Prologue: When I Met You (An Amuto Love Story)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Shugo Chara AND this story, it belongs to a friend, I just want to spread this story to more sites:)

Authors Note: This is my first Shugo Chara fic. It's an Amuto by the way. Please read and review. I'd like to know if you'd want me to continue with this story or not. Thank you : )

-This is an AU & the charas are Human here, I didn't add them all though.

-This may be a bit like Cinderella, or something of that sort

-Pairings are: Amuto, Kutau and Rimahiko

-Sorry about the age, I reduced Amu and Ikuto's age gap to 4 years

-Rima and Nagihiko work with Amu in the same place



Amu Hinamori was once a care-free and free living little girl. She had a wonderful mother and a loving father who both cared for her dearly. Everyday was a happy and fun filled day in Amu's life…but that all changed. A few years after her little sister Ami was born, he mother died of a sudden illness. It was a depressing day for the Hinamori family especially for Amu, because that was the start of her life turning upside down…

After her mother died, her father wed a new wife and Amu and her little sister had a stepmother and a stepsister as well. Her father married someone from the Yamabuki family. And Yamabuki Saaya, that woman's only daughter, soon became Amu's stepsister. A few more years after, her father shared the same fate and passed away.

It was then decided that Amu was to work for the family for a living. Amu was used and asked to do house chores all over. She had gained help from her friends and some of the other workers but she was the one who was abused the most. Her stepmother worked her day after day and often punishes her for her actions. Amu decided that it would be best if her little sister were to stay away from this family.

She sent Ami to a friend who was willing to take her in. She gets to visit her sister every so often when she gets the chance. And her friends are always there for her when she needs them to be. She has her reasons to be happy and she works hard for her sister's sake, even if it should have been her who inherited all this when her parents had died.. Her life as it is now isn't what she expected at all, but little does she know that when the time comes, something might soon change her life forever…

Characters: (Major & Minor)

(There may be some add on characters in the future but just the side line ones, I'm pretty sure that these are all the characters I'm going to use…please inform me if I missed any though…thanks : ) )

Hinamori Amu

Age: 17

Amu is one of the remaining daughters of the Hinamori family. When her mother and father died, her stepmother had decided to make her work for her stay in the family. She is being made to do chores and countless house work., she also has a stepsister who also orders her around.

She keeps up a strong façade on the outside and hides her inner feelings towards others. Those who can see through her are her dearest friends. On the inside she's just as shy and caring as anyone else, but she keeps up an outer personality for others to see. Her life as it is now is something she never wanted nor was it something she anticipated. But a certain someone might just knock on her door and turn it all upside down.

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