Chapter 5

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Two days. It's been two days since I last talked to or saw my kidnapper. I recieved food once a day. Shit food might I add. What they want with me? Got no idea. They just keep me here and treat me like dirt. What the hell my parents do to them? I still have no idea. But whatever it was, it better be bad enough to bear such torture. I couldn't take it anymore. I was locked up in chains for two damn days. Not able to move a limb, not even communicate with my wolf. It was driving me crazy. If Ashley wansn't here I think I might have even lost my temper and started acting like a freaking lunatic. Who the hell are these people anyways? No idea. I have no idea what is going on. Does Carter know I'm missing? Who am I kidding? Like he even cares. He was probably banging some bimbo as we speak. But James? And my pack? I'm sure they will come looking for me. Unfortunatley I have no idea where I am myself so it will just be a waste of time. I just hoped they would give up. My conversations with Ashley have been limited. She was out of the cell most of the day, being beaten by the sick pack - or whatever they are - and when she was back, she was too tired to even open her mouth. The only thing I had found out about her or this place so far was: her name was Ashley Porter and she was also 19 years old. Nothing else. I had no idea what time of the day it was, what wether it was outside nothing. Almost felt like I was in some sort of mental hospital.

After another five hours in hell - or purgatory rather - the door to my cell opened, revealing my one and only kidnapper. I can't believe I'm even saying this but boy was I glad to see him. Incase they hadn't noticed, it was getting pretty boring over here with nothing to do. He walked in, shutting the door behind him as he pulled out the chair, placing himself in front of me.

"Evy, how you doing tonight?" he questioned. Ha! How you doing? Bloody fantastic is how I'm doing.

"Oh you know, like a total queen." I said sarcastically. He smirked, making me want to slap it off his stupid, retarted face.

"Well bff you are in luck today. You wanted your parents story, you get your parents story. Now go ahead, ask me anything you want." He said, concluding his point with a short clap.

"Well how about you start by telling me what the hell my parents ever did to you? Who are you? And what is your name?" I yelled. He smiled once again as if he were enjoying my annoyance. Jerk.

"My name's Logan Neil Braganza. I'm a hybrid. And your parents. Oh your parents. After you were born, your parents wanted to leave the SOWP but they had one more mission in hand. To destroy every hybrid on the face of the earth. As you can see they failed. But they managed to take out all the ancestors of our pack. My parents, my family, my mate." He growled at the last part. Hybrids. They were hybrids. Half vampire-half warewolf. How the hell? These people could kill me in an instant. They were feared, even by the warewolfs and vampires. I almost felt guilty that he had to loose his mate by the hands of none other than my parents. I almost couldn't believe it, but seeing that they belonged to the SOWP I had no other option other than believing his words. It ached knowing that my whole life had been a lie. That my parents were not who they seemed. They were killers. Murderers. Assasins. They called themselfs the Society of Warewolf Protection though it was more like a league of murderers. But that still didn't explain what I was doing here. What were they going to do to me? They can't keep me here locked up for the rest of my life, can they?

"What has that got to do with me? What are you going to use me-"

"Ah ah ah, stop right there barbie." he cut me off, putting his index finger on my mouth. "That's enough questions for today." Immediatley, he left my cell, leaving me dumbfounded once again. What the hell? That was only one question! Well, three, but whatever. How much I wish my mate wouldn't have rejected me. His sudden image popped up into my head. The image of him making out with that dumb, blonde bimo. Heat was perspiring through my forehead as my anger increased, my hands fisting at the back of the chains, ready to explode. Wait, why was I getting jealous anyways? He is nothing but a womanizing piece of shit. Not to mention a dominating, possesive Alpha. Fearful might I add. Great. I just had to get this life didn't I?


"Look everywhere, find something that can lead us to her." I demanded. We had gathered the Alpha and their team to send search parties for her. They still didn't know I was her mate, but I supposed they could guess by the way I was getting all worried over her. I walked up to her room. It was plane white, a small bed by the edge of the room - by the window - a small desk with papers scattered around, mostly about vampire blood and other lab reports. And a small bedside table. A closet and a bathroom attatched to her room. I looked through her papers, looking for anything. Looking through one of her drawers, I found a small folded note with scribbled handwriting, much like the note I found at the party. It read:

Dear Evelyn,

The time has finally come for you to pay for what your parents did to us. Start kissing you pack goodbye, and if you don't, you will watch all of them die. One by one. Whilst you sit there helpless and unable to do anything. You probably don't know who we are, but you will find out soon. There is no escape from us. A party will be held tomorrow, after the meeting with Alpha Jackson a bit further from your pack. Make sure to come.

Lots of love,

Your new best friends.

My grip on the note tightened as I let out a loud growl, causing my beta - whom I had ordered to come earlier - to barge into the room.

"Carter? What's wrong?" he asked.

"She's being thretened by some son of a bitch." I said through my gritted teeth. I walked down the stairs with the note in my hand, walking straight towards James. "What did you see on that drive she had yesturday?" I demanded, making him feel intimidated.

"I don't know. They were black files. She took it out before I could see it." I picked him up by the throat and pinned him to the wall again. I was pissed. Beyond pissed. He could have stopped her, saved her. She would be here. Safe. With me.

"Why didn't you stop her? You could have stopped her, saved her." I yelled.

"Put him down." I heard Alpha Thomson say from behind me. I put him down instantly, knowing how much he meant to her. Even though it annoyed me, I know she wouldn't have wanted me to kill him. "It's not his fault. No one knew she was going to leave. We will find her." before I could answer, Thompson's beta, Chandler came running back in.

"Alpha, the trackers have recognised her scent next to the Dark Shadows territory, by the lake." Immediatley we all ran out, following the Beta. She was next to my pack! I could have saved her! Damn it! This was all my fault. I rejected her. I was the biggest jerk in the entire universe. She won't take me back. But I will never stop looking for her. I will find her, and I will kill the son of a bitch that kidnapped her. I will rip him, limb to limb. I will make him suffer. No one touches what is mine. Ever.


And there goes another chapter?? How are you liking it so far?? What do you think is going to happen? Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think!!

Picture of Logan (the kidnapper) to the side--->





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