Hospital Trip

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A/N:HEYYY IT'S MIsADirectioner2002!!! How ya doin? So sorry I haven't updated in forever, if go read my other stories then you will know why. Aaaaannnnyway... on with the story...



Harry's POV

She had waist length chocolate colored hair and brilliant blue eyes, she walked up and just started yelling.

"HEY, LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!! JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK HE OR HIS BANDMATES DID DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE." Silence fell, then, just as I thought they were gonna walk away and come to their senses, I heard a loud BANG and the beautiful girl fell to the ground.


Harry's POV:

The crowd went silent instantly, I then realized that this was the calm before the storm. The group of teenage girls went crazy, screaming, yelling. It was chaos. My only focus was to get to the mystery girl, but right now people were cutting off my path. I pushed through them and finally got to the girl. I stood next to her and just studied her for a second, she was beautiful and, for a moment, we were alone. I snapped back to reality, picked her up and sprinted to the hospital two blocks away.

When I got there I bursted through the doors to be met with a quiet waiting room. I carried her to the desk and told the nurse lady what had happened.

"We'll get her into a room ASAP." she said and took her away. I sat down and waited. About five minutes later, a nurse came out and said that they were sending her into the O.R. (operating room)

I replied "Okay." then I had another thought and asked "Um... do you know what her name is?" She turned around and replied "Her name is Roselyn, she's around your age." Then she turned around a kept walking. Roselyn, wow, beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

*3 hours later*

Still Harry's POV :P

Here I am... three hours later, still waiting for Roselyn to come out of the operating room. I was really worried about this girl I mean she looked like she was 18ish and as far as I knew her parents weren't here so I went up to the nurse at the front desk and asked, "Hi, um, do you know where the girl in room 315's parents are?" I asked her.

"Oh Roselyn Camino, her parents died when she was 14. She's an orphan."


Hey it's me and my co-writer @MIsADirectioner2002 most of this chappie was her and thank you for getting ' Louis Tomlinson' 100 reads and 10 votes it's not much but to me it is so thanx!!!!

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