Chapter 17

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Evelyn's POV

Pain. That's all I could feel. I felt unable to move myself, weak, almost dead. My head was pounding and my entire body was aching. I tried opening my eyes, but nothing happened. All I could see was black. I felt as if I was drowning in the black whole, I felt myself falling. That's until someone caught me. A wolf. A pure black wolf came into view, running through the forest with a wolf similar to mine running beside it. I squinted my eyes - even though they were probably shut – trying to focus on the scene, realising what I was looking at. My wolf, and Carter's. I didn't know what that meant, I didn't even know what was going on. But I knew one thing: I needed to wake up. I blurred the vision out, focusing on the opening of my eyes. As I did so, my entire system pained, but I forced myself to continue, I knew that if I wanted to look at my mate and make the vision become reality, I had to wake up. I pushed myself, to every extending limit I had, harder and harder each time.

Then, I felt it. The feeling of sparks running through my body, the electrifying feeling of fireworks running through every vein, fibre and organ in my body, followed by a voice.

"Wake up cupcake. Come back to me. I need you" just by the desperation in the voice and the way it sent shivers down my spine I knew who the voice belonged to. That's all the motivation I needed, and in the next minute, I felt my eyes lift open like a weight being taken off of me.

A bright white light penetrated my eyes, making me blink furiously before adjusting. I scanned the room, noticing all sorts of machines connected to my body. I was wearing a hospital robe, a thin white sheet covering my figure on the white hospital bed. Two brown sofa's on either side of my bed, and a door on the right of my bed leading towards what I assumed was a bathroom.

Finally my eyes landed on my mate, his hand grasping mine as he looked right into my soul. He had bags under his eyes – an indication of his lack of sleep – his clothes looked faded and he smelled of forest. A smile made it's way to my face just at the mere sight of him.

"You scared me to death" he spoke, gently coming eye level with me.

"I'm sorry" I whispered sincerely, noticing the pain that rose in my throat as I tried to speak. He passed me a cup of water and I gulped it down greedily, then passing it back to him. As soon as his eyes met mine I placed my hand at the back of his head gently, pulling him down to connect my mouth to his. His mouth moved rapidly against mine, a sense of desperation and a hunger filled in him, and I responded the same way. I had no idea how long I was out for, I just knew that it felt like an eternity, and I knew just how much I needed my mate in my life.

His hands had found their way to my back, but the slightest bit of pressure made me wince in pain, and his mouth disconnected from mine.

"Shit, I'm so sorry baby. Are you okay?" I nodded, ignoring the pain in my back and resuming our old action, his lips back on mine.

"I missed you so much" I said between kisses, noticing a faint smile appearing on his face.

"I missed you so much more" he replied as we parted. His smile soon disappeared and a frown took place, his eyes disconnecting from mine. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you earlier baby. I wasn't there, I'm so-"

"Don't you dare" I warned, gaining his attention "Don't you dare blame this on yourself Carter. My parents are sick, that's not your fault. What they did was sick, but yet here I am, in your arms again, which only means that you saved me Carter. You fucking saved me so don't you dare blame this on yourself"


"No. That's final." That seemed to stop him "How long have I been out for?" I questioned , moving slightly on the bed so he could cuddle in beside me, which he did instantly.

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