Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I sip at my lukewarm hot chocolate and stare out my misty window. It's 9:00am. Yes, today is the date. Well, I wouldn't really call it one because we're just friends right? I mean, the thought of me, Clementine, average girl, and Felix, world renown youtuber, going in a date gives me butterflies. The same feeling I get every time I see him.

Then there's Toby. The moment I first met him I felt all warm in my stomach. Same with Felix. But I thought he was with Marzia. Toby and I don't really know eachother as much as me and Felix. But I'm going to change that. Shy Clem deactivated.

I'm not really a morning person. I would probably make a hot drink, eat something and then go back to sleep. But today, I don't feel tired. I'm thinking too much about Toby and Felix.

Finishing off my hot chocolate, I place it in the sink and get changed. I stare at myself in the mirror. What AM I doing here? I just happened to live right next to Pewdiepie. Who happened to be friends with Toby, my idol. I brush my hair out of my face and sigh. It's time to get out.

I walk casually down to my garage and locate my old bike. I have to pull a few things out of my way to reach the rusty bike, but I manage.

"Stupid thing." I mutter. I then start laughing. Hopping on the seat, I ride forward then stop suddenly. I forgot my hat. I race back inside and find it. Straightening it, I run to my bike and ride out the driveway.

I have no idea where I'm going to go. Everything is so unfamiliar to me. I have either been with Felix or at home, I haven't been out at all except the movies. I breathe in the fresh air and glide down the pathway, glancing at Felix's house as I pass it. No sign of him or Marzia.

Autumn leaves cover the wide road in a sea of arrange, red and yellow. Occasionally, I let my feet kick at the discarded leaves as I somewhat zoom past.

Eventually, I reach the town and my mind is free. I stare into all of the shops and restaurants, willing to spend a few piles of cash. I wheel my bike over to a bike rack and chain it. I wipe the sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand and let out a deep breath, straighten my hat and walk towards the nearest shop.


After a few hours of wildly spending my money, I decide to take a break from all the crowds and locate the local library. I was bummed by the fact that I couldn't get more clothes, due to the fact that my mode of transport was a bike.

I walk up and down the aisles, browsing particular genres and titles. I don't know why, but I think I'm scared of librarians. It's just something about them...I don't know. I manage to keep cool and hold my breath whenever they walk past.

I turn to walk out of the children's section when I hear a familiar voice.

"Intro of darkness, then redness, then whiteness." Tobuscus whispers to his phone. I snap my head around and there he is. My stomach alightes in flames. S much for not thinking about him today. Clem, keep your cool.

I try to catch his attention by subtly waving to him every now and then, but he seems to engrossed in his so called "lazy Vlog". Once his eye catches me, his face lights up. Toby walks over to me, phone still recording.

"Well, well, well well. Funny seeing you here, miss Clem."

"Hallo!" I wave at the camera like its an actual person. Of course, that's how Toby has to act all the time. I can't imagine what the people around the streets would think about him. How about "oh hey, look at that idiot, talking to his phone, pfft."

"What're you planning on reading, huh?" He asks. He stares down at the pile of books in my hands. I look down at them.

"Oh, uh. These are just books on fashion and gaming and stuff."

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