Chapter 1

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Do you ever get that feeling where you just want to die and when you realise there is a possibility you could die you don't want to? Nope? Well I do. Let me introduce myself, my name is Evelyn Jones and at the young age of ten, my parents died. Well, they were murdered. I don't know the whole story, but ever since, I have been living with my grandmother who is mateless and pretty miserable.

Another thing you should know about me is that I'm a werewolf. Yes, they exist. Sorry children, didn't mean to give you nightmare's but it's true. And no, werewolves are harmless to humans. We like to focus on our own species leaving out the rest of you humans behind us to worry about your own self.

We have two forms: our human form, and our wolf. Our human form is exactly like yours, except our senses are ten times more efficient. Our wolf is like a whole new person inside of us. My wolf's name is Catherine. She is a voice inside of me, and when I transform into my wolf, that's who you see. Catherine is stubborn and uptight, but she's always right.

Unlike human beings, werewolves have a different society. You have kings and queens; we have Alpha's and Luna's. The king - as you would call - is called the Alpha. He is the most feared in the pack and runs the pack. The second in command, is the Beta. And your queen is called the Luna. Our kind is more arrogant than normal beings. But then again, we do transform into big wolfs, so who can blame us?

In this world filled with all sorts of supernatural creatures, werewolves are unable to fall in love with just anybody. We are destined to be with someone by the moon goddess, our creator. I know, corny, but it's true. We can sleep with anyone, even have boyfriends, but we will never truly love anyone apart from our mate. Our mate is our soul mate, our other half. Being with them becomes a necessity at some point, and losing a mate is like losing half your soul. After you find your mate, there comes the mating process. Your mate -normally the male- bites your neck and marks you and then you mate, meaning you have sex.

In your society, terrorists are your threats, however for us, its rogues. Rogues are werewolves that don't belong to any pack. Homeless werewolves. This means being in a pack is really important. One last thing, all that crap you saw when you were young about werewolves turning on a full moon on Disney Channel, yep, all fake. The first change is always hard and extremely painful, but then you can change whenever you want and it's as easy as lifting a feather.

So now that you know most of the things about my kind, let's talk about me. I'm 19 years old, and I belong to the Crescent Moon pack. Apart from my grumpy grandmother who recently lost her mate in a rogue attack, I only have one more family left. My best friend, James Devon. Ever since I came out of my mother, he has been the only friend who has tolerated me until now. My one true friend.

Walking down the stairs into my grandmother's old, but food-filled kitchen, I sat down at the antique coffee table waiting for grams to join me. A couple minutes later, she came trotting down the stairs, dressed and ready to head out. Where she was going? I have no idea.

"Morning grams. You look like you're off somewhere. Care to share?" I stared at her when her expression changed into a weird one, as if I'm missing something.

"Didn't you receive it?"

"Receive what?" I asked biting on my toast.

"The mind-link from Alpha Thompson calling in a pack meeting?" she asks in horror. Yes, we can mind link by the way. Perks of being a werewolf. I look at her clueless when she starts erupting lava all over me. "Oh no! Evelyn Catherine Jones, how many times do I have to tell you to keep your mind link open?" She just used my whole name, oh boy am I in trouble.

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