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Harry's P.O.V.
Today is the day I've gotta go over Louis house to meet his mum. I'm extremely nervous. I hope she likes me I mean I've never had to meet someone I fancied parents before because they never fancied me back. Louis keeps telling me to just be myself and she'll love me but what if she doesn't? I sighed before taking one last look in the mirror. I was wearing my nicest pair of black jeans and a nice navy blue button up with hearts on it. I had my dark brown boots on and my hair was in its half quiff half curly style. I took a deep breath before walking downstairs to see my mum. She was wearing a nice blue dress with some heels and her hair was curled. She looked at me and smiled

"Oh my little baby is so grown up. You look so handsome."

"Ugh I'm so nervous."

"Hey she will love you don't worry." I just smiled and she kissed my forehead "Now let's get going so we won't be late. She might hate you then."

"Mum." I groaned she just laughed and grabbed her purse. I drove us to Louis house and took one last deep breath before walking up to his door. I knocked quickly and seconds later Maya opened the door. She was in a crop top and skirt and wearing pretty high heels but she was still shorter than me.

"Hey Harry! And hello Anne it's been forever." My mum smiled and greeted her giving her a hug "My mum and Louis are in the kitchen." I nodded and walked inside following Maya "There here." She said getting her mum and Louis attention. Louis just looked at me with his mouth slightly open causing me to blush

"Hello you must be Harry, I'm Johanna but please call me Jay. It's so nice to meet you Louis never stops talking about you." I blushed as she gave me a hug

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Such a handsome boy you have here. I'm Jay nice to meet you."

"Thank you love I'm Anne great to meet you as well. Harry never stops speaking of Louis either."

"Well I made Italian chicken for dinner so let's enjoy!" We all sat down after Louis gave me a small peck on the lips.

"You look just wow." I blushed deeply and looked to my feet

"You don't look so bad yourself." He smiled and we took our seats as Jay and Maya brought in the food. Surprisingly this dinner was going very well and my mum and Louis were getting along very well. She also seemed to like me and my mum also liked Louis and even Maya a lot.

"So Harry tell me about yourself."

"Oh well um not much to tell. I'll be turning 18 this February, um I love to sing and just music in general and I'm thinking about going to Uni to be a lawyer."

"That's great love." I just smiled at her response. My heart rate was now normal for the first time all night. After we finished dinner my mum and Louis stayed downstairs and me and Louis are in his bedroom. I have my head lying on his stomach and his hands are running through my curls.

"See I told you she'd love you. You were all worried for nothing."

"I was just nervous. You really think she loves me?"

"Oh definitely." I smiled mad grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers together

"You know we don't know that much about each other."

"That's true. Let's change that. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yah I have a sister Gemma she's at Uni now she's two years older than me. What's your favorite thing about me?"

"Everything. What about your dad?" My body tensed as I thought about him and I sat up

"What about him?"

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