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Harry's P.O.V.
I woke up this morning to the blaring sound of my alarm clock. It's honestly way too early for this. I rolled out of bed and went to my closet pulling out a nice pair of khakis and a white button up shirt. I quickly changed before going into my bathroom and putting my thick black glasses on. I grabbed my gel and slicked my hair back making sure not one hair was out of place. I brushed my teeth before slipping on my boat shoes and grabbing my book bag. I made my way downstairs and took my keys off the hook then head to my car. The drive to school consisted of whatever was on the radio. I always needed be listening to music. No ones ever heard me sing before, well my mum but that's only in the shower. I pulled into my normal parking spot and got out of the car instantly getting disgusted looks by random people. I have no idea why they didn't like me so much. I was nothing but nice to everyone all the time. Once seventh grade came around I was the laughing stock of the whole school thanks to Louis. I should've expected it when I came out though. Yes I am gay. Always been always will be. My dad has no idea. I made my mum promise she wouldn't tell him. She's the only one from my family who knows actually. So at holidays when my family would ask me if I had a girlfriend I'd just shrug it off and answer with a shake of my head. I've never dated anyone and no ones ever even liked me. Not a girl not a guy no one. I'm just unlikable. I don't even have friends. I got through the whole day somehow managing to avoid Maya. I'm currently walking to my car to go home. Before I got to it I could see her standing there on her phone. Really? I took a deep breath and kept walking until she heard me coming and her head sprung up from her iPhone.

"Harry! Hey! Sorry to be all stalker waiting in front of your car but I couldn't get a chance to talk to you today. Is there anyway we could work on this project today? I wanna get it started as soon as possible." She asked smiling

"Um. Sure I guess so." I said forcing a smile

"I'd ask your place or mine but I kind of already know the answer." She said biting her plump bottom lip. She definitely had bigger lips than Louis. But his where thin and cute, sort of kissable? Wait what? There was no doubt Louis was gorgeous but kissable? Snap out of it Harry.

"Yah. Are you gonna follow me or?"

"If you could take me that'd be cool. Louis brought me to school today. I'll get a ride home."

"Sure that's fine." She smiled and put her phone in her pocket. We got into my car and drove to my house. I saw Maya's jaw drop out of the corner of my eye when we pulled into my driveway.

"This is your house?" I nodded nervously and look down as I parked my car in the garage. "I didn't mean it like that. It's huge. I thought my house was big." I muttered a thank you before stepping out of the car with her following close behind. I opened the door and held it for her as she took in her surroundings. She quickly thanked me kindly as she walked in looking around once again.

"Are you hungry?"

"No not really." I nodded and kept walking into the kitchen seeing my mum

"Harry hey swee- who's your friend?" She asked smiling.

"Oh she's not my f-friend she's just working on a project with me." I stuttered making sure I didn't make Maya feel uncomfortable calling us friends. By now mum was in front of the two of us

"Nonsense Harry. We're friends. I'm Maya nice to meet you Mrs. Styles." She said kindly. I could tell my mother was happy about Maya calling us friends but part of me couldn't help but think that she was just trying to be nice in front of my mum

"Oh please love. Call me Anne, Mrs. Styles makes me feel so old." She joked making Maya laugh "Well I'll let you two get to work. I'll call you when dinners done love." I nodded and thanked her before motioning Maya to follow me up the steps. We went into my room and she looked around for a second. Before setting her book bag down on the floor.

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