Chapter 8

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Evelyn's POV

"Carter! Stop the attack!" he looked at me in utter confusion, and for a full minute, he didn't move.

"What do you mean stop the attack? He took you!" He growled, coming closer to me protectively. I moved back, not wanting to be held by him, but he only growled louder, making me flinch back.

"The pack you're attacking is my brother's. He saved me, he didn't take me" I whispered once I was a good distance away. He paused, nodding slightly before focusing hard on the wall behind me. I knew he was mind-linking his pack. The fighting around me stopped, and I knew that he had done as I had told him. His pack started surrounding him and not long later, my brother appeared out of the nowhere by my side.

"What's going on here?" he growled, looking at the close proximity between me and Carter. I backed away, earning a a growl from him, but moved to my brother's side.

"This is Alpha Carter-"

"Her mate" he growled over my voice.

"My ex mate. He rejected me." I specified, glaring at him. How dare he call us his mate after rejecting us? He kept his mouth shut to let me continue. My brother growled, moving closer towards me "He thought you had taken me, so he came to rescue me.

"I would never hurt my sister" he growled again. I could see the daggers being shot between my brother and Carter, making me completely uncomfortable.

"Thank you for coming to save me, but as you can see I'm alright. You can go now" I said very plainly, crossing my arms in front of him, trying not to be intimidated by him. Suddenly, a figure popped out behind Carter, and I gasped, running towards my best friend and embracing him in a hug. He didn't waste time and held me to him.

"I missed you" I said into his back as he chuckled. A growl erupted before I was ripped from James' arms and into a rock hard chest.

"Mine" he said into my neck. I pushed back from him, refusing to give in.

"Not anymore." I ignored his glare and looked back at James, who was staring at something behind me with great intensity. I turned around following his eyes, only to notice that he was staring at Ashley who had now walked out of the small house we were staying at. In no time, the words of clarification came out of James mouth.

"Mate" and before I knew it, he was at her side, clutching onto her tightly. A smile had made itself to Ashley's face as he hung onto his back. She looked at me from his back and I sent her a smirk, she blushed and buried her head in his shoulder.

"If I may, Alpha Jones, I would like permission to stay the night in your land. I will leave in a few days" I heard Carter say from behind me. I turned to look at him in utter shock. I didn't expect to pull that stunt, and I was most definitely not okay with it. I turned back to plead to my brother to deny his request, but oddly, my dear brother wasn't even paying attention to my ex-mate's words. He too, just like James, was focused on something in the air. I could sense his wolf struggling to remain within his human self. It was a sign that his mate too was close by. I realised as he finally lost in and finally darted out into the woods, pushing right past us. He didn't even have to walk five steps away from us to arrive his destination. In middle of the clearing stood a petite figure with dark brown hair and striking green eyes, similar to Carter's. That's when I came to realise who she was. Carter's sister. And my brother's mate. He didn't waste a minute before mirroring James' actions and embracing her into a hug as he buried his head into her neck. I could see the fear in her eyes as she refused to embrace him back. I hadn't even realised that Carter was no longer by my side but ripping my brother away from his mate.

"Don't touch her!"

"Mate!" Eddy had growled in response, his fists clenched by his side.

"What are you doing here Casey? I told you to stay back!"

"I-I j-just wanted to h-help resc-cue the l-Luna" she stuttered, clearly intimidated by everyone. I don't know why, but I forced myself walk up to the stage and stop the act. I grabbed Casey by the shoulders, pulling her away from the two intimidating, scary big Alpha's who were a minute away from shredding each other to pieces.

"Stop it both of you. You're scaring her" my brother instantly calmed down, looking at his mate with adoration "Eddy, can we all talk in private, let's not create a scene in front of your packs" I whispered he nodded silently, guiding us into the house. Carter ordered his pack to return with the Beta of the dark Shadows.

We entered the living room, Casey still by my side, her gaze matching the floor. James and Ashley had tagged along too. Everyone had sat down on the couch except Casey and me. There was a moment of awkward silence, Casey still refused to match my brother's orbs.

"Well, Ashley is James' mate. And, Casey is Eddy's." I started off, really awkwardly. I had no idea where I was supposed to go with this. I didn't even know what there was to talk about, clearly my brother and Casey were mates, they both seemed to accept each other so I had no idea what was left to be discussed.

"No he's not" I had heard Carter growl, and in the next minute, he was by my side grabbing Casey once again. Before I could even begin to solve the problem, Eddy stood up to snatch his mate from my ex-mate's arms, who just so happened to be her brother.

"MATE!" he had yelled in his face. I was getting tired of this, and I was not going to take a minute more of their bickering, and by the look on Casey's face, neither was she.

"STOP IT!" I yelled, overpowering their growls. "Will you both just stop growling? First of all, Carter this is not your problem, this is your sisters. She can either accept or reject my brother, besides it's not like you're an experts on the whole mates thing so I suggest you stay out of this" he growled at me, despite me telling them not to, and my brother had also responded to his growl with yet another growl. Great. This is harder than getting a five year old to stop cussing. I mentally groaned and slouched down on the couch, exasperated. I could see a glint of a laugh in James and Ashley's eyes as they simply observed the scene. I ignored them and turned back to the scene, where Carter had thankfully backed away and allowed Casey and Eddy to go and talk in private. Soon, Ashley and James excused themselves, leaving me alone with my ex-mate.

Carter's POV

I looked at her as she stood up, ready to exit the room, but I wasn't giving up any time soon. I grabbed her by her arm – sparks erupting throughout my entire body instantly - turning her around to face me.

"Can I talk to you?" she looked hesitant for a moment before reluctantly nodding.

"What do you want?" I could see the anger in her voice, and I accepted it. She had every right to be mad at me; I was by far the worst mate anybody could ever wish for. I took a deep breath, picking my words carefully.

"I am by far the worst mate ever, and I know I shouldn't even do this because I probably don't deserve it, but I have to ask for your forgiveness. I don't need you to forgive me now; I know you won't be able to. I also know that you won't take me back if I asked you to. I have been the dumbest mate ever, and I rejected you for all the wrong reasons. But now that I realise what I have done, I realise what I have lost. I promise to win you back Evelyn, one way or another I will. Because the truth is that I don't think I would be able to live in a world without my mate." She stared at me for a second, her eyes softening for a split second before returning to a glare.

"Ex-mate" she corrected, before walking away. I let her. I had vowed to myself to make her mine again at all costs, and I was going to. One way or another, I would win her back.


Sorry for another short chapter but more will be happening soon! How long do you think it will take Evelyn to finally accept her mate?? Any ship names?? James and Eddy found their mates!! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think!!

Picture of Casey to the side--->





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