Chapter 1

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Picture of Chantel's dress.

*Chantel's POV*
My name is Chantel AnnMarie Jordan, I live in California and I'm 23 years old. About three months ago I met a man named Kiyare Jackson. We were messing with each other for about a month and I met his mom and family it was amazing. The plus is I knew it was not all about sex because we had only done it twice. After the month was over we just fell off and I was completely fine with it and still am. But a week ago I found out that I am pregnant, and I already planned on keeping it. The same day I found out I called him and told him we needed to talk, and he told me to go to his Mom's house for Sunday dinner. So today around 3 I washed my face, brushed my teeth again, got in the shower, then went and did my hair. I left it out naturally shoulder length and very big and curly. I put on my bra and underwear then looked in the mirror. You could not tell I was pregnant unless you felt my stomach which was now a little bit poked out and hard as a rock. I put on a army green blazer, lightwash jeans, a white tank top, and army green flats. I put my all white Michael Kors bag on my arm then walked out my house. I pulled up at his mom's house at 5:45, when I walked in his mon gave me a hug. Over the past month that I was messing with him, his mom and I got very close. She said "you look so pretty! You just have this glow."

Then Kiyare and a darkskin girl with stale weave walked in. Kiyare gave me a hug and kissed my cheek, he said "hey pretty."

I said "hey Kiyare."

The girl gave me an rude looking face, he said "this is Kianne."

I said "hi Kianne, I'm Chantel." She just gave me a dirty look. I said "Mom do you need any help?"

She said "yea come on pretty." I walked into the kitchen and washed my hands. I helped her make Mac and cheese, then a cake. At 7 the food was done and we sat down. I was sitting right next to Kiyare and his mom was at the end of the table showing next to me.

I said "we still have to talk before I leave."

He said "alright don't worry we'll talk."

Kianne was giving me a dirty look. Mom said "why you looking at her like she killed ya cousin?"

Kianne said "cause she all up on my man like I won't smack the shit outta her."

Kiyare said "you not gon touch her first off, second off you need to watch ya mouth in my mom's house!"

Kianne said "you gon defend her over me?"

We all continued to eat, when we finished Kiyare brought me outback and we started talking. He said "what is it?"

I said "I'm pregnant."

He said "can't wait to see my son," then he gave me the biggest hug and tried to kiss me.

I said "hey just cause we're having a baby together doesn't mean we have to be in a relationship, plus you have Kianne. This is gonna upset her enough. And who said its a boy?"

He said "your right, but imma be the best dad I can be Chantel. I'll be at every appointment, and always be there for my son and you."

I said "Imma hold you too that and once again who said its a boy." He grabbed me and gave me a huge hug.

He said "thank you for telling me even though we fell off Chantel. I got mad love for you."

I said "same, plus you know I always got you."

He said "you wanna go announce it to my family?"

I said "I mean we can, but you should pull Kianne aside and tell her first."

He said "how about we both do that?"

I said "fine even though she already hates me."

We walked inside and Kianne was sitting on the couch, we pulled her into the den cause no one was in there. Kianne said "what?"

Kiyare said "Chantel's pregnant."

She said "and lemme guess it's your baby."

I said "it is, but it seems like your trying to make me sound like a hoe. I'm not a hoe though, I was messing with him before you guys were together. An this the first time I've talked to him in 2 months cause I thought it's his child he should know about him/her."

She said "I still don't like you bitch."

I said "you don't have to like me, I just thought you should know before we tell his family so you weren't surprised and angry."

She said "oh."

I just walked out, we were getting no where with this girl. We all went back in the kitchen and I stood next to his mom, and dad. He walked in and said "excuse me everyone theres something I have to tell you." Everyone got quiet. He said "I got someone pregnant."

His mom said "Awh I finally get grandbabies!" Then she whispered "I hope it isn't that hoe next to him." I started bagging the fuck up. His mom said "who'd you get pregnant?"

He said "you standing next to her."

His mom's face lit up, she said "that's perfect!" She gave me a hug and basically the whole family said "congratulations." Kianne was mugging me the whole time but I mean it's really not my fault. God works in mysterious ways, and I know that my son or daughter will be nothing but a blessing upon me and his father. After like an hour I left and went home. I told Kiyare before I left that their is a appointment tomorrow and he said he would be there as promised. When I got home I set up dinner for me, my mom, my dad, Chance (older brother, 27), Chandler (older brother, 25), Harmony (Chance's wife, 25), Amaya (Chandler's wife, 24), Candice (Chance's daughter, 6), Chloe (Chance's daughter, 3), Cole (Chance's son, 1), and Asher (Chandler's son, 6 months) for tomorrow night. I fell asleep and then I got ready cause at 10 we had our first appointment. I got dressed then drove to the appointment, when I got there I seen his car and he came out.

He said "hey pretty."

I said "hey."

We walked in and I filled out the papers then we waited. Once it was our turn to go in, I followed the doctor and he followed behind me. At the end we walked out and went over to get ice cream. He said "I can't believe your carrying my son, can he be a junior man?"

I said "who said its a boy Kiyare?"

He said "I just know it, you only get the beautiful like you got when it is boys."

I said "let's make a bet/deal."

He said "what?"

I said "if it's a boy we will make him a junior, and if it's a girl I don't know."

He said "if it is a girl, I owe you $100."

I said "shake on it."

When we finished our little deal I went back to my house and started getting dressed. I did my makeup then put on a tight white dress, and white heels. I grabbed my all white Michael Kors bag then left. Everyone was already there I said "hey guys." They all greeted me back then I took my seat. In the middle of us all eating I said "I'm pregnant." Everyone was happy and so was I even though I thought if I was in a relationship it would be better. I like who got me pregnant, I know he'll always be there.

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