Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Liam's POV

I didn't care what the others think. I just need someone to love other than Danielle.

Shauna's POV

"YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL AH OH THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!" Jordan and Alexis sang or at least tried to sing, in a really loud voice.

"Can you guys shut it?!?!" I snapped.

"NEVER! I SHALL LISTEN TO ONE DIRECTION FOREVER!" Alexis yelled. An this is where they it annoying.

"What the fuck is One Direction anyway?"I was confused as hell.

"OMG! Well One Direction is the hottest boy band in the world. There are 5 hot guys named Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn. It's a British/Irish boy band btw. And that's pretty much it." Jordan said with a huge smile on her face. And what she said rang a bell. I remember seeing something about one direction but they never caught my eye and I'm just not interested in them.

There just like every ordinary boy band there is. There's nothing big about them.

"Ok then." and that's all I said until I went off to bed it was early. It was just around 8:30pm and I really wasn't hungry at all, and I haven't had food in the whole day.


(the next day)

Liam's POV

I sneaked up on Zayn. He was sleeping.

"VAZ HAPPENIN ZAYN!!" I yelled so he could wake up. And apparently I woke up the rest of the guys cause I heard footsteps down the hall.

"Hey that's what I'm supposed to say! It's mine!" Zayn said.

Later we all went down stairs an had some breakfast.

"Ok boys today I will be adopting a chi-" I was interrupted by Harry.

"Boy or Girl" he said

"I'm going with a girl, because Danielle wants a for me I get a girl. So girl, yeah." I responded.

"Ok" Harry said.

"Anyways how I was saying I'm adopting a girl. Niall you can come with me. Zayn, Harry, and Louis you stay here and before I get here with the girl I get make sure Pi finish decorating the spare room upstairs for her."

"Yes, sir!" Louis saluted.

A few hours later we left I the orphanage. We were looking and there is this one girl that caught my eye. She had brown hair and brown eyes. I went to the lady at the desk and asked for that girl. She gave me information about her. It said that her name was Shauna she was 17 years old and she was abused. She seems good for me.

"I will like her." I said to the lady at the desk.

"Ok you will have to fill out these forms and come back in about 2 hours and we will have her ready for you." she said.

"Ok thank you." I said then left. I went back home to help the boys with Sahuna's room.

Shauna's POV

I hate my life. Every minute and every second of it is pure torture. You know what I don't want to be adopted by anyone. As soon as I got here I wanted to leave but I thought about it. How will they treat me? Probably like I'm nothing. I can't go back again. I'm done. I don't want to be treated like shit. If it weren't for my mother I wouldn't be here. If I weren't alive none of this would have happened.

I went I the bathroom and grabbed a razor. I slid it across my skin. The blood went down my arm. Can't my life just be over?

All of the sudden I heard a knock. I quickly washed my arm and put a jacket I found hanging behind the bathroom door and I made sure you couldn't see my cuts.

"What?" I said. The. The head master of the orphanage came in.

"Shauna you have been adopted by Liam Payne who is a member of One Direction. Start packing he will come to pick you up in 2 hours so hurry. Ou are a very lucky young lady." and with that she left.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse.

(2 hours later)

I was done packing and I kept my sweatshirt on because of my cuts. Then I heard a knock at the door. It was the headmaster and she said that my new "father had come to pick me up". I said my goodbyes to Jordan and Alexis. For those 2 hours they were annoying me by saying how lucky I was. But really I don't want to go.

"Hello sweetheart you must be Shauna." Liam said and I nodded my head yes.

We got in the car and there were 4 other boys staring at me.

"Hi." the one with curly hair and green eyes said."

"Hi." I whispered back. I hate it when I meet new people in always shy towards them. Gosh.

We got to this huge house I got off the car and they showed me around then we got to my room. It was huge. There was a bed an actual real bed. The room they had for me was amazing.

"Don't you think it's a bit hot to be wearing a sweatshirt?" the blonde one said.

"No I'm fine." I said quite rapidly.

"Are u sure?" he asked

"I'm positive" I said and he nodded.

"So let me properly introduce ourselves in Niall, that's Harry, Zayn, Louis, and your dad Liam." he said pointing at everyone of them.

After a few hours I wanted to take a shower but realized that there was no bathroom in my room so I went out to the living room and found one of the boys I think his name was Zayn. Yeah.

"Umm Zayn wheres the bathroom." I asked shyly.

"It's upstairs near Liam's room but Harry's taking a shower but you can use mine."

"Ok" was what I responded.

He leaded me to the bathroom I took off my clothes and got into the shower. After my nice warm bath I realized that I left my pjs in my room. And Zayn took my dirty clothes to the laundry room.

I peaked out the door and saw Zayn.

"Umm Zayn can I borrow a shirt I forgot my pjs in my room." I said and felt my cheeks turn red.

"Sure" he said with a chuckle. He handed me a shirt that fell to my knees. And it was short sleeve. I can't let them see my cuts. Oh god. Ok so I'll just, umm hide my hands behind my back and into my room.

I opened the door and Zayn wasn't there ok good. I opened the door and bumped into Zayn. Great.

"What's behind your back?" he said

"Nothing" I responded

"Let me see."

"Zayn no, it's nothing" and when I least expected it he pulled my arms out and I screeched in pain he held my left hand carefully because that's the one that had cuts.

"Why?" he said upset.

"You wouldn't understand." then I heard the boys run up to where we were.

"Whats going on?" I heard Liam say and then he saw, same with the rest I the boys.

"Shauna why?" he said as he pushed Zayn out of the way so he could be In front of me.

"It just that" that's all I said before I bursted out into tears. Liam hugged me and didn't let go and I was crying into his chest. He then carried me to the living room and sat me on his lap while I was rolled up in a ball crying my eyes out.

"It's ok sweetheart. It's ok. Your with me now everything will be ok." he said and I finally managed to calm down then fell into a deep sleep.


Hiya guys. Hope you enjoyed. I know I did. I'm sorry for any spelling errors. I updated today because it is the 4th of July. This is my gift to you guys. It is long like I promised. And I will still update tomorrow it might be a bit short though but I'll try my best.





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