Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Liam's POV

"Liam!! Liam!!" I heard an Irish voice yell.

"What?!" I responded

"Shauna!" he said coming towards me.

"Shauna what?"

"She's hurt?"

"What do you mean hurt?"

"She's looks like someone beat her up an all she said was Josh."

"What?!" I said. Then I ran down the stairs and found her with her eyes closed on the couch. Hopefully she's just taking a nap.

"Shauna are you ok?" I said going over to her and shook her a little bit. But she didn't do anything. She had cuts and bruises all over her arms, legs and face. And her shirt was covered in blood.

"Don't just fucking stand there! Look for a pulse!" Niall yelled and the rest of the boys came down not knowing what was going on.

I checked for a pulse in her wrist and it was barely beating. Then it stopped for a second and started beating again. This can't be good.

"We have to get her to the hospital."

We got in the limo Shauna's head was on my lap and her the rest of her body was laid on the seat.all the boys got in and we drove to the hospital.

We got off and went to the emergency room. A nurse came over with those portable bed things and laid Shauna on it. She then went into this room and I kept following but was stopped by another nurse.

"You can't go in there." she said

"But, I'm her dad." it felt kind of weird saying that she was my daughter but it was true.

"I understand sir, but you cannot go in there."

"Ok then."

All of the boys and I sat on the chairs outside. I was really worried. I can't lose her. She's only lived with us for 2 days but I love her like I've been with her forever.

"It's going to be ok Liam. I know how much she means to you. She'll be fine." Harry said.

"Mr. Payne." the doctor called.

"Yes." I responded.

"Can I speak to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure." I said walking over to him.

"Shauna has lost 48% of her blood, which is almost half. But we got a blood donator on time and she's alive, barely. She's in very poor condition, but we will try our hardest to get her back to normal. In about 45 minutes you can come in and see her."

"Ok thank you." was the last word an I went back to the boys.

"Is she alive?" Zayn said quickly.

"Yes, but barely. She lost 48% of her blood and in about 45 minutes we can go in and visit her." I said.

(45 minutes later)

The doctor came out and said we could go in. We went in and I saw Shauna. I was really upset that this happened to her. I went over to her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you." I whispered.

Then she started to move and opened her eyes.

"Hey, love how are you feeling?" I said giving her a smile.


"It's ok. I'll take care of you until you get better. I'll be here for you. Forever and always."

(the next day)

Shauna's POV

We finally got home. I sat on the couch and turned the tv on. There was nothing good to watch so I turned it off and and laid down. My back still hurts and when I walk it also hurts. Anything I do hurts. Liam then came in the room and sat down next to where my head was.

"You never told me what happened." Liam said. I don't want to tell him that Josh did it because he'll probably call the police and when I attended high school he said that if I ever called the police on him or told anyone about the things that he does to me, he would get his revenge. So what could I tell Liam. Think, Shauna think.

"I- Uhh. I-I ran into a pole?" Oh yeah that is sooo believable.

"Ok then. But seriously tell me. I don't want this happening to you again. You could have died."

"I'll tell you when I'm dead. How about that? Ok? Ok."

"Shauna tell me." he started to raise his voice.

"Ok fine. This kid named Josh that used to bully me did it. He was the one that almost killed me."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because he said that if I ever told anyone or I called the police on him he would get his revenge."



Hey my unicorns I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was going to but while I was typing I fell asleep. Lol that happens a lot.




Peace my dear unicorns


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