Chapter 19

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Evelyn's POV

The ceremony had lasted the entire night, the pack had gathered around the bonfire, sharing their experiences of their time at the pack. They all made me feel alive and welcomed. I still couldn't believe that this was my pack. That I was a Luna. I was the Luna of the biggest pack in America. Pride filled me as I looked back at my mate, who was currently sitting next to me on the bed as we searched for a movie to watch, his arm draped around me as he struggled to find a movie.

"Let's watch Cannibal Holocaust" he suggested, making my face crunch in horror.

"Absolutely not!" I snapped, giving him a light slap on his shoulder, he chuckled, moving further down the list.

"Let's watch Fast and Furious! I love that movie!" I exclaimed. He thought for a moment before nodding and clicking play.

"Didn't peg as you as a Fast and Furious fan" he commented.

"Well I guess there are lots of things you don't know about me"

"Let's play 20 questions" he stated abruptly, turning towards me.

"What about the movie?"

"It can play in the background" I chuckled, nodding my head.

"Alright, you first. Um... what is your favourite colour?" he paused, thinking for a brief moment.

"Black. What is your favourite movie?" he asked me

"Harry Potter. Favourite Harry Potter movie?"

"Chamber of secrets. Favourite author?"

"Um...Shakespeare. Favourite band?"

"Imagine Dragons"

"Mine too!" I exclaimed, cutting him from his next question. He chuckled slightly, his face getting closer to mine.

"Do you want to be marked?" he suddenly asked me, making me freeze. A blush rose up to my cheeks as I tried to look away from him, but his finger arrived my chin, dragging it back up to face him.

I wanted to think through his words, but I didn't have to. I knew I was ready, and I didn't want to hold back any longer, but for some reason, I was scared. I wasn't insecure about myself or anything, I just felt a pang in my heart every time I thought of the fact that I was a virgin and he wasn't. But it was something I had to move past.

"Look, if you don't want to, I understand. I'm not-"

"I want to" He looked back into my eyes, searching for any doubt, but found none.

"Are you sure?" I nodded eagerly, suddenly feeling a massive pull through the bond.

My lips connected with his, my hands tugging at his hair as my back felt the soft mattress, his figure hovering over mine. His lips soon left mine, but his mouth remained on my skin as he trailed his kisses down, from my the corner of my mouth to my jaw, to my chin, to my neck, finally towards the edge where my shoulder met my neck, showering me with passionate kisses as I shivered in pleasure under his touch, moans escaping my mouth. I visualised as his fangs emerged from his mouth, and in the spike of a moment, they sank into my skin, tearing through my tissue, making me yell in agony. The pain was worse than I had ever expected, the feeling of a bullet piercing through my skin, the venom spreading around. But my words were soon juxtaposed when a sense of pleasure took over, and I was left craving for more. His fangs retrieved from my mouth as he licked his mark, patching it up.

The intensity of his touch on my skin increased drastically as in a matter of seconds, I found the sparks I usually felt at our touch being beaten by a bigger force, my body desperately craving him, my mate. I didn't bother wasting any time as my hands found their way towards the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it off in one swift movement. His eyes widened as he looked me in the eyes, a sense of pride filling his own orbs.

"I need you" I whispered, pulling his face down to mine. Our lips moved with hunger, ravishing each other with great intensity. His own hands found themselves on my shirt, tearing it apart without any care in the world. He then proceeded to rip my pants off too, leaving me in my underwear under his gaze. My hands didn't reach up to cover themselves, instead they found themselves stationary around his neck, letting my mate admire my body. I believed in Carter, and I believed that he loved me for what I was and that I didn't need to change for him, therefore I needed not to cover myself. My fingers traced down his muscular torso, crossing his abs as I arrived the waistband of his pants. I tugged on them, not being able to properly remove them. I let out a frustrated growl, making him chuckle as he juggled out of his pants for me.

The only thing from parting us from having it our way was our underwear, and my patience was decreasing by the minute. His muscular, caging arms travelled from my sides towards my shoulders, where he traced the straps of my bra down, his hands then making themselves towards my back, where he very smoothly unclasped it, kicking it off. Then, his mouth left mine, trailing a train of kisses down my stomach, until he arrived my area that was covered by my panties. His hands took them in his hands by the sides, slowly and excruciatingly pulling them off me throwing them off the bed. I sat up, pushing him down on the bed as I got on top of him, feeling his member stick into my area through his boxers. I chuckled, and proceeded to torture him the same way, slowly kissing my way down his body. When I arrived the waist band of his boxers, I slowly peeled them off, making him growl, getting if off quickly and pushing me back down on the bed.

"This is going to hurt baby." I nodded, not wanting to say anything as he positioned himself between my legs. My heart was racing as he pulled in for another kiss before pushing into me, driving me to fantasies I never believed to exist in the world.

The entire night he filled me with his love, making me release again and again with himself.

As we finally finished, he lied back down on the bed next to me, pulling me right into his chest.

"I love you cupcake" he whispered into my hair. I blushed, turning around in my mate's arms so I could face him.

"I love you too Alpha" I smiled, pecking him lightly.

This was it. This was my life. A loving mate. A loving brother. Loving best friends. A loving pack.

Yes, my life had been a lie, and for a moment I had thought that there was no way to live a happy life. My life had taken a huge turn, but it had taken a turn for the best, because now I had everything I once thought I could never have again. Something I had lost complete hope of ever having.

A family.

And it all started with one person.



And they finally mated!! I didn't really want to include much detail as I thought you could use your own imagination to picture whatever you wanted! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me what you think! Next chapter is the epilogue!

Picture of Evelyn to the side and a song to match the chapter--->





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