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      I wake up. I'm laying on the ground, but don't know why and I'm on a sidewalk near a busy road, a bus stop(where people are sitting.), and many malls and stores lining each side of the road.

      I stand up and look around brushing what feels like sand off my cheek. Where am I? How did I even get here in the first place!?

      Trying to forget all my past questions, I start walking down the sidewalk. I'm on the right side of the road and I see many little shops, cafés, eating joints, and what looks like one of those bars that motorcyclists go to.

      I walk past the bus stop bench, that appears to have an old man in a dark brown suit reading a news paper and a young lady who is wearing a yellow sun dress, sitting on it.
      I make eye contact with the young lady, because it seems she is looking at me, and bow my head. She doesn't do anything back, let alone notice me, so I keep walking.

      I see a beautiful café with  doors wide open, so I walk in. Maybe I can think all this over with some coffee. Yummy...

      I walk up to the counter, start looking at the menu, and decide that I should also get a donut. Double yummy...

      The counters are pretty. They look like an array of many colorful rocks, making me realize all the different shades of brown in this place. There isn't a line anymore, so I just walk up to the cashier. He is working on something so I try to get his attention.

      "Hello...sir." He didn't notice me so I speak again, but louder, "Hello! Sir. I would like to select a donut...." Still no answer! He doesn't even look up!

      There is a bell, like the ones at hotels, so I ring it. The guy behind the cash register looks up quickly, then looks around, and goes back to what he was doing before.


      I'm right in front of him! I quickly start bashing the bell with my fist. People start looking at the bell with startled looks, one girl behind the counter screams as if this is happening out of nowhere! I hit the bell until it almost breaks, and the guy behind the counter faints, then a hand wraps around my wrist and stops me from actually breaking the bell.

      "Your draining the energy from that poor man's body. Please calm down." A man's calm voice struck my earsdrums. I look up quickly, but I do NOT see what I thought I would.

"Ahh! Omfg! What are you!?" I can't help myself, I scream, I pull away, he releases me and stands still, stands straight, tall, and looks down.

      As he stands still I examine him, breathing hard. He is wearing all black. Black jeans with chains attached to the belt loops, a black button up with the top few unbuttoned, and a necklace that is really just a black chain with a cross attached. His hair is yellow, dirty blonde color, done up in a foxhawk, but this isn't why I screamed. His eyes had rainbows in them, and he was equipped with large black wings.

"Hello... Cassey. How are you? I would assume-" He says, but I stop him mid-sentance, "Wait! Who are you and who is Cassey? How come no one is talking to me?!"

"Haha," he laughed sarcastically, then continued, "Thank you for interrupting me. You're Cassey, I am Alex, also the angel sent to take your poor soul," He puts a hand over his heart and fakes pity, "Because Cassey, you're dead." He smirks as he says DEAD.

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