Chapter 10: Kukai and Utau: How's Amu?

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Kukai and Utau: How's Amu?

Everything in the room was still, silence loomed inside the room. Tadase looked over at Ikuto and Amu, from one to the other. Utau stared at her brother and breathed heavily. Ikuto stood there still in shock, and Amu? Well, she was in too much shock, but that never stopped her from breaking the awkward silence between them all.

"Ikuto….please…understand…" she started

"Understand?" asked Ikuto as he snapped out from his shocked state "You hid this from me, something so vital and important, I could have helped you Amu." He told her, his tone was both one who was betrayed and sad, whilst the other was of shock and anger.

"Ikuto stop, she had her reasons, this is why I didn't want to tell you till we were alone." Said Utau as she got in the middle

Tadase stared at them all shocked and he asked "What's going on...? Utau-chan? Ikuto-nii?"

It was as if he never even spoke because Ikuto seemed to continue "How could you expect me to calm down. And how long did you even know about this?" asked Ikuto looking at Utau

"That was none of your concern at first. Ikuto just stop it." Argued Utau and she was getting angry too

As the two of them continued, Amu felt really bad about what was happening. Other than that though, a thought suddenly occurred to her after hearing what Utau had said "Did she know from the beginning about me?" she asked herself. If Utau was about to tell Ikuto about it eventually, who told her about it to begin with?

Soon the silence broke Amu's thoughts. She looked over at Ikuto and Utau who seemed to have stopped their little argument. Ikuto was avoiding eye contact with her and for some reason she didn't like it this way. Utau continued to look at Ikuto and she was a bit pissed off.

"Enough, I need time to think." Ikuto suddenly spoke "I'm leaving."

As Ikuto was walking out the door, Utau called him back "You can't tell anyone about this." She told him

"Oh I won't. I don't think I could even if I tried." He replied, his voice was still on edge

"Ikuto…" Amu muttered. She felt bad for this, but for some reason it also confused her as to why she even cared about how Ikuto felt in the first place.

Ikuto didn't take long to walk out of the room and disappear from them. Tadase took this opportunity to speak. "Goemen, were you hiding this from Ikuto-niisan?" he asked

"I was planning to tell him…guess you beat me to it Tadase." Said Utau in a soft voice, then she turned to look at Amu "Anyway, I'm sorry you had to see us that way Amu, it's not nice."

"No, it's okay. This was practically my fault anyways, I should have told him something." Said Amu

"It's not your fault that you were keeping yourself away from trouble." Replied Utau "He should have known better."

"I really am sorry." Said Tadase as he looked down "Demo, it was just that seeing Hinamori-san again surprised me. I never expected her to be here at all."

"Neither did we, at least we thought she was gone." Said Utau, she was calmer now

"Yes, rumor spread that you had run away." Said Tadase looking straight at Amu "Worse case was they even said you were…dead."

Amu twitched at the last term. She didn't like those rumors, and she never will. She thought for a while and was about to say something when suddenly Utau spoke "You might wonder how I knew, is that right?"

Amu nodded "Yes, I was shocked when you said you were going to tell him eventually."

"Someone told me, but I did overhear their conversation at first. I was planning to see him today actually. I've made plans last night to go earlier this afternoon." She stopped for a second and looked over at Tadase "Then I heard that you were coming and shared the news to Ikuto. I thought you'd be coming a little later than I would have anticipated. So, I guess I'll have to go tomorrow since it's starting to get late."

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