It's Harder to Say Goodbye Than I Thought

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Naill's P.O.V.

I am so glad she isn't mad, God I'm gonna miss her so much. Maya said to me, "Okay, well I know your going to win, so let's make our last night the best." So we went to see a movie but it was an old one so we made out in the back of the theater with no one around to even care, then we went to Nando's which is our favorite place to hang as a couple. As we were getting tired we went to my house, I'm 19 so I've already moved out and I made sure to go to a college that was local so I could stay with my girlfriend. We had fun being obnoxious, running around the neighborhood then we may or may not have gotten drunk. After the thought of leaving Maya hit me again I didn't remember anything. I woke up and realized I was nude. I look over at Maya and realized she was nude too and wearing one of my t-shirts, we must've done it last night. The bad thing is, I didn't remember any of it. Oh my fucking god I should be at the auditions right now. I gotta hurry but Maya said she'd come so that's good.


Maya's P.O.V.

Oh my god you have to be fucking kidding me, I just woke up and I realized I'm nude except for one of Niall's t-shirts. All of the sudden it hit me - Niall and I did it last night! I tried to get up and I am majorly sore, that was my 1st time and it didn't really hurt at the moment, probably a result of the alcohol but another result is I'm having a KILLER hangover. Niall then realizes I'm up and tells me we have to hurry and how he's sorry he has to rush me I say it's fine we talk about the long distance relationship and stuff. I JUST WANNA GO BACK TO BED but I'll suck it up for my boyfriend. We get to the audition line it's CROWDED there can't be that many talented people. Can there?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10 hours later

Oh my god I can't believe it my boyfriend is on stage to audition for the X-Factor. He tells them how old he is where he's from you know the boring stuff then he starts to sing, it's heavenly. He finishes and the whole crowd literally was on their feet, there wasn't a single person sitting, and the best thing is that he got all the judges to say yes. YAY!!! Wait, no this can't be happening. He's gonna go become famous and completely forget about me, oh fuck.


Niall's P.O.V.

Oh my god I can't believe I just did that! I sang, got a complete standing ovation, AND I got all the judges votes!!! Oh fuck, I have to leave Maya, damn it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 days later

"Just take care okay?!?!" I say nearly crying.

"Niall, you know I can take care of myself."

I don't know how she's always so strong, "Yeah, your a lot tougher then me that's for sure."

"You have to go catch that flight, I'll be alright I'll be waiting for you okay?"

"Princess, I love you, I'll miss you every second I'm breathing... Goodbye" God, this is a lot harder than I thought I would be.

"Bye, now go I love you, call me ok we'll keep in great touch!"

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