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Harry's P.O.V.
After I calmed down a little bit to where I could stop crying Louis called Maya. He seemed to sober up but he still had his right arm around me as my head laid on his shoulder. It was like I was compelled by him and I couldn't move. The next thing I know Maya is pulling up in her car and she looked at us in awe. I awkwardly shifted away from Louis causing a small whimper like noise to escape his lips. He was still pretty drunk, I can't believe he got this smashed in an hour. I helped him up and walked him over to the car putting him in the backseat while I got into the front.

"Hey do you mind if he crashes at your place? Just for tonight. Liam wants me to go back to the party and I don't trust him alone." I bit my lip and thunk about it for a second. I mean I wouldn't mind him staying over to get to see him more, but who knows how he'd react in the morning.

"That's fine I guess." She just smiled and thanked me. I had noticed Louis fell asleep in the backseat while we were driving

"Can I tell you something?" I nodded and bit my lip


"You know Louis not that bad of a guy. What he did to you, I'll be the first to say it's not right. But a lot of things happened over the past year and it put me and Louis both in a pretty dark spot. I got real into drinking and even drugs but Louis just got violent. He tends to burst when people have things he doesn't."

"What do I have that he doesn't?"

"Freedom." She said without even thinking, "To be who you are. To not be afraid of people judging you. I mean I know it's a struggle for you but still. You're strong. You keep yourself together when things get tough. Louis on the other hand, he can't. He needs someone like you. I know I've only known you for a week but I can tell this about you."

"But Louis is straight. Eleanor made that very clear today when she told me to go kill myself." I said tears threatening to pour out again

"Yah that's why Louis ran after you. He heard what she said. He'll probably still stay with her no matter how much he cares about you because of his stupid image. You wanna know why she came up to you?" I nodded "When Louis started to get real hammered he kept asking for you. Eleanor even tried to get him to you know, but he kept asking for you."


"Yah you guys have only known each other for a short time but you have connection. I can't explain it. Its something though. You would have a hardcore bomb ass bromance that's for sure." She said laughing pulling into my driveway "Oh shit is your mum home?"

"No she's staying over at a friends house tonight."

"Good I don't wanna get you in trouble or anything." I got out of the car and opened the door to see Louis sleeping in the seat. His quiff was now down in front of his face more fringe like. I moved some hair out of his face and lightly shook him

"Louis...Louis...Lou come on let's get inside." I said softly his blue orbs opened up to look me in my own

"Hey Harry." He smiled touching my face sending electricity all through my body. I got him out of the car and helped him into my house. He had his right arm wrapped around my shoulders, which was pretty hard considering there was about 2 or 3 inches of difference in our height. I got him up the steps and laid him down on the bed, my bed.

"Do you want some other clothes?" He muttered a 'sure' before I walked to my closet and picked out a basic t shirt and pair of sweats. I walked back in after I changed and handed him the clothes. He thanked me and started taking off his shirt right in front of me. Shit. I couldn't help by stare at his sculpted abbs with a tiny tummy. It was adorable to say the least. I also noticed he had a tattoo that said, 'it is what it is' funny that was what went along with my butterfly at the tattoo parlor. He quickly slipped the oversized t shirt on him and changed into the sweats. He looked at me when he was done

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