Chapter 4

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Opening my eyes, I realised I was surrounded by darkness. A blindfold was over my eyes and my hands and feet were tied at the back of the chair with silver chains. Silver, werewolves weakness. It burns our skin and makes our wolf weak and unable to shift. Silence penetrated the room as only the sound of my fiddling chains could be heard. Until two minutes later, the noise of the opening of a cell was heard. My cell.

"Well well well, look who it is. Sleeping beauty has awoken." A deep voice mocked. I didn't even realise what happened. The last thing I remembered was waiting by the lakeside and then a cold liquid being smothered across my face. How long was I even out for?

"What do you want from me you son of a bitch?" I yelled, the blindfold still on my eyes, preventing me from looking at my kidnapper. The person who murdered my only family. My grandmother.

"Well now darling, that is no way to greet your best friend is it?" he said. I scoffed and laughed.

"Best friend? Best friend? What kind of a best friend kills the others grandmother? Their only family left?" I said as I sensed him near me. I felt an arm raise to the lace of the blindfold, taking it off slowly to reveal my kidnapper's face; he was a tall, young man, with blonde hair and green eyes. His muscles were highlighted through his black v-neck. His jeans lay low in his waist. Pulling out a chair right in front of me, he sat down, his arms crossed across his chest. A small smirk spread across his face.

"Oh darling, that was never my intention, but you see, I had to take precautions. I know a fighter when I see one." I frowned as suddenly the thought of the files on the pendrive appear on my mind. My brother. Eddy. And my parents. Could it really be?

"The information on the pendrive. Is it true? Do I really have a brother? And my parents, were they really part of the SOWP?" I asked hesitantly. I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer. I probably already knew the answer. But I wasn't ready to face it. Face the truth. The ugly truth. He laughed at me, causing me to frown.

"Now why would we provide you with fake information. That's the reason you're here to begin with. To pay for what those bastards did to us. Your parents." His voice contained a hint of disgust as he spoke. I tensed as he insulted my parents. Even though I had only spent half my childhood with them, they were great people. They loved me with all their hearts and provided me with whatever necessity I had. Only to find out that it had all been a lie. One great, big lie.

"What do you mean pay? What did they do?" I questioned. He looked irritated, but I couldn't care less. He got up, dragging the chair back to where he got it from.

"Patience darling, patience." and with those last words, he walked out the cell, leaving room for no argument.

As soon as he left, the door reopened once again. Before I knew it, a petite figure was thrown into the cell. She collapsed to the ground and I once again fiddled with my chains, atempting to help the poor brunette. The door to the cell shut and the sound of her sobs were heard.

"Don't bother, I tried, it doesn't work." she breathed.

"I'm sorry." I said, looking at her poor body scattered on the ground.

She lifted up her face, forming a tiny smile on her face. Her brown eyes looked dull and sleepless, she had dark circles under her eyes. Her skin looked beaten, heavily might I add.

"I'm Ashely." She said. I returned her tiny smile.

"Evelyn." I responded. She shifted from her crouched position, her back against the wall for support.

"So, what you in for?" she questioned after a minute of silence as she put herself back together.

"Don't really know. Something about my parents. You?" I asked her.

"I helped one of their people escape. She was a eight year old, and I'm a rogue. They found us, killed the girl, and here I am." Instantly, I felt bad for her. How could they be such monsters? Killing an eight year old? She barely even lived!

"Sorry." was the only thing I could reply.


Walking back into the Crescent Moon pack, I headed straight towards the pack house. They probably sensed me near their grounds as the number of guards instantly increased by the doors. As I came into view, they immediatley stepped away from the door, giving me full access into the house. They must have mind linked Alpha Thompson about my presence since when I walked up the stairs I found him waiting outside his office, his arms crossed on his chest.

"Alpha Jackson, to what do I owe this visit?" he questioned as I approached him

"I'm looking for Evelyn Jones." I responded sternly. He frowned, looking as confused as his mate who stood by his side.

"Why? Is she in trouble?"

"No, I just need to talk to her." He sighed, shrugging it off.

"Very well, my beta will escort you to her house." he said singalling his beta to do so.

As we walked to her house, I noticed a grave in her backyard. It read Maria Stephanie Jones. Died... three days ago?!? That's the day I rejected her! Shit! She must be so heartbroken! Thats why she was crying when I first saw her? Shit! Fuck! I'm screwed! Why did I have to be the biggest jerk in the world? As I looked at the headstone in horror, I heard Beta Black speak behind me.

"She was her grandmother, the only family she had left." I glanced back at him with confusion.

"What happened to her parents?" I questioned. He shrugged his shoulders as he shifted from one leg to another.

"All I know is that they died when she was ten. She was instantly taken in by her grandmother." My heart ached listening to the terrorising stories coming from the beta's mouth.

Before I knew it, a male voice was heard in the distance, calling my mates name. Suddenly, a tall, chested man appeared infront of me, a horrified expression on his face. He had tousled brown hair and hazel eyes, making me curious and angry on the spot.

"James? What's going on?" Beta black asked the guy called James. He looked tired as he panted for air. He held up a letter in his hand as he said the words that killed me forever.

"She's gone. I don't know where or why. All I know is that she is in trouble and she's gone." In the blink of an eye, I had James pinned to the wall by the throat as I threatened to suck the air out of him.

"What do you mean gone? What trouble? Who are you?" I growled as he struggled to loosen from my death grip. Who was he anyways? Her boyfriend? I let him go as he slid down the wall, catching his breath. Recovering in a matter of seconds, he stood up again and I signalled him to start his explanation.

"My name is James, I am Evelyn's best friend. I found her in the lab yesturday, she was looking at some files on a pendrive. When I questioned her about it, she just said she was in trouble and that even though it wasn't her trouble she had to pay for it because if not others like her grandmother would end up dead. Then she just ran off before I could stop her. When I woke up today I thought I would talk to her about it, but I found this note on my front porch instead. She hasn't written anything about where she's going. She just said she has to go." He replied handing me the note. I read it and started erupting with growls. She was really close to him and it was driving me and my wolf nuts. NOBODY was allowed to be with her except me. Not any other male in this universe. She is mine. Rejecting her was the biggest mistake I could make in my life. But I will get her back and make her mine. I will get my mate back.


There goes another chapter!! Do you think he is going to get to her? Will she forgive him? Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think!

Picture of Ashley to the side--->





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