The Plan

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Third POV
The next day, David was able to squeeze some information from Marcel's sister. She didn't want to be held responsible for any of their deaths not matter how much she loved him. She even called a few guys to help them out just in case.

"When they're coming over?" Craig says. Evan, Craig and David were sitting on the couch in front of the muted TV.

"They should be here soon. Believe or not. 2 of them supposedly go here" David says.

"Well this is a big school, so it's not surprised" Evan says as he rubs his hand across his face and sighs.

A knock on the door startles them. Evan quickly gets up to answer the door. Standing there are three men. One with a gray hoodie and dark blue jeans. His hair is dark brown, has a clean shaved beard, and hazel colored eyes. The second guy has a strawberry blonde hair that is slick to the side and blue eyes. He is the tallest among them wearing a dark purple shirt and black jeans. Evan didn't pay attention to them but was more focus on the third guy. His hair is red with a long beard and brown eyes. He has a scar of ap X over his right eye wearing a dark red shirt with black jeans.

Evan's eyes widen. "Luke?!"

Luke looks up from his phone. He frowns. "Evan?" He pushes Evan out of the way and walks to where Craig and David are standing by the couch. Their eyes widen when they see Luke. Luke turns back to Evan. "Where is he?"

"I-" Evan loses his voice when Luke is on him grabbing the front of shirt.

"I left him in your hands, and you promise me you will keep him safe!" His grip tightens. "I swear to god if I find him-"

"Cartoonz!" The guy in the gray hoodie pulls Luke back and Evan lets out a deep breath. "You can't lose your cool now. We'll find him don't worry."
Luke relaxes his muscles a bit and lets his head drop.

"Are you the guys?" David asks.

"Yeah, Anna called us and told us you guys needed some help, and she wasn't lying" the guy in the purple shirt glances at Luke for a second. "I'm Bryce by the way" he smiles. "That's Ohm." He points to guy in the gray hoodie who nods at them. "You seem to already know Cartoonz or Luke."

"Yeah we're not in the best of shape right now." Craig deflats and sighs in relief.

"Our friend, Lui was kidnapped by his ex, and probably took Jonathan and Tyler," David says.

Ohm raises his eyebrow. "This guy got a name?"

David shakes his head. "No, Lui never told me his name."

"I know him." Everyone turns their heads to Luke. He clenches his fist and flexes his jaw. "His name is Marcel. Jonathan would tell me stories about him missing his ex and how wanted to get him back. Unless there's another guy named Lui, I don't think this is coincidence."

Craig furrows his eyebrows. "How does Jonathan know him?"

Luke shakes his head. "It doesn't matter, but we're going to get them back."

Time Skip to the Plan

"Alright so that's the plan," Bryce finish explaining.

"You sound like you guys have done this before," Craig says.

"We're bounty hunters. Bryce and I have been tracking down Marcel for awhile. Cartoonz was recently partner up with us," Ohm says.

Evan turns his head towards Luke. "Does Jon know about this?"

Luke frowns and shakes his head. "No, I didn't want him to be involve with this."

"Alright we should head out hopefully we'll catch them off guard," Bryce checks his watch seeing that it is 1:35am.

The guys head out the door and into the black van Bryce, Ohm, and Luke came in. It isn't long before they arrived at the place. Once the guys got out, Evan, Craig and David were given weapons before they quickly went over the plan. They made their way to the back in front a silver metal door. Bryce signal them to wait a minute as he presses his ear against the door. Once the coast was clear, he tries the door handle to not be surprised to find it locked. Bryce nods towards Ohm before Ohm reaches in his bag and throws Bryce a small bag. He quickly opens the bag and pulls out a couple of tools. Once the door is unlocked, he quietly opens the door and peeks down both sides of the hallway. He signals the rest of the guys to enter. Once inside, they split off going down both ends of the hallway: Ohm, Luke, and David going to the right and Evan, Bryce, and Craig going to the left.

On the left, Evan, Bryce, and Craig ran into a few of Marcel's men roaming the halls. Bryce easily took them down with a silencer shot to their kneecaps and tied them up. Then, they come up to a navy blue, old door.  Bryce pressed his head up to the door and hear nothing but silence. He steps back and quickly kicks the door open with a gun at the ready. The room is pitch black. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small flashlight. He enters the room while Evan and Craig stand guard. The walls are made out of the concrete and tiled floor is white with a few of red stains that lead to a corner of the room. Bryce follows the red stains until he comes across a body hunch over with chains around his arms and legs. He rushes over the body and presses two fingers on the person's neck. He let out a sigh of relief when he felt a pulse.

"Guys," he whispers. Evan and Craig quietly rush in the room and follow Bryce's light. Their eyes widen when they see the person in the room.

"Tyler," Craig calls out and rushes over to him. He puts his hands on his face. Tyler has blood under his nose and a gash running from forehead to his temple. Bryce gets out his tools and quickly unlocks the chains. Then pulls out a smelling salt and waves it against Tyler's nose. Tyler slightly moves his head and groans. He opens his eyes and the first thing he sees in slight blurry vision is Craig.

"Craig?" His voice croaks.

Craig smiles a bit and rubs Tyler's cheek with his hand. "Hey you're going to be okay."

Tyler groans again. "You shouldn't be here. It's not safe."

"Don't worry Evan, David and I brought help," Craig says as Bryce places a temporary bandage on Tyler's head. "Can you try to stand up?" Tyler nods before he begins to try and hoist himself up with Craig and Evan's help.

"We should find the others to see if they found the rest of your friends," Bryce says as he packs up his stuff.

A loud gunshot rings throughout the building startling them before they hear a scream. They immediately rush out of the room with Tyler limping behind with Craig helping him.

Hey guys sorry for the long wait. This school year has been super stressful for me. Now that this semester is over hopefully I'll be able to update more. I hate that I've been the writer that makes you guys wait, and I'm really sorry for that. I hope this longer chapter does justice. Anyways, I'll talk to you guys later. Bye!!!

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