Chapter 9

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It's been a month since my baby has been out the hospital. I still have not had Kj, today makes 2 weeks overdue. We went to his mom and dad's house, Kiana and Myles were there. Kiki said "why isn't my nephew here yet?"

I said "I'm wondering too."

Kiyare "he's not ready, watch he's gonna wait til Valentine's Day."

I said "he better come before then I swear." I got up and walked into the kitchen, where Mom was.

She said "how you feeling baby?"

I said "I just want him out."

She said "so does everyone else."

I said "everything hurts, I think I'm dying."

She said "Awh baby your fine."

I said "ugggggh."

Kiyare walked in the kitchen and gave me a kiss, he said "you ready?"

I said "yea I just wanna go home and sleep," I gave his mom a hug then said "bye momma."

When we got in the car he said "what do you wanna do?"

I said "crawl in a sewer." Since I'm overdue my pregnancy bag is in the car and their is a towel on my seat in case my water breaks. My hair has been in my pretty blonde poetics for 3 weeks, I'm literally waiting for him to come. My stomach is fully dropped and when I sit my legs just spread. My ankles are sore as fuck, and the only person I can stand fully is Kiyare. He held my hand them lightly pressed his lips on it, I said "owwwwh! Fuck. What the fuck was that.

He said "what's wrong?"

I looked down and I had some water on my seat I said "go to the hospital now! Owwwwwwh."

His eyes got big ass he looked at the water and he rushed to the hospital. He said "breathe princess breathe."

When we got to the hospital my contractions were only 20 minutes apart, so I could still get the epidural. After the shot I started to calm down, but I was still in just about unbearable pain. I said "you did this bullshit to me!"

He said "it's all gonna be worth it baby, we're gonna have our little Kj."

I screamed out in pain, he put me on his snapchat story. I said "seriously fuck you."

He said "that's how we got in this position right now."

I said "I hate youuuuuuuu." A contraction made me say that loader then usual.

The doctor said "push on the count of 3, 1 2 3!" I pushed and thought I was gon check. He said "1 more time, 1 2 3!" I heard the baby cry and I was so happy! After a couple of hours of sleeping, Kj was in my arms and Kiyare was laying in the chair sleep. I checked his story. Remind you we were at his mom's and when I'm their my makeup is always done and I be looking fly. So I went into labor with a full contoured face and everything. He posted all the pictures from his snapchat to his Twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook. On everything they were saying my face was slayed for the gods during the whole labor.

The photographer came in and asked if Kj was awake and wanted to take pictures so I got up and hit Kiyare's thigh I said "baby can you pass me his outfit for the pictures."

He nodded, and gave me his outfit. The lady set up as Kiyare and I got him changed. She picked him up and placed him in the little thing, he looked so little and adorable. Kiyare came over and sat on the bottom of the bed. He gave me a kiss and said "thank you so much."

I just smiled and nodded. After the photographer left the nurse came in and told me that I need to have skin to skin contact with him, so I should lay him on my chest and things like that. He began to cry and I already knew he pooped by looking at his face. I asked Kiyare to pass me the diapers and wipes. I was talking to him, I said "you stink Kj." He was smiling and kicking his legs, he is really little and was only like 5 pounds but surprisingly healthy. I had him laid on my chest after when Mook came in. Over this past month Kiyare, Mook, Shyair and Nyair got really really close. Kiyare came over and picked up Kj while he was sleeping because I'm going to sleep. Today at 8am they take him to get circumcised and he will be really sleepy. I fell asleep and when I woke up it was 6am, I didn't see Kj and I started freaking out. Kiyare came out the bathroom calmed me down and told me the nurse was giving him a bath.

I hit his butt lightly and he said "come on how many times I gotta tell you I don't like that shit."

I said "love you."

He said "love you too princess." He gave me a kiss, then the nurse walked back in with Kj.

She said "he's probably very hungry he was kind of fussy." She put him in my arms and he laying with eyes open wide staring at me. He was a spitting image of Kiyare except his hair was light brown almost blonde instead of black like Kiyare's. I had him under the hospital gown feeding him when Kiki, Myles, his mom and dad walked in. They had came earlier but came back again. Kiki said "you had my nephew finally!"

Kiyare talked to them as I fed him. When he finished I signaled Kiyare to come here. He blocked me and unbuttoned the side to slip him out. He squeezed my boob on purpose and I glared at him. When he took him out he laid him on the pillow I had in between my legs so he'd be more comfortable. He needed to take a nap before his surgery. I gave him his blue binky, and before I knew it he was out like a light. They passed him around, when his mom held him she looked so happy. They stayed till 7:45. Then I gave Kj a kiss and so did Kiyare as he went off for his circumcision. I was so scared. I said "babe what if they accidentally chop it off!"

He started laughing and pulled me towards him he said "baby nothing bad will happen."

While he was in surgery Carmen walked in, she smiled all happy but pissed me off just by being somewhere she shouldn't be. Also because she keep looking at Kiyare like I won't kill her. Carmen said "Hey Kiyare, Hey Chantel."

I said "why are you here?"

She said "because your my bestfriend and you just had a baby." Kiyare started bagging the fuck up.

I said "I was your bestfriend, until you started being a little hoe."

She said "what are you talking about?"

I said "you had sex with Kiyare while you was still fucking his brother weird ass bitch." Then at that exact moment Keyshone walked in. I laid back and was waiting to see what happened hopefully something funny.

Keyshone said "ew why is she here?"

I said "we're currently trying to figure that out."

Keyshone said "Carmen why you here?"

She said "I miss you. I love you!"

Kiyare, Keyshone, and I just started laughing at her. I said "bye girl you weird as shit."

She said "your joking right? We been friends since diapers. And now you acting different cause I fucked ya baby dad?"

I started laughing at her, I said "bitch do you hear yourself?"

She said "ya dumb ass baby wasn't even planned."

I said "first of all never disrespect my son again, second of all you right but that don't mean shit so get the fuck outta here." Then she finally left.

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