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Alex didn't stop glaring at me since morning came. He continued to ignore me, and every time I tried to speak he'd cut me off by saying, "I'm Cassey! I'm irrational and make horrible decisions! I don't know how to listen, and I AM AN IMMATURE DEAD BRAT!" And every time he finished I'd mumble how much of a mouthful that was, earning a glare back.

We were on our way to a forest, or at least that's all Alex would tell me. Alex mentioned that we were going to attempt to discover my ability last night, a few minutes before Demitris showed up.

I couldn't grasp why Alex was still mad at me for what I did. She was challenging me, and I couldn't let her get away with that! Her opinion was that I was weak, yet I proved her wrong. That's how I see it.

But what still confused me was, why was Alex so afraid of her?

"Alex?" He didn't even blink. I waited. "Alex?" I repeated, but still no reply. "Alex! Come on, dont you think you're over reacting?!" He threw his head back, giving one loud "Ha", so I covered me ears and sighed.

He stopped the car, turning in his seat to face me, "I'm over reacting?! You'd know what it's like, huh?!"

"Uh... You can't blame me! I am positive you wouldn't be chipper at the sight of your muderers accomplice!"

"She didn't kill you!" He removed my hands from my ears.

"But she knew who did, and she knew about me, yet she didn't care, nor did she act with that knowledge!" We stared into eachothers eyes for a solid 5 seconds-both of us surely had fire in our eyes-before Alex sighed, got out of the car, making me follow in pursuit of him. This conversation was far from over.

But I stopped. A small, run-down cadin was positioned in front of me. Surrounded by dying forest, fog, and crows, this cabin seemed to add to the chills that ran up my spine. Alex stood on the cabin's step while I took in the nature of the place. In a haste, I caught up to him.

Once we were both on the cabin's front step, Alex spoke up again, "You may have thought your little charade to be an accomplishment," he stepped closer, "But all you did was dig me deeper into your shit." We were nose to nose when Alex opened the cabin door, "Ladies first."

I huffed in anger, and looked beyond the door way. Stepping away from Alex, I noticed the inside of the cabin was as damaged as the outside. It was pitch black, and cold.

"What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?" Alex whispers.

I was hesitant to enter. Anxious, I stepped through the door way...


This sudden scream sent me backward into Alex's arms. I squeak and put my arms in front of my face as a reaction to the scream. As I started to calm down I noticed Alex was laughing.

"You should have seen your face! I knew you were scared!"

I shoved myself out of his arms, "You Ass-hat!" I was about to say, 'You gave me a heart attack!' Or 'I almost died!'

"Calm down, I'll be back." He ran inside the cabin

Some time later he appeared with small leather pouches.


"Okay! This place is now secure!" Alex came jogging out of the woods moments later. "No one can see or hear us. And, now, you're basically human again. Time to test your abilities!" Dusting himself off he continued to talk, but this time he circled around me.

"Now, with every supernatural creature, there is a story," I watched him intently, "We need to know your's..."

"What's your story?" I raised a brow.

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