. I talked to him to today, and he told me how much he loved you."

"If he does, then I want to hear him say it. But I don't think I can trust him right now after what he did and tell me what's wrong."

I nodded "I know. I don't blame you for making that choice." I handed him some tissues as he wiped his face.

"Thanks. Have you talked to Jon yet?"

"Kind of there still some loop holes."

"Loop holes?" I took out my phone and showed him the last message from him. Craig glanced over the words on the screen as his face expression changed from a frown to concerned. "Craig?"

He sighed "I-I know what he's talking about."

I furrowed my eyebrows "you mean this has happened before! Craig-"

"No! Nothing with Tyler. It's different. It's about Jon's past before him and I met you and Tyler. It's not my place to say anything...."

I flexed my jaw "is someone hurting him or did in the past?"

"No, it's nothing like that. It just....complicated. It stopped once we got to college. I talked to him about telling you, but he thinks you'll look at him differently."

I heavily sighed "these secrets are going to tear us apart."

"I don't know how this guy knows about it. The only person Jon told was me......Go talk to him. We don't need any problems than we already have. We can't let this guy win."

I nodded "are you going to be alright?"

"I'll be fine." I got up and walked upstairs. I knocked on the door and waited for Jon to answer.

He rubbed his eyes "you're back."

I nodded "can we talk?"

He hesitated for a moment "sure." He stepped aside to let me in the room. "Did you find Tyler?"

"Yeah and I talked to him" I sighed."Hopefully, I finally knocked some sense into him." He nodded. I hesitated before I showed him the message. His eyes widened in fear as he bit his lip. "Jon, what did he mean?"

"I swear I didn't enjoy it. I tried to push him away. David knocked on the door before anything can really happen."

"That's not what I mean." He twindled his thumbs and looked at the floor. "Craig told me something happened in your past before you met me and Tyler, but he didn't say what." He remained silent. "Jon talk to me please. Whatever it is it doesn't matter. It was in the past. Craig said whatever happened stop once we got to college."

"It's not as easy as you think" he whispered.

I moved closer to him and lifted his chin up to look at me "then help me understand." He let out a deep breath before he nodded.

Hey guys sorry about the cliffhanger, well not really lol. So what did you guys think happened in Jonathan's past? Will Evan care or not think any differently about him? Anyways I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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