Chapter 11

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Evelyn's POV

As soon as my feet landed on the wooden ground of my brother's home, I was taken into a warm embrace that by the sparks I knew was my mate's. Despite all my wolf's protests and the lightning that was running through my veins just from his electrifying touch, I still didn't feel confident enough to be around my mate. I knew that at some point I would give into the mate bond and accept him back, but for the time being his actions didn't go unnoticed. I let him embrace me for a brief second before I stepped out of his circle, avoiding eye contact with him. Thankfully, the door burst open the very moment with the rest of the crew striding in. I was once again taken into an embrace that belonged to my brother as I hugged him back.

"Are you alright?" he had questioned once we parted. I nodded slowly, recapping the events from earlier.

"How did you find me?" I briefly asked as the rest of them took a seat on the couch. Casey had silently stepped out from inside as she joined the rest of us after sending me a happy smile and a light and welcoming hug.

"Lorena is a loyal witch to my pack, she tracked you down" he replied, pointing out at the same small female I had seen in the woods as my mate was sprinting me out of the hybrid territory. Lorena, so that's her name.

I quickly thanked her before settling on puff right in front of everyone else.

"There is something you need to know" they all looked down at me with an intense gaze, waiting for me to continue. From the corner of my eye I could see Carter's strong watch on me and I could feel his heavy breathing, and I knew it was due to our lack of closeness. Ignoring him, I proceeded to tell everyone the truth.

"Our parents are alive" I started, instantly earning a frown from my brother, but he didn't interrupt me. "When I woke up, I was in some sort of interrogation room, that's when moth- I mean Mary had emerged" I corrected, not daring to call that woman my mother. She was a monster. "She wasn't the same though. She was different, she even started aging differently. She has turned into a complete monster. She told me that after the SOWP had been destroyed they had joined with the hybrids and they were looking to finish some sort of experiment they had been working on. That's why they faked their deaths. Turns out that experiment was me. She didn't tell me more or what she meant about me being an experiment just that I was born out of an experiment. That's when you guys came in. Thank you." A hint of disgust and sadness filled my voice as I talked to my real family in front of me. In an instant my brother was back next to me, his arm around my shoulder as he comforted me with his soothing words. Carter's muscles had tensed but I was beyond caring.

"You can't stay here" He said from the other side of the couch. "They know where to find you and it's only a matter of time before they attack again." He commented. And as much as I hated to agree with him I did.

"I could always go back to my old pack" I suggested.

"No" Eddy intervened. "Carter's right, they know that you are linked to my pack, Carter's pack and your old pack which means you can't go back to any of the three packs"

"Then where am I supposed to go?"

"I have allies with the Blue Moon pack. I could take her there. Since they are a small pack, no one would know that she is there. Lorena can cover up our tracks and we can be out of here in no time." Before I could even open my mouth to answer, I was cut off by my dear brother.

"That's a good idea"

"But-"I tried to intervene but I was once again cut out, this time by Carter.

"I'll get that arranged; we should leave in an hour"


"That's settled then, start packing. You can leave at sun-"

Carter #HMS1Where stories live. Discover now