Chapter 10

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Evelyn's POV

"Mum?" My mouth fell open at the mere sight of the woman in front of my eyes.

It couldn't be possible. She was dead. She was murdered. Then how?

Words gathered into my mouth, but never managed to find release as I sat petrified on the hard chair trying to make sense out of the situation.

"Hello darling" just her plain voice immediately cleared my doubt. She was indeed my mother. But even though my mind had managed to process the information, my heart refused to.

"How?" was the only word that managed to slip out of my mouth as I looked at her in pure astonishment. Her calm brown orbs looked into mine as she sympathetically smiled at me and walked to wards me, grabbing a chair to seat herself in front of me. The light struck her face as she positioned herself in front of me, allowing me to see her features properly.

Her once joy-filled eyes were empty, with no spark whatsoever. She had dark circles under her eyes and a few wrinkles had started to appear on her face. Werewolves aged slower, and it was impossible that at this age my mother should have gotten wrinkles. The person in front of me was only a replica of my mother, yet my mother seemed nowhere to be found.

"Well, after the SOWP was destroyed, your father and I were devastated, especially since we were the creators of the Society of Werewolf Protection after all. But we weren't quite done yet, you see, we had been experimenting with a few things. Eventually we went into hiding at Logan's pack?" My mind fuzzed into a knot of confusion, a billion questions penetrating my mind.

"What about Eddy? And why would Logan's pack take you in, especially since you massacred their pack and his mate?" An evil laugh escaped my mother's lips, and I knew that she was not longer my mother, but a monster.

"Your brother, pff that pathetic excuse of by that we accidentally gave birth to, he left us. He's probably dead by now, who knows. As for the information Logan might have provided you with is...somewhat fake. You see we did massacre this pack. Every single life was taken away, including their poor old Luna who didn't know how to defend herself. But in exchange for support from this pack, we gave Alpha Logan just what he wanted... his mate back" She smiled evilly, making me squirm away at the mere sight of her. This is what my caring and loving mother had turned into. A disgusting bitch who took pleasure in taking the lives of others. It disgusted me to the gut.

"How did you manage to bring his mate back?" I curiously asked. A smirk spread across her face as she looked at me.


"What about Eddy? How can you say that about him? He is your son!"

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL HIM THAT! HE LEFT US ABANDONNED US! THAT TRAITOR, IF I EVER SEE HIM ALIVE I WILL KILL HIM WITH MY BARE HANDS!" She snapped. And by that I mean really snapped. Her chair was thrown across the other side of the room and her eyes had turned red as she animalistically looked at me.

A slight sense of fear struck me as I saw the real condition of my mother, and I wanted nothing more than to be in the absence of her presence.

"What do you want from me?" I had barely asked as I watched her pace the room and calm down a little. She looked back at me, her red eyes long gone.

"Oh honey, you are the key to everything. See when we talked about experiments, we were referring to you" My brows laced together as I stared at her in utter confusion. "You were not born naturally Evelyn. You were born out of an experiment."

Just then, the sound of a loud bang filled the room and I knew instantly – no doubt – who it was. I smiled interiorly at myself, and the mere thought of my freedom from this woman gave me hope to be strong. Now that I knew what I was up against, I could protect my people, I could save them, and be with them.

My witch of a mother had noticed as her eyes slowly returned to a crimson red colour, she then made her way out of the room with an angry huff, leaving me in the absolute same position or acknowledging the situation I was in.

Not a minute later, my knight in shining armour (aka my ex-mate) - please note the sarcasm – came dashing through the doors to the room, as his eyes landed on mine, he sped to my direction and in no time my hands were free and the silver chains had been pried off me. The growl was heard from Carter's chest as he faced me, checking me for any injuries whatsoever. When he found none, he grabbed my hand and started dragging me out without uttering a single word.

As we arrived the top of the stairs I was whipped off my feet onto my mate's arms and before I knew it, my mate was rushing back with me in his arms towards god knows where. That's when I finally got all the courage in me to pose a question.

"Where are we going?" I didn't even seem to mind the close proximity between my ex-mate and myself as he continued carrying me in his arms, taking me to wherever we were going.

"Home" was his brief reply. As we arrived the borderline, a petite figure with short wavy blonde hair stood at the end. Her eyes remained closed, hiding her eyes from us and Carter seemed to ignore her as he passed right by her, and just as my curiosity had reached the top, he had cut me off. "I'll explain everything once we get back" were his brief words. I nodded, not knowing what to say or do.

What had my life come to?


Sorry for the short chapter! Was anybody expecting that?? Chapter thoughts?? Furture predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think!

Picture of Evelyn's mother to the side--->





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