Chapter 7: An Unexpected Turn Of Events

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An Unexpected Turn Of Events

It was bright and early when Amu and the others started doing their chores around the house. Amu couldn't forget the events that had occurred last night. She didn't know what was wrong with her. All she could think about was his smile, or rather smirk, his voice and his constant teasing as well."Ah, what's gotten in to me? I'm going insane here, why am I thinking of that perverted freak all of a sudden?" thought Amu

Unknown to Amu, Dia and Rima were staring at her with nervous smiles on their faces as she was rambling with her own personal thoughts. "What do you think Amu-chan is thinking about all of a sudden?" Dia asked Rima

"Who knows? She's been like that ever since we started." Replied Rima plainly, but she was also in deep thought as to what Amu was thinking about.

As Amu was deep into her thoughts, she was suddenly disturbed by Saaya's yelling voice. "Amu! You get up here right now!" she yelled

"Oh no…" muttered Dia and Rima

Amu snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Saaya's shrieking voice "What could she want this time?" asked Amu in a low voice as she sighed

"That girl is always trouble, so whatever it is that she wants can't end up being a good thing." Replied Rima who happened to hear what she just said.

"Rima don't be that way." Said Amu, even if she had to admit that deep down, Rima had to be right.

"Please, all she does is order you around. She can't do things on her own, not even once. Makes me wonder what would happen to her if we weren't here. Not that I'd care so much to begin with." Said Rima

Once again they were interrupted by Saaya and this time, she sounded way angrier. "Amu where are you? Didn't you hear me? I told you to get up here now!" she shrieked

"Great just great…" muttered Rima in annoyance

"Amu-chan you better go before she suddenly comes down here and things could get much worse." Said Dia

"Alright, well I'll be seeing you two later then." Said Amu "Wish me luck guys."

"Looks like you're going to need it too. See you later Amu." Said Rima

"Be careful Amu-chan." Said Dia

"I will Dia thanks. See you guys later then." Said Amu. She then continued to walk up the large stair steps and soon she reached Saaya's bedroom.

As Rima and Dia watched Amu enter the room, Dia was suddenly disturbed by a sudden thought. Rima had noticed that her friend's expression had suddenly changed so Rima asked "Dia, are you okay? You suddenly look pale…"

"I'm perfectly fine Rima-chan, but something just occurred to me just now." Said Dia seriously as she looked over at Rima

"A thought? My guess is whatever it is, it's not such a good thing isn't it?" asked Rima

"No, but it's just a thought. I'm not certain." Said Dia

"I thought so." Replied Rima then she asked "So what is it all about? If you don't mind me asking and all."

"No I don't Rima-chan. It's just that, you don't think Amu-chan was called there by Saaya because she found out do you?" asked Dia

Rima thought about this for a second and replied "I doubt that, if you mean finding out about yesterday then it's a bit impossible at the very least. None of us told them about it, so unless they can read minds then I doubt they found anything out." Said Rima

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