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Four days ago William had taken me back to his mansion. Our little fight in the alley had done some damage to me, so as I sat once again in his office he had called for one of his nurses to come in to patch me up.

We sat in silence as William made himself a drink. He walked away from the bar and twirled his glass, and the clink of the ice against his glass was made to be the sound of a gun shot by how the rooms silence quickly increased. Then, tilting the glass back and swallowing the dark caramel colored alcohol, he took a seat behind his desk across from me.

I couldn't take this unbearable silence any more and had decided to ask the question that's been stuck on my mind, "I know you really tried to explain this before, but I just don't see it. Why is this such a pressing matter?"

William said nothing and took another sip of his drink.

"Really? C'mon." I straightened up, tired of his silence, "I get that I annoyed you, disobeyed you, but how am I supposed to learn my lesson if I don't even know what I did wrong!"

He brought the glass to his lips once more, showing no regard to what I had just yelled.

"Let me try. Let me try to understand my mistake. For the LOVE OF GOD!" I was feeling it. The feeling everyone felt the moment William went silent; fear. William is a power to be reckoned with, and anyone who dared to cross him ended up dead without a trace, or worse, tortured wishing they met the fate of the dead. William didn't just work with vampires, for he needed backup when things got a bit out of hand; as a result, he collaborated with human, Demitris being one example, to fix vast complications when it came to his area. When it came to vampires.

All at once William closed his eyes, taking in a large breathe, before he drank all that was in his glass, the ice colliding with his upper lip, as the nurse glided in like a whisper, wheeling in a cart with a tray of medical supplies. She set the trey on William's desk . She, however, didn't fully catch my attention until I saw Williams fist burst in to the air only to seconds later bash down on his desk. This caused caused the ice to go clashing around in the glass, and the trey to jump up and CRASH down to the floor, a series of noise that earned a squeal from the called nurse.

"You are a bloody IDIOT! An idiot who has killed me! Who has killed himself! And who has jeopardized the life of a foxy, gun wielding, assassin!" William, after his run off, drew his closed fist to his mouth and took in another deep breathe in an attempt to collect himself.

I was also startled by this sudden explosion of emotion, but I heard every word he said and needed him to elaborate, "How? How does the death of one random girl kill you, or her, or even me?"

William stands with his back turned and sighs, "Fix the trey. Work on his injuries." He spoke softly to the nurse, then turned to stare me down, "You didn't just kill any random girl, and from Demitris's calls, she definitely had-"

I interrupted after hearing that, "Demitris called you?"

William scoffed, "Jealous?"

"No. You're not competition."

William smirked, "Don't interrupt me."

I rolled my eyes as the nurse turned my head to face her. William continued to speak, "As I was saying, Demitris called and told me she did some deep searching on the internet the moment she returned home. She found absolutely nothing. Strange. I haven't heard from her, so she must be asleep. Now, " William slowly walked over to the bar, "As for your 'mistake'. Cassey wasn't mortal. 'Why does that matter?' Mortals are of little to no importance, they waltz around clueless, trying to understand what they never will, and Cassey, she has abilities. Although we don't know what kind, we know she has them. That is enough to tell me one thing. You, Danny, have fucked with a force even stronger then me. You fucked with God."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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