"I Hate You!"

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Maya's P.O.V.

6 weeks


I have been staying at Niall's apartment for a week now. I have gone home and gotten some clothes when my mum was gone. I hate her I cannot believe she yelled at me like that, its not like she got pregnant at 16 oh wait YES SHE DID!!! And on top of that its been 2 and a half weeks since I talked to Niall I just don't know if I wanna tell him or not I mean he's gotten so far and I don't want to be the reason he fails.

So it's settled; until I see him in the flesh again I won't tell him. But I do wish I had him here with me, the morning sickness and the cravings are seriously annoying. Oh, and no one could ever forget the glorious mood swings (that was in neck deep sarcasm). It would be a lot easier with Niall though, we talked today and he told me he's going to come and visit on Wednesday so I guess my secret will be revealed sooner than I thought. My mum keeps calling me and texting me things like 'I'm so sorry maya PLEASE PLEASE come home!' But I don't reply or call or answer her calls at all I hate her but after about 3 million calls I finally answered just to shut her up

"Maya honey oh my god i am so sorry please come home I-"

"Mom shut up okay? I only picked up my phone because I wanted to shut you up so don't call again I am disowning you as my mother. Bye bye, April!"

"Fine, but don't expect any help, love, encouragement, or money. Oh and I'm burning all your stuff."

"God, I hate you! I'm blocking your number so don't try to reach me"

After that conversation I was bawling my eyes out. I HATE hormones I like never cry, damn I wish Niall was here. No, I can't ruin his dream. I'll just stay at his place for awhile make sure Niall knows, not the fact I'm pregnant I am gunna keep that concealed till Wednesday I guess. I mean I'm staying in his apartment and I think he'll figure out in a matter of a day I may be only like 6 weeks along but I will show eventually. And it's pretty obvious ,well it will be to Niall that I'm struggling with hormones. I mean I never cry and he knows it. I'm pretty sure he already suspects something because I answered a few of his video chats while crying.

~~~~~~~~~~1 week later (a.k.a: 7 weeks)

"Oh my god Niall I missed you so much!" I yelled happily.

"Hey babe I missed you too! Not to ruin the moment or anything but what's wrong? You never cry and when we video chatted you were crying." Niall asks my face turned pale and I could feel my stomach beginning to lose its contents. I then ran to the bathroom and spilled the contents of my stomach and Niall said once again "What,s wrong you're not yourself" I knew at that moment I was going to have to tell him but all that ran through my head was 'How will he take this???'


Hey people from earth I dedicated this chapter to MIdirectioner2002 you guys should read her 3 books called 'Girls Night Out' a 1D fanfic, 'Halloween' (read if you like action & Disney) and 'Daughter of a God' (Greek Mythology) they're all REALLY good.

Pregnant With His Child (A Niall Horan Fan-Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora