Chapter 8

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Finn's POV

"What kind of mission exactly?" I asked hesitantly.

"A secret agent mission, duh!" Katie said, rolling her eyes at my dumb question.

Everyone, including Dad, chuckled at me. I just rolled my eyes back them.

"So about our mission?" Lexie asked Dad, very impatiently.

"Right, right," Dad said, "After I'm done briefing you on your mission, I'm going to send you down to the lab to get some equipment to help you. First, your mission is to infiltrate the base of our biggest enemy, Blaine, and seco-"

"Wait, wait, wait a minute!" Lexi said, holding up a hand while she interrupted Dad, "It's just Blaine, nothing else?"

"Isn't Blaine the gay guy from that one show?" Alyssa asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's Zayn." Matt said.

"No, that's the gay guy from that one band." Cody said.

"ONE DIRECTION ISN'T GAY!" Lilly yelled.

"Crazy fangirl much?" Katie said, laughing at how flustered Lilly looked.

While everyone else was arguing, no one else noticed the look of pure confusion on his face that screamed "What have I gotten myself into?" After a few minutes of argument, my Dad finally snapped out of it and tried to bring the group of arguing teens under control again.

"ARGUE ON YOUR OWN TIME!" my Dad yelled.

Everyone stopped arguing, looking at my Dad in shock.

"Thank you!" he continued, " As I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted, your mission is to infiltrate the base of Blaine," he held up a hand when Lexie opened up her mouth to question Blaine's name, "I'll give you the schematics of the building when we get down to the lab."

We all follow Dad to the elevator. We wait as he scans his ID card, and a new button appears below the lowest one. He pushes that one and the elevator starts to move. Zach and Matt start dancing to the boring elevator music, bumping into everyone and laughing as they did. When we got to the Lab, we saw technicians in lab coats running around with clip boards. Dad lead us to a table with different items on it. One of the men in a lab coat walked up to us.

"Hey kids! I'm Patrick, and I'll be showing you some new gadgets that you'll be using on the mission today!" the guy said smiling, "The first item is this iPod."

I recognized it as the one that I accidentally shot Lexie with when we first got here.

"This does more than just play music! It has a stun dart as well as lets you hear through walls. The second item is this pen. Don't let the normalness of it fool you, its a laser that can cut through 5 feet of solid steel, so don't point it at anyone. The last item is this grappling hook." Patrick said

"What does the grappling hook do?" Matt asked.

"It grapples." Patrick said.

"Nothing special? It doesn't explode or fly or something?" Lexie asked.

"Nope," Patrick said, "It just grapples."

"That's kind of disappointing." Matt said.

"Hey! Sometimes the best things are the most basic!" Patrick said defensively.

"They're teenagers, they won't be impressed with anything." my Dad said patting him on the shoulder.

We all grabbed one of each item, and headed over to the blueprints table. Dad unrolled a blueprint that a lab technician handed to him.

"Ok guys, this is the blueprints to the house that you'll be infiltrating." he said.

He pointed out all the windows and doors, and where the guards are stationed.

"You guys will be going in through the skylight in the roof." my Dad said.

"How the heck will we get up there?" Lexie asked in disbelief.

"Simple. You'll grapple." Dad said with a slight smirk.

Lexie just rolled her eyes at him. When he was done explaining how we'd get in, Dad sent us to the wardrobe to get changed. When we got there the lady gave us black sweatshirts, joggers, and beanies. I went into the dressing room and changed into the new clothing and came back out.

"Are you guys all ready?" Dad asked.

We all nodded in response and followed Dad back to the elevators. We took the elevator up to the garage level.

"Can we take the Ferrari!?" Matt, Cody, and Zach asked in unison.

I didn't even know that there was a Ferrari. This just gets better and better!

"No. It's not practical at all." my Dad said answering their question with an eye roll, "You will be using the SUV so you can all fit."

Matt, Cody, and Zach sighed in disappointment. The girls just snickered.

"Finn is going to drive you guys." my Dad said.

"WHAT WHY?!" Lexie asked in panic.

"Because I said so," my Dad said, "and that final."

We all got into the car, me in the drivers seat. I slowly pulled out and followed the directions the GPS gave us. When I got to the street, I parked across the street from the house, and a few houses down. The house was huge and gated.

Lexie turned to me and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Let's do this." I said.

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