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Harry's P.O.V. 
Today me and Louis are going on I guess what would be a second date. He told me to dress normal and that we're going out to eat first. I told him I'd pick him up since I was gonna take him to the tree house. I didn't tell him anything about it even though he's been texting me all day asking. When I pulled into the driveway and texted him to let him know I was here and he was out in seconds. I quickly got out so we could switch sides but Louis caught me by the waist before I could go anywhere. I laughed as he flipped me around to face him before he kissed me. I was surprised at first because we were outside his house but quickly melted into it. I blushed when he pulled away and he kissed my dimple in response. I walked over to the passages side and got in while Louis did the same. We pulled into the parking lot and made our way inside. There was a girl about our age maybe a little older at the front

"Table for two please." Louis said smiling as his hand brushed against mine

"Table or booth?"

"Booth please." He replied

"Right this way." She led us to a booth in the back of the restaurant. I sat down on one side while Louis sat down opposite of me. "My names Monica and I'll be your server for the day. Can I get you started on any drinks?" I could see Louis tense up in the corner of my eye but brushed it off.

"Can I get a Coke please?" I asked politely smiling at her. She smiled back and bit her lip Louis's face only stiffened more

"Sure thing babe."

"I'll have a water." Louis said. She only nodded and slowly leaved over the table to grab the napkin container

"I'll go get more of these." Louis then reached over the table and grabbed my hand linking it with his

"That sounds great." He replied giving her a fake smile. She looked at our hands and her eyes widened. She awkwardly walked away and Louis smirked

"What just happened?" I asked unsure of the events that just played out in front of me

"She was flirting with you. Big time." I looked at my hand in his and smirked slightly

"Was wittle Louis jealous?" I joked pinching his cheek

"No!..okay maybe just a little bit." I blushed and squeezed his hand as we waited for our food.

When we finished we felt the restaurant and I'm currently driving to the tree. We pulled in the parking lot and Louis just gave me a weird look

"I promise it gets better from here." He just smiled and I for the first time grabbed his hand and we started to walk. Once we got all the way up to the top I smiled as I saw the familiar sight of wood on thick tree limbs. It wasn't anything too big but it was a beautiful little spot to say the least. I looked to Louis to see his mouth slightly agape as he saw the waterfall.

"Wow Harry. This is amazing."

"I know I found it when I was like fifteen. I come here whenever I just need to get away." We walked over to the ladder and quickly climbed up and sat down. Everything about this moment seemed perfect. I laid my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me. I've never felt as safe as I do when I'm with him. It just feels right. I looked at Louis and just sat there admiring him. Every feature he has. I once again took him by surprise when I brought my lips up to his. He kissed back right away and brought his hands up to my cheeks then trailed to my hair lacing his fingers inside my curls. I kept my hands on his waist as usual and kissed him with everything I had.

"Harry... Be...mine." He said in between kisses. I pulled away and looked at him in shock


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