T W E N T Y {E P I L O U G E}

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Harry's P.O.V.
"Ladies and gentlemen I'm proud to represent the graduating class of 2010! Congratulations everyone." Everyone cheered loudly. This was it. We graduated. I have everything I could ask for and more. I have my parents, even though they're not together they're getting along and my dad had become very fond of Louis. I have my friends Maya and Liam, and even Niall. It turns out Eleanor stole his phone and found the texts with Louis and that's how she found out about the dare. Speaking of Eleanor she was actually pretty kind after Maya broke her nose. Yes she broke her nose when she punched her. But most importantly I have the love of my life the one who matters most of all to me, Louis. I have him and he's not going anywhere. We're both going to the same Uni and I can't explain how happy I am that I get to see him everyday. Nick actually came up and apologized to me after break and admitted he had a problem and he was sorry for being an ass to Maya. I forgave him for the simple fact of I'll most likely never see him again. Everything is perfect. I couldn't ask for a better life.

"Babe come on! I've got a surprise for you!" Louis said as we're lying in bed. I got up and followed him to the car where I got blind folded against my will.

"Louis please just tell me where we're going." I begged but he just laughed and said 'it's a surprise'. After a little while the car came to a complete stop and Louis shut off the car and hopped out. Oh great he's just gonna leave me here blind folded. The door suddenly opened and Louis carefully helped me out the door. He had one hand around my right arm and the other around the small of my back. We suddenly stopped and I heard a door open. What the hell? "Lou seriously what are you-" he then pulled off the blind fold and I opened my eyes to see we were in a flat. "Lou what are in we doing in a random flat?"

"It's not random love. It's ours." My heart skipped a beat when he said ours


"I figured you didn't want to live on campus and I need to be able to hold you at night I figured why not get this place?"

"Louis I- this is so amazing. I can't even begin. You really wanna move in with me?"

"Haz I wanna do everything with you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone before. You're my everything you know that. Of course I'd wanna live with you. I also wanna give you this." He said pulling out a small black box. He opened it to reveal and silver ring with a blue stone. His birthstone to be exact. My breath was taken away completely now. Was he going to propose? No he couldn't we're so young. "Calm down Haz it's just a promise ring. It shows you I promise you be yours and only yours and be hopelessly devoted to you. It's also there so one day in the future I can replace it with a better one with a deeper promise."

"You see me in your future?"

"I don't see anyone else in my future but you Harry. I love you so much. I couldn't imagine life without you please know that." I smiled and kissed him softly before he placed the ring on my finger. I smiled and bit my lip looking into his eyes

"I can't believe I'm gonna tell you this but I'm so glad you took that dare. If you hadn't we wouldn't be here today."

"Oh Harry trust me we'd be here. What I feel for you just doesn't come out of no where. Fate brought us together for a reason. You made me a better person. You opened my eyes to the smaller things in life. You also showed me the true meaning of love. No one else could've dome that Haz. You also made me realize it doesn't matter what other people think of you as long as the important ones stick by you." I felt tears forming at his words

"And you showed me how to love myself. And I don't think I can ever repay you for the way you've made me feel. I can't even find words to explain my love for you Louis. You just mean the world to me. The whole world." He brushed away my tears with the pads of his thumb before kissing me again.

"I love you."

"I love you more."


"Possible." I said before kissing him once again. I don't know what's to come in our future but all I know is it involves Louis. Nothing else could go the way I planned it but as long as I have him here with me it doesn't matter. I'll always love Louis. He's my world. My love. My everything, that will never change.

This book of officially finished. I know it was short but hope you guys enjoyed! This was my first Larry story so I hope it was good. Thanks to everyone for reading x

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