Chapter 6

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"I spy with my little eye, somthing beggining with the letter C." I said to Ashley as she sat in front of me, facing me. Yes, we were playing eye spy. At this point, we were sick and tired of everything going on, and after a billion attempts at escaping, we gave up. So here we were, playing eye spy, since there was nothing else to do. During  god knows how much time I spent in this hell hound, we got to know each other properly. I found out more about her, her parents, the fact that she escaped her pack because her parents forced her into a marriage she didn't want to commit to since it wasn't with her mate. She refused to take such action at all costs and ran away.

"Chains." she responded.

"Yes. Very good." I mumbled, feeling sleepy. I lacked the presence of a bed, and I craved it so much. I would give anything to be with my darling bed right now. And James. Thinking about him made me sad, and curious. What would he be doing? There was someone else who also kept invading my mind, but I managed to push the thought away every time it popped into my head. The only emotion I felt towards my so called mate right now, was hatred. Pure hatred. And nothing could change that.

We continued playing eye spy, repeating the same objects since there were barely three things inside the darn jail cell we were kept in. I was slowly staring to lose my mind due to the lack of nutrition I got. Me, being a warewolf, had a much bigger appetite than a human being, yet recieved only one meal a day. Great. My life was utterly perfect. Please note the sarcasm.

"Hey Ash?" I asked her, wondering if she might be asleep.


"Do you think we will ever get out?" I questioned, a tone of hope in my voice.

"I don't know Ev, I don't know"


Three hours later


My eyes snapped open at the loud noise erupting through the cells. The sound of screaming and shouting was going on around us, and the stench of blood suddenly penetrated my nose.

"What's happening?" Ash asked, her tone worried.

"I think they're being attacked" My eyes widened as I realised my own words. They were being attacked. And this could be the day we both possibly died.

An unknown smell was suddenly smeared around the cells, notifying the entry of another pack's members. Three big men entered and started walking towards different cells.

This was it, this would be the end of us. This would be the day we died. I lived a life that ended shortly, a life without a mate and a proper family. I never got to meet my brother or say a proper goodbye to James. I would be reunited with my parents and grams soon. I shut my eyes and waited for the impact of their kill as a big man opened our cell. The rustling of chains was heard, and immediately, I felt my chains losten, before they were completley off me. Wait, what? I opened my eyes, only to see that my chains were now open and my hands free, and so were Ashley's. The big man was gone, headed to another cell. That's when I realised their intentions. They weren't here to kill us, they were here to free us. I grabbed Ashley's hand and ran out through the cells, heading towards the exit, my route to freedom. We sprinted up the stairs, arriving a total war scene. Dodging wolves and bullets, we made our way though World War III. We arrived a small clearing at the end, before an authoritive voice suddenly stopped us.

"Where do you think you're going?" The voice was somewhat familiar, although I was sure I had never heard it before. Turning around slowly, my eyes widened as I realised the person standing in front of me. Someone who was so close to me yet I had never met. My family, my own blood, my brother.


Carter's POV

I paced around the laboratory. Her scent was scattered around it, giving my wolf the slightest bit of patience. But I couldn't take it any longer. I had been here for three hours as James tried to figure out the contents of the pen drive she held.

"I got it!" He suddenly yelled, catching my attention. I dashed up to him, kicking him out of his seat as I scanned the data.

My eyes widened as I let the information in front of me sink in. They were files, files about my mate's family. Dangerous family.

"Her parents were part of SOWP, that's impossible" Alpha Aiden commented as he looked down at the screen. I got up, knowing what this meant.

"They're not just part of the SOWP, they are the creators of the SOWP" I said.


Sorry about the short chapter! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think!

Picture of Alpha Aiden to the side--->





Carter #HMS1Where stories live. Discover now