Blood & Bruises

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Here's a one shot of something completely different so I hope you like it x

Blood and bruises was all the covered her once flawless body, blood escaped her mouth which gently trickled down her cheek, but she Couldn't feel it, she couldn't feel anything as she was unconsious. Minutes earlier the man she had cheated with was standing infront of her, beating her, beating her so badly she couldn't fight him off. Screams escaped her mouth, she fought with his arms, but nothing, nothing would work. His evil eyes stared straight into hers, his arms clenched around her wrists getting tighter and tighter by the second, her life was in his hands, and he couldn't of been happier. Robert hadn't told anyone about his anger issues he had previously had, nobody at all that lived on this street. He was reliving what he used to do, how he used to treat his girlfriends, how he would slap them if he didn't get what he wanted, kick them until they could no longer walk, pull their hair until clumps fell to the ground, and carla was unfortunately his next victim.

As he punched, slapped, kicked, and forced her to the ground she screamed in pain. All of this was bringing back memories of what Frank fostor had done to her a few years previous, rape. As Roberts hand held her to the ground, he gave one last horrific punch, leaving her knocked out, not one breath escaped her lips, not one flinch of a muscle was seen and Robert smiled, he smiled at the damage he had enflicted. As he fled the scene, she lay, she lay unconsious on the bistro floor, blood escaping from her lifeless body, forming a pool of blood.. Carla had gone to see Robert in the bistro, hearing the news that he had let slip their secret to Tracy, she wanted to make sure she or him wouldn't breathe a word to nick, the man she loved. This made Robert angry, more than angry as he hated the fact she wouldn't just tell nick the truth and she was making him keep this secret. His anger got the better of him on this occasion and he wouldn't stop, after so many screams, after so many tried attempts of getting him off her, he continued.

Nick knew carla was having a rough time, he was sat at the flat that they shared, staring at the time, wondering when she would walk through the door like she did every night, but nothing, the doorknob never turned. Nick decided she must've got caught up at work so went over to the bistro to grab some paperwork. Nothing would prepare him for what he would see, nothing at all. As he pushed open the bistro door he saw her, saw her laying on the ground, blood surrounding her body, blood dripping from her body. His breath stopped, his eyes widened, his hands shot to his mouth and tears escaped his eyes. His precious angel was infront of him, bleeding to death. He managed to dial for an ambulance, his hands were shaking worse than they ever have before, his breath had stopped for the longest it ever has and his eyes had never been full of tears for this long. Who had done this to her? Who could hurt her like they have? Why had someone done this? Questions circled his head,but not a single question could be answered as he only person who could tell him was dying infront of him.

The room was dark, silent, all that could be heard were the machines connected to carla, beeping numerous times a minute. Carlas life was in a machine, it was keeping her alive, she couldn't breathe on her own, she couldn't do anything on her own. Nurses would come in every hour, monitoring her breathing rate, keeping everything okay. okay? Nothing was okay in nicks eyes, not one thing. The love of his life was infront of him, connected to machines, holding onto one last thread of life. His hand was grasped in hers all night, never letting go, never. Her pulse was weak, but nicks whole body was weak. It was only this morning that him and carla were sorting out a date for their wedding, but now, he wouldn't get to see her walk down that aisle, he wouldn't get to kiss her after their vows, he wouldn't get to make a speech about her at their reception, not for a long time anyway. Nurses had told nick it would be a long road ahead when carla gets out of the coma, it would be a time when she needed him more than ever and didn't nick know it, he had been in a similar situation a couple years previous, his life was relying on a machine, tubes running from his body, leanne by his bedside, never giving up hope on him. Now it was nicks turn, it was nicks turn to be the man carla has always needed, the one that would never ever give up even when they've seen her at her worst and in nicks eyes, he could never give up on her, not ever.

Every day Michelle would come see if anything had changed, if her best friend would speak to her, give her a smile, but nothing, nothing at all. Tears escaped her eyes, tricking onto the cold floor beneath her, nick wrapping her in a hug to try and calm her, but all it ended up doing was leaving him in tears aswell. Day after day would pass, nothing would change, she would be the exact same as she was the day before, and the day before that and so on, nothing changed, but nick needed change, he needed a change in her condition, he needed to tell her how much he loved her when he knew she could hear. He would say it anyway over and over but he was basically talking to himself. Her hospital bed sheets would be wet, wet by nicks tears falling, soaking into the white material leaving water marks. He couldn't keep his emotions intact, how could he when his angel was hanging onto life by a machine, him not even knowing wether she will pull through.

Weeks had passed and nothing had changed, until yesterday when the staff announced she could breathe on her own. Nothing was better news to nick, its what he's been wanting to hear all this time. Sitting with his hand in hers, gently kissing it, he would watch, watch and wait until any sign of life would be seen, and then it happened. Her eyes slowly opened, adjusting to her surroundings, her eyes then resting on nicks, a small smile appeared on her face, her body still enormously weak but things were looking up, and nick Couldn't be happier.

Thankyou for reading! Please leave your thoughts in the comments, it really helps me if you do. Would you like if I did a part 2 to this, when she is telling nick what happened, and the aftermath or not? Please let me know. Don't forget to vote x

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