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Maya's P.O.V. {surprise!}
I took a deep breath as I walked into the oversized apartment complex. I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm currently going to visit Harry's dad. Anne called me begging me to try and fix the relationship between Harry and his dad. She said she'd ask Louis but he'd tell Harry. I sighed before knocking on his apartment door. It took about thirty seconds before he opened the door

"Can I help you?"

"Uh yah my names Maya, Maya Tomlinson. I'm friends with your son, well Louis my twin brother."

"What do you need?" He asked obviously getting pissed with me

"I just need ten, fifteen minutes tops just please." I practically begged. He sighed giving in and moved out of the wyd to let me in.

"I made tea would you like a cup?"

"No thank you."

"Well why are here?"

"I just came here to talk about Harry. I know it's not really any of my business but Harry's my friend and he's dating my brother so I just what what's best for him."

"And how would you know what's best for him?"

"I don't Mr.Styles okay? But what I do know is Harry needs a father."

"Yah well he made it pretty clear I didn't matter to him when he kicked me out."

"All he wanted- wants is for you to except him for who he is. He never wanted to kick you out but you crushed him when you said he was dead to you."

"I just can't stand to see him with that boy."

"That boy is my brother and with all do respect sir you never even took the chance to know him."

"I just don't want my son to date another boy."

"I understand it's hard to grasp but it is what it is. There's nothing you can do to change his feelings. He's always gonna like boys. He loves Louis with all his heart and Louis loves him back."

"No! Harry will not continue to see that boy!"

"You're not gonna change his feelings."

"Watch me." Now I'm just beyond pissed

"How about for once in your life as a father you grow some balls and be there for him. Trust me don't let him loose you that way."

"What would you know about loosing your father?"

"My father left me on mine and Louis birthday last year. He died three days ago. The last things I said to my father was go fuck your self you're dead to me. Same with Louis. I hated that man and his actions and decisions with every fiber of my being but damn do I regret what I said. If I could look him in the eyes and tell him I'm sorry and I loved him one last time you have no idea how that would feel. Don't ever make Harry go through that. He deserves so much better than the shit you out him through. You've done enough damage. Don't you think it's time to do some healing?" I ranted tears threatening to pour out at any moment. "Don't worry I'll show myself out but just please take what I said into consideration. If something where to happen with Harry right now, how would you feel knowing those were the last words you said to him?" I didn't say anything else just got up and walked out. I let out a shaky breath and texted Anne I did all I could. I don't know if that will change the way he thinks but I hope it does. I hated my dad but I regretted saying everything I did when I found out he was gone. Today I was meeting Liam at Starbucks to just hang out with him a little bit. We're not officially back together we're taking things slow. I know he cheated on me but I love him and he loves me. I got inside the warm air suddenly hitting my face. I sighed and went to go sit down and wait for Liam to get here.

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