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Harry's P.O.V.
It's been two days since Louis dad passed and neither Louis or Maya have picked up their phones. Nick was constantly bothering me but I ignored him my mind only on Louis. I went home and ate dinner with my mum and thankfully Jay called and practically begged me to come over. I instantly got in my car and drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over to Louis house. I knocked on the door and Jay opened it. She had a sad expression on her face and her hair was pulled into a messy bun.

"Harry thank god you came." She said hugging me. I walked inside and followed her seeing Maya on the couch clutching a pillow. She was staring blankly at the tv that was turned off. Her head snapped up when she saw me coming

"Harry." She said standing up and wrapping her arms around my waist pulling me into a hug. I returned it and patted her back. I was shocked to see Liam also on the couch by her. Did they get back together or something? "I'm so glad you're here. He needs you."

"Where is he?"

"In his room. He hasn't came out in two days. He hasn't eaten or drank anything. I hope you can help him." I nodded and walked up the steps to Louis room. I stopped in front of the door and heard his muffled sobs. It broke me inside to hear him cry. I opened the door and his back was turned to the door. He was crying so hard I don't even think he heard me come in. I walked to his bed and kicked off my shoes before lying down and wrapping my arms around his fragile body. He jumped a little at my touch but soon kept crying

"It's me Louis. I'm here for you. I'm here and I'm not leaving." He turned around his beautiful blue eyes bloodshot along with his puffy cheeks from crying

"Harry?" I nodded and placed a soft kiss on his forehead "I-I-"

"Shhh. It's okay baby. It's okay Lou god I missed you. I love you so much."

"I love you too." He said grasping into my shirt "I can't believe he's gone. Forever. I hated him but the way we left things. I wish I would've fixed things."

"Hey none of that was your fault. You had every right to hate him. I know it hurts but you'll get though this. You're not alone you have your mum, Maya, apparently Liam, and most of all you have me. I'm never gonna leave you again."

"I'm so sorry Harry."

"Forgiven." I said he looked up at me then to my lips and my eyes. I smiled and leaned in planting a kiss on his lips. They where salty from his tears but I didn't care. How I've missed his lips. We moved in sync for about ten seconds before I pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. I missed him so much. I'm just glad to have him back in my arms. "Hey someones birthday is coming up in a couple days."

"Ugh don't remind me."

"Hey you're gonna be 18 this is a big time! I know it's hard right now but you'll get through this. And you know I'll be right here by you every step of the way."

"What about Nick?"

"Do you really think I'd pick someone I've known for five days over the love of my life?"

"I was hoping not." He said slightly smiling

"There's my Louis." I held him closer in my arms, if that was even possible. It's like everything that happened in the past week didn't matter. I've found my love. I've found my light. My everything. I honestly couldn't be more happy.

Louis P.O.V.
I felt Harry's arms wrapped around me and instantly felt safe. He was back and with me. He forgave me. I knew I had to do everything in my power to gain back his trust. I'm just glad he was here with me now. The fact that I could've killed Nick two days ago and now I couldn't give a fuck about him makes me feel even more at piece. Harry loves me and I love Harry. Nothing's ever going to change that and loosing my dad hurts but if I have Harry by my side I know it's gonna be okay. He makes everything better.

"Hey how about for Christmas vacation we go on a trip." I said

"A trip to where?" He asked his voice low


"Paris how could we go there?"

"My mum had a trip planned with her and my dad since last year but since they got the divorce she gave it to Maya. But she said I could have it to take you."

"Really? You'd wanna take me?"

"Well obviously who else would I take Harry you're my boyfriend."

"I'd love to." I smiled and kissed his prominent jaw line "And more importantly I love you." This caused me to blush even harder

"I love you more."


"Possible." He just smiled and kissed me

"God I love you so much." He said in between kisses. I kissed his neck and started to suck leaving a dark purple mark. I smirked proudly and straddled his waist. He just looked up at me with wide eyes

"I believe I owe you something." I said motioning down to his crotch.

***warning slight smut skip over if your not comfortable***

"Lou you don't have to now I-" I cut him off by kissing him and grinding my hips against his causing him to moan. I quickly hopped off him and locked my door just to be sure. I got back on top of him again going back to what I was doing before. I made my hands down to his slender hips and pulled down his pants and boxers at once. His erection bounced up and hit against his stomach. My eyes almost bulged out of my head, "Wh-what's wrong?" He stuttered

"Haz you're huge." He just threw his head back and blushed. I grabbed his length in my hands and slowly started to pump causing him to let out a low groan.

"Louis come on."

"Sorry I've never done this before." He smiled. I knew he only did it once but he seemed to have so much confidence. I bent my head down and licked up his whole length looking him straight in the eyes. Without warning I took him as far as I could go, his tip hitting the back of my throat. He moaned and I bobbed my head up and down, my hand moving along with it. He laced his hands in my messy fringe as I kept going. His soft moans filled the room. I could tell he was trying to contain his sounds. I moaned causing vibrations making his member twitch inside my mouth. I took him out of my mouth with a 'pop' and spit the cum into a tissue and threw it away. I pulled up his boxers before lying down next to him.

"Louis that was amazing." He breathed his chest irregularly rising and falling. I just smiled and bit my lip.

"I'm glad I could make you feel good." I smiled softly kissing him once again. I love this boy so much.

Possible {Larry Stylinson}Where stories live. Discover now